Contracting Company
Conducted on
Is there a contract or purchase order in place?
Is there a detailed scope of works?
Is there a contract holder for the scope of works or purchase order?
Is the contract holder trained in AAMC contractor management (skill code 80010794)?
Is the contract holder appointed by the SSE for the contractor?
Is the contract holder appointed as a supervisor?
Is there a contract representative for the contract or purchase order?
Is there a contract representative trained in AAMC contractor management (skill code 80010794)?
Is the contract representative appointed by the SSE for the contractor?
Is the contract representative appointed as a supervisor?
Is there a CEF completed for the contract or purchase order and approved by HR?
Has the contractor supplied the Contractor Compliance Register?
Has a pre-mobilisation meeting been held between the contract representative and the contractor representative?
Has a risk assessment been completed for the contract or purchase order?
Has the contractor's equipment (fixed and mobile plant, light vehicles, tooling, etc) been inspected?
Are all contractor employee inductions, area familiarisations, authorisations, appointments, SOPs/MOPs completed?
Has a risk ranking been completed to determine the review time frames of ATWs and contractor compliance register?
Has an ATW been completed?
Are inspections being completed as agreed?
Are there interactions being completed to monitor contractor safety performance?
Are there audits of the contractor works for compliance?
Are there reviews of the ATW permits and contractor compliance registers as agreed?
Has a final inspection of the work area been completed?
Have the ATWs and contractor compliance registers been signed off on completion of the works?
Has a close out meeting between the contract representative and the contractor representative been conducted?