Title Page
Place Inspected
Conducted on
Prepared by
A. Work Health and Safety Act 20111 (Cth)
B. Work Health and Safety Regulation (Cth)
C. Defence Work Health and Safety (WHS) Manual, Volume 3, Part 3A, Chapter 1- Hazardous Chemicals Procedures.
D. Defence Work Health and Safety (WHS) Manual, Volume 3, Part 3A, Chapter 1, HC: 00-00 Defence Hazardous Chemicals Management Program. -
Introduction. Hazardous chemicals are used, stored and handled throughout Defence workplaces and represent a significant hazard source to workers. Hazardous chemicals must be managed to eliminate risk of exposure, or controlled so far as reasonably practicable to protect the health and safety of workers.
Purpose. This checklist is used to informally review the management of hazardous chemicals at the unit/workplace level and to provide early identification of potential issues or non-compliance.
Note. This checklist may be used in part to inspect discrete elements of unit hazardous chemicals managed (e.g SDS Hazardous Chemicals Registers) when required.
WIC Hazardous Chemicals v1.02, Sep 2015
Q1. Is there a local (Unit) instruction or SOP which details the requirements for the management of Hazardous Chemicals?
Where can the Instruction or SOP be found?
Ref: Unit Hazardous Chemicals Management System Standing instruction Template.
Q2. Does the unit have an appointed and trained Hazardous Chemicals Safety Advisor, (HCSA)?
Ref: HC: 05-01 Provision of information, Training and Instruction.
Q3. Is the HCSA or equivalent known to workers within the Unit/workplace.
Ref: WHS Act 2011 Part 5
Q4. Is there a local procedure/standing instruction for the introduction of all new hazardous chemicals to the work place(ie. Local procurement and/or introduced by contractors)?
Ref: HC: 02-04 Acquiring local supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q5. Is there a procedure in place for the timely disposal of Hazardous Chemicals?
Ref: HC: 04-01 Disposal of Hazardous Chemicals and Waste.
Q6. Is there a system in place that enables collaboration between units holding hazardous chemicals in a shared facility?
Ref: HC: 00-00 Defence Hazardous Chemicals Management Program.
Q7. Are workers in shared facilities made aware of the the respective hazards and controls associated with the use of hazards chemicals?
Ref: HC: 00-00 Defence Hazardous Chemicals Management Program.
Q8. Is the method of reporting hazardous chemicals incidents clearly communicated and available to all workers with the unit?
Ref: Defence WHS Manual, Volume 2, Part 5, Chapter 1 - Notification & Reporting. Ref: HC: 00-00 Defence Hazardous Chemicals Management Program.
Q9. Do Units/workplaces storing hazardous chemicals in shared facilities collaborate to ensure segregation requirements are met?
Ref: WHS Act 2011 Part 5
Q10. Are Safety advisors within the Unit/workplace aware of the base planning requirements including safety and emergency plans?
Ref: WHS Act 2011 Part 5
Q11. Is supervision provided to the workers to protect them from any risks associated with their work with hazardous chemicals?
Ref: HC:05-01 Provision of Information Training and Instruction.
Q12. Is a training program available on:
Chemical hazardous and their effects.?
Legislative requirements and responsibilities.
The risk assessment process?
How to control hazards in the workplace.
Monitoring and health surveillance?
Ref: HC:05-01 Provision of Information Training and Instruction.
Q13. Is induction, refresher and other training programs reviewed each time there is a change in available hazard information?
Ref: HC:05-01 Provision of Information Training and Instruction.
Q14. Are records of induction and training programs available?
Ref: HC:05-01 Provision of Information Training and Instruction.
Q15. Is there a documented Emergency Plan which is regularly reviewed and updated and available to all Workers?
Ref: HC: 03-24 Emergency Planning and Response for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q16. Are there written procedures for dealing with likely emergencies including incidents involving spills of hazardous chemicals?
Ref: HC: 03-24 Emergency Planning & Response for Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC: 3-15 Notification of Hazardous Chemicals Manifest Quantities, Pipeline and Abandoned Tanks?
Q17. Are workers provided with induction training in emergency procedure at the workplace?
Ref: HC: 03-24 Emergency Planning and Response for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q18. Is there an appropriate reporting system available for recording near misses, incidents, accidents and emergencies?
Ref: HC: 03-24 Emergency Planning and Response for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q19. Is there a written policy available for the assessment of risk at the workplace?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q20. Have all hazardous chemicals in the workplace been identified?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q21. Is the assessment of risk recorded in ChemAlert for each product? (Unless not required IAW procedure HC: 01-08)
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q22. Is a risk assessment conducted prior to local procurement of a hazardous chemical? (Unless not required IAW procedure HC: 01-08).
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q23. Are risk assessments reviewed when new evidence or changes occur or at no more than 5 year intervals?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q24. Is the hazard and control readily accessible to all workers likely to be exposed?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q25. Are risk control measures used to control exposure to hazardous chemicals?
If yes answer Q 26.
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q26. Are the workers trained in control measures?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q27. Are all risks from hazardous chemicals controlled to acceptable levels without the need for PPE?
If the answer is no go to question Q 29.
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q28. Where the requirement for PPE is identified, does the following apply:
PPE is the appropriate type?
Is it readily available?
Workers are trained in correct fitting, use, storage, cleaning and maintenance?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q29. Are there clear lines of communication between the assessment team that conducted the risk assessment and the managers/supervisors who have the authority to implement the recommendations of the assessment process?
Ref: HC: 01-08 Hazardous Chemicals Risk Management.
Q30. Is an SDS is obtained on or before but no later than when the hazardous chemicals is first supplied for use at the workplace?
Ref: HC: 02-07 Safety Data Sheets.
Q31. Are WHS Reg compliant SDS held for all hazardous chemicals used, stored or handled in the workplace?
Q32. Are SDS:
Within 5 years from date of issue/review?
Ref: HC: 02-07 Safety Data Sheets.
Q33. Are SDS readily accessible to all workers, emergency services or anyone else who is likely to be exposed to the hazardous chemical at the workplace?
Ref: HC: 02-07 Safety Data Sheets.
Q34. Do workers know where to locate and when to refer to SDS for hazardous chemicals they use, handle, store?
Ref: HC: 02-07 Safety Data Sheets.
Q35. Is there a procedure in place for dealing with non-compliant SDS?
Ref: HC: 02-07 Safety Data Sheets.
Q36. Is ChemAlert being used as the Defence workplace register for hazardous chemicals?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q37. Have workers been trained in the us of ChemAlert?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q38. Have all hazardous chemicals used, stored or handled in the workplace been recorded in the ChemAlert Stock Holding module?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q39. Is the hazardous chemical register (hard copy) readily accessible to all workers and emergency services?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q40. Are quantities in ChemAlert been recorded as:
Maximum likely quantities to be held?
Volume held in e.g. Litres, grams, kilograms; (a half full 20 litre drum is recorded as 20 litre).
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q41. Does the hazardous chemical register include notations on the status of risk assessment completion:
C - completed;<br><br>IP - in progress;<br><br>NR - not required;<br><br>NCN - no controls necessary; or<br><br>NS - not started?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q42. Are vessels, tanks or pipe work containing hazardous chemicals (e.g. Fuel or gas tanks, chemical storage vessels) been recorded in the ChemAlert Stock Holding register?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q43. Is the hazardous chemical register (ChemAlert) maintained?
Ref: HC: 02-06 Registers for Hazardous Chemicals,
Q44. Is there a process for maintaining the integrity of ChemAlert database?
Q45? Are container labels in English and conform to WHS Reg Schedule 9 Part 3 Correct Labelling and Defence requirements?
Ref: HC: 03-17 Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals.
Are replacement labels being applied where a container label is:<br><br>Missing;<br><br>damaged;<br><br>illegible;<br><br>obscured; or<br><br>has a non-compliant label (e.g. Overseas or Defence NSN stock label).
Ref: HC: 03-17 Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q47. Is there a procedure in place for labelling containers into which a substance is decanted and not used immediately?
Ref: HC: 03-17 Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals.
Is pipe-work/pipelines within the workplace (e.g. Fuel or gas tanks, pipelines, chemical storage vessels) identified by a label, sign or another way on or near the pipe line?
Ref: HC: 03-17 Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q49. Are workplaces with hazardous chemical holdings exceeding placard ping threshold quantities, displaying the appropriate hazardous chemical placarding forDefence chemical storage areas and workplace facilities?
Ref: HC: 03-14 Placarding of Storage Facilities. Ref: HC: 02.4 Acquiring Local Supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q50. Are placards clearly legible by people approaching the placard and separate from any other sign or writing that contradicts, quantifies or distracts attention from the placard?
Ref: HC: 03-14 Placarding of Storage Facilities. Ref: HC: 02.4 Acquiring Local Supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q51. Are safety signs displayed in the workplace?
Ref: HC: 03-14 Placarding of Storage Facilities. Ref: HC: 02.4 Acquiring Local Supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q52. Are safety signs displayed next to the hazard?
Ref: HC: 03-14 Placarding of Storage Facilities. Ref: HC: 02.4 Acquiring Local Supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q53. Are safety signs clearly legible by people approaching the sign and separate from any other sign or writing that contradicts, quantifies or distracts attention from the placard?
Ref: HC: 03-14 Placarding of Storage Facilities. Ref: HC: 02.4 Acquiring Local Supplies of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q54. Are there any:
Schedule 11 hazardous chemicals in amounts that exceed manifest quantity thresholds? (WHS Reg 347).
Abandoned tanks? (WHS Reg 366, 367)
Pipelines that transfer schedule 11 hazardous chemicals across a public place? (WHS Reg 391)
If yes answer Q 55 and 56.
Ref: HC: 03-15 Notification of Hazardous Chemicals Manifest Quantities, Pipeline and Abandoned Tanks.
Q55. Have the appropriate Notifications been submitted to Comcare (WHS Reg 348)?
Ref: HC: 03-15 Notification of Hazardous Chemicals Manifest Quantities, Pipeline and Abandoned Tanks.
Q56. Is a Manifest of schedule 11 Hazardous Chemicals (web-form AE513) available at the workplace and being maintained. (WHS Regs 347)?
Ref: HC: 03-15 Notification of Hazardous Chemicals Manifest Quantities, Pipeline and Abandoned Tanks.
Is a site plan available at the workplace being maintained (WHS Regs, Schedule 12, section 7)?
Q58. Are hazardous chemicals:
In quantities above placard thresholds correctly stored?
Segregated by classification/category?
Separated by distance/barriers are appropriate for class/division and quantity held?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC: 03.11 Minor Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC 03-11A Cabinets and Cages for the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q59. Are cabinets appropriate for the type of hazardous chemicals being stored in them?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC: 03.11 Minor Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC 03-11A Cabinets and Cages for the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q60. Are cabinets labelled appropriately including contents classification, custodian details and recorded in ChemAlert?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC: 03.11 Minor Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC 03-11A Cabinets and Cages for the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q61. Has sufficient information and training been given to workers regarding hazardous chemicals storage?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC: 03.11 Minor Storage of Hazardous Chemicals. Ref: HC 03-11A Cabinets and Cages for the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q62. Are gas storage areas separated from other from other hazardous chemical storage areas?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q63. Are cylinders containing different gasses appropriately seggregated?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q64. Are gas cylinders stored outside the building or in an open well ventilated area?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q65. Are full cylinders stored separately from empty cylinders?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q66. Are stored gas cylinders secured to prevent accidental dislodgement?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q67. Are cylinders stored away from artificial sources of heat, ignition sources and combustible material?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q68. Is access to gas storage areas controlled to prevent unauthorised access?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q69. Are the fire extinguishers located at or near the gas storage area, appropriate for type of hazardous chemicals being stored and are readily accessible?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q70. Where gas cylinders stored inside a building , has it been assessed for the following:
Combustibility of the storage structure?
