Title Page

  • Client / Site Name :

  • Manager on Duty :

  • Prepared by :

  • Conducted on :

  • Details of Audit :

  • Location

'Doing It Right'

Team Picture

  • Take Relevant Team Picture(s) :

  • Team Members on Duty


    1. Answer "Yes", "No", "N/A" on the questions below.
    2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon
    3. To add a Corrective Measure click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date
    4. Complete audit by providing digital signature
    5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link


  • Is External Observations Needed?

External Observations

  • Are external areas clean and litter free?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) External Bins & Car Park is Litter Free

  • 2) Oils Spots on DT Lane

  • 3) Signage, lights , Windows, Soffits & Fascia's<br><br>

  • Are external areas well maintained?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Lights & signage in good condition

  • 2) External bins and furniture in good condition

  • 3) Building and doors in good condition

  • Is all external Point of Sale set up as per the BK merchandising guide?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is external point of sale set up as per the merchandising guide

  • 2) Does the site have a merchandising guide and have they used it to set up POP

  • 3) Do they understand about how to set up POS as per priority guide in the merchandising guide<br>

  • 4) Is all pricing set up on DT menu boards as per the pricing tiers - Ask the MGR do they know what tier they are on

  • Is all external Point of Sale in good condition?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Do they walk the customer journey and what would they look for as part of this check

  • 2) Do they take their staff on the customer journey

  • Is Internal Customer Observations (Dining Area & Toilets) Needed?

Internal Customer Observations (Dining Area & Toilets)

  • Are customers areas clean and inviting?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Tables, Bases, Seating, Bins, Window Ledges

  • 2) Windows, Lights, Vents, Ceiling

  • 3) Counter, tills, drinks machines

  • Are dining areas well maintained?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Tables, Bases, Seating, Bins

  • 2) Window Ledges, Windows, Lights, Vents, Ceiling

  • 3) Counter, tills, drinks machines, Menu boards

  • Is the Music System working?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is volume appropriate for level of customers (Can it be heard at peak trading times)<br>

  • 2) Was MGR aware that the volume of the music can help turn tables faster at peak periods

  • Are the customer toilets Clean & Stocked?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Sinks, Toilets, Urinals

  • 2) Wall tiles, Mirrors, lights

  • 3) Odour Smells, Soap dispensers and toilet roll holders stocked<br>

  • Are the customer toilets well maintained?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Sinks, Toilets, Urinals & door locks all in working order

  • 2) Wall & Floor tiles, Mirrors & Lights in good condition

  • 3) Ceiling, Soap Dispensors, toilet roll holders in good condition

  • Is all internal Point of Sale set up as per the BK merchandising guide?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is all internal POP set up as per merchandising guide

  • 2) Is Guest Trac advertised internally in side the restaurant

  • Is all internal Point of Sale in good condition?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Ask the MGR what are the looking for when they check their internal POP

  • 2) Are team members aware of what to look for when checking POP

Speed of Service/Rush Ready Behaviours

  • Is the manager in charge visible on shift and are peak time behaviours in place?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • Is the site using the Peak Time Set Up sheet & has it been completed today?

  • 1) Ask the MGR about their peak times and when should they be visible on shift

  • 2) Is shift running MGR positioned FOH

  • 3) Staff positioned on critical service points

  • 4) Sufficent number of tills in use<br>

  • 5) Team Huddle has been used to brief the team on goals/targets for the day

  • 6) Sales Mix and Levels are forecasted for the Peak Time

  • 7) No breaks to be taken by management or team

  • 8) No rostered team member or management team to leave the unit

  • 9) No Deliveries to be received

  • 10) Check you have enough change in your float

  • 11) No internal or external calls to be made and no emails to be answered or sent

  • 12) Tills are not to be cashed out or balanced<br>

  • 13) Safe is not to counted or balanced<br>

  • 14) No shift change-overs

  • Are SOS & Transaction goals communicated in the restaurant and has this been cascaded down to crew members?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Ask 3 staff their SOS & Transaction goals for their peak period or current day part

  • 2) Ask the MGR how often they update their results and communicate this to the team

  • Does the restaurant have a level in the chute and is this communicated to the team?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Can the MGR explain why heat chute levels are important and when they use a chute level

  • 2) Can the MGR explain how to work out chute levels manually (Highest sales half hour * 2/Base Level)

  • Are FPTP products displayed and are cashiers aware of their target/tiles?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Ask cashiers about targets/tiles for the day

  • 2) Are cashiers upselling products that on todays FPTP tiles

  • Is the restaurant rush ready for peak period?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is the restaurant fully stocked

  • 2) What does the MGR do to to ensure their site is rush ready for peak periods

  • Does the team use a minimum of 3 headsets?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1)How are they used within the site - are sufficient stations covered to support SOS<br>

  • Is the MGR in charge completing travel paths and table touches?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Does the MGR understand the importance of it and is it part of their leadership behavior

  • 2) Is MGR aware of how frequently travel paths should be completed and how do they prioritise opportunities

  • Product Challenge - