
  • Audit Title - Department Inspected

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel Assisting with Inspection

  • If you require assistance utilising this Safety Inspection tool please contact Safety Services for assistance

Section 1 Fire & Emergency Preparedness

  • Portable fire extinguishers are provided, in place, clearly marked for type of fire and recently serviced?<br>

  • Self-illuminating exit signs are provided and clearly visible in the workplace? <br>

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside at all hours? <br> <br>

  • Exits clear of obstruction? <br><br>

  • Fire Alarm system functioning correctly? <br>

  • Fire instructions (plan and procedure) available and displayed? <br> <br>

  • Adequate number of fire warden trained person(s) are available?

  • Regular fire drills carried out? <br>

Section 2 Electrical Safety

  • No broken plugs, sockets, and switches? <br> <br>

  • No frayed or damaged leads? <br> <br>

  • Portable power tools in good condition? <br> <br>

  • No temporary leads on floor (trip hazard)

  • Circuit breakers/automatic cut outs installed?

  • Electrical Test and Tagging program up to date?

Section 3 General Lighting

  • All work areas have adequate illumination? <br> <br>

  • Good natural lighting is available? <br><br>

  • Good lighting reflection from walls and ceilings?

  • No direct or reflected glare? <br><br>

  • Lighting fittings are clean and in good working condition?

  • Emergency lighting (if applicable) is operational?

Section 4 Walkways

  • All spilt oil and grease removed? <br>

  • All walkways (entry & cross) kept clear? <br>

  • No electrical leads crossing walkways? <br><br>

  • Walkways adequately lit and clearly demarcated? <br>

  • Unobstructed vision at intersections? <br>

  • Stairs/Risers in good condition (if present)? <br>

  • Even surfaces; no cracks or holes? <br>

  • Loose duckboards or grills cleaned regularly? <br>

Section 5 Rubbish

  • Bins located at suitable points around the workplace <br>

  • All bins emptied regularly? <br>

  • Oily rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers? <br>

Section 6 Storage

  • Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible? <br>

  • Storage designed to minimise lifting problems e.g. between knee & shoulder? <br><br>

  • Floor area around racking clear of rubbish? <br><br>

  • General condition of racks and pallets? <br>

Section 7 Plant & Equipment / Machine Guarding

  • Area around machines kept clean? <br>

  • Every dangerous part of fixed, mobile or hand held powered plant (machinery) is securely fenced or guarded in accordance with Regulations 4.37 and 4.29, except where the plant is so positioned or constructed that it is as safe as it would be if fenced or guarded?

  • Manufacturers decals, manuals and operator instructions are readily available and in the English language?

  • Adequate safe work procedures are provided and documented to set, test and use machinery during all cycles of production and maintenance?

  • Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator? <br>

  • Adequate workspace around machine? <br>

  • Noise levels controlled and/or PPE used (ear protection)? <br>

  • Lighting satisfactory? <br>

  • No bending/stooping required? <br><br>

Section 8 Mobile Plant

  • Mobile plant is maintained in accordance with operations manual to minimise risks. Including log books/records, pre-start checks?

  • The mobile plant is in a safe condition, eg plant registration, access to cab, seat and seat-belt, FOPS/ROPS as required, load-chart as required, operator’s manual, controls labelled, guarding of dangerous parts, service and maintenance completed?

  • Load shifting plant such as tractors or front end loaders - Maintenance manuals for machine and attachments (where attachments are after-market) are available?<br>

  • Load shifting plant such as tractors or front end loaders - SWL displayed for machine and attachments?

Section 9 Workbenches

  • Bench surfaces are clear of rubbish? <br>

  • All tools not in use, stored correctly? <br>

  • All damaged handtools tagged out for repair/disposable? <br><br>

  • All damaged power tools tagged out for repair/disposable? <br>

  • Bench working height correct? <br>

  • No exposed sharp edges to bench or equipment? <br> <br>

Section 10 Chemicals On-Site

  • Hazardous substances register is complete and available on site? (Includes a contents list and MSDS for all hazardous substances (fuel, herbicides, pesticides) <br> <br>

  • Register of hazardous substances is readily available for workers (eg. copy kept in vehicle)?

  • Current MSDS available for each chemical (MSDS < 5 years old)? <br>

  • All storage containers clearly, correctly labelled? <br>

  • Decanted containers are labelled with name, risk and safety phrases?

  • Risk assessments have been completed for all substances and recorded in Hazardous Substance Register?

  • Spill kits are available where chemicals are used eg. chemical store and vehicles?

  • Do any special storage conditions apply?

  • Emergency showers/eye wash where required? <br>

  • Emergency showers/eye wash are in good working condition?

Section 11 First Aid

  • First Aid cabinets and contents clean? <br>

  • Easy access to cabinets? <br> <br>

  • First aid cabinet clearly labelled? <br><br>

  • Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet? <br>

  • Adequate first aid stock available?

  • Adequate number of first aid trained person(s) are available?

Safety Inspection Completion Sign Off

  • The Officer completing this Safety Inspection must ensure that the final report is sent through to OH&S Department for recording of Hazards and required Follow up Actions.

  • Officer Completing Inspection Sign-off

  • Site Representative (if relevant)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.