Separation distance from other hazardous chemicals?
Note: Heavier than air gasses need to be stored with caution to avoid gasses collecting in low lying places, e.g Argon, CO2, LP Gas and Nitrogen.
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q71. Are appropriate warning signs in place, e.g 'No smoking' or 'No naked Flames'?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q72. Are gas connection valves closed/capped if not in use?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q73. Are regulators kept clean and checked for leaks?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q74. Are flashbacks arresters used in fuel gas supply lines?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q75. Are gas hoses correctly colour coded (IAW AS 4289-1995)?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q76. Are pressure relief devices fitted to all processes, which exceed cylinder pressure?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q77. Are specialised mechanical aids available for moving gas cylinders and have been certified for lifting where required?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q78. Is appropriate PPE being provided?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q79. Does the hazardous chemical register contain all gas types that are stored in the vicinity of the store?
Ref: HC: 03-09 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals.
Q80. Are damaged or leaking cylinders stored in a well ventilated area, marked as damaged and arrangements in place for collection?
Q81. Are spill kits held held at the workplace that are:
Appropriate for the type of chemical and compatible with the chemicals being used?
Regularly checked and restocked?
Sufficient to deal with quantities being stored/used?
Ref: HC: 03-25 Managing Hazardous Chemical Spills
Q82. Have workers have been trained in emergency and spill procedures?
Ref: HC: 03-25 Managing Hazardous Chemical Spills. Ref: HC: 03-24 Emergency Planning and Response for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q83. Has a workplace assessment identified that workplace monitoring is required?
If yes answer Q 83, 84, 85
Ref: HC: 02.11 Health Monitoring for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q84. If 'health monitoring' is required, is there a process that ensures personnel are monitored and results are assessed, stored and kept as a confidential record, only being released following permission from the worker?
Ref: HC: 02.11 Health Monitoring for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q85. If 'atmospheric monitoring' is required, is there a process that ensures atmospheric monitoring is conducted and the results are recorded in a register which is accessible to personnel in the workplace?
Ref: HC: 02.11 Health Monitoring for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q86. Are procedures in place to allow implementation of the outcomes and recommendations stemming from monitoring (including resources)?
Ref: HC: 02.11 Health Monitoring for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q87. Prohibited carcinogens are NOT being used, handled or stored in the workplace (WHS Reg 380 and schedule 10, Table 10.1 column 2)?<br><br>If No answer Q 87, 88
Ref: WHS Reg 380 Ref: HC: 01.05 Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogens and Hazardous Chemicals.
Q88. If prohibited carcinogens are being used, handled or stored, it is only for genuine research and analysis purposes an authorisation has been obtained from Comcare?
Ref: WHS Regs 384.
Q89. Are records of exposure produced, maintained and stored if any prohibited carcinogens are used or handled?
Ref: HC: 02-11 Health Monitoring for Hazardous Chemicals.
Q90. Restricted carcinogens are NOT being used, handled or stored in the workplace?
Ref: WHS Reg 381, Schedule 10, Table 10.1 column 2. Ref: WHS 384. Ref: HC: 01.05 Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogens and HC.
Q91. If any restricted carcinogens are being used, handled or stored have they been authorised by Comcare?
Ref: WHS 384. Ref: HC: 01.05 Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogens and HC.
Q92. Are records of exposure produced, maintained and stored if any restricted carcinogens are used or handled?
Ref: WHS 384. Ref: HC: 01.05 Prohibited and Restricted Carcinogens and HC.
Q93. Restricted hazardous chemicals are not being used or handled or stored in the workplace (WHS Reg 382, Schedule 10, table 10.3, column 2)?
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