Area numbers
Month of Assessment
Distributors Name
Conducted on
Assessors name
Personnel present other than the assessor.
1. Vacant DTs
1.1 What was the percentage of the area covered for the previous month.
1.2 If percentage covered is lower than 100% what is the plan for improvement?
1.3 Is the distributor doing everything possible to avoid declaring vacant DTs?
2. Area checks
2.2 Were there any issues with the deliverer confirmation web site reported.
2.4 Is the distributor checking every DT at least once a month?
2.5 How does this result compare to the previous assessment
2.6 How are area checks submitted?
- Via App
- Via Maual checks submitted weekly
2.7 Were there any issues with the checking App. (If Used)
3. Query management
3.1 How many catalogue queries were on CSS?
3.2 How does this compare to the previous assessment.
3.3 How many newspaper queries were on CSS?
3.4 How does this compare to the previous assessment.
3.5 Are queries being submitted on time.
3.6 Is the DAS being completed within the specified time frame?<br>Monday PM
3.7 Was a service failure or dumping reported?
4. Returns Management
4.1 Is the Stock returns form consistently completed on Streetlink?
4.2 Is the monthly vacancy percentage relevant to the amount of stock being returned?
4.3 If no what action is being taken to rectify?
4.4 Are Stock discrepancies being reported promptly. (Unders-Overs)
5. Deliverer Recruiting
5.5 Are there any deliverers approaching earnings of $10,000 that may require an ABN?
6. General
6.1 Is the CW spend zero?
6.2 Is the CW spend for the area down from last week or zero?
6.3 Is the distributor colour coding all stock?
6.4 Is the distributor profile up to date?
7. Updates
7.1 Have DTs that require amalgamation or amending been processed for change?
7.2 Have new estates or developing areas been flagged for the next update?
7.3 Are DT counts accurate or has a change request been submitted?
8. Safety
8.1 Are you confident the stock storage area is safe? eg Trip hazards, overhanging trees, etc
8.2 Has EVERY user of ANY of the following lifting devices, completed the SOP?<br>(forklift, walkie stacker and pallet jack)<br><br>
8.3 Are all signed SOPs accessible and quickly available on request? <br><br><br>
8.4 Photo of safety concern if required.
9. Follow up
9.1 Have all issues from previous assessments been resolved?
9.2 Are there any new issues you would like to highlight?
10. Assessment Comparison
10.1 Is the total percentage of this assessment equal to or higher than the previous one?
10.2 If No, what is the rectification plan?
Sign off
Distributor to sign.
Assessor to sign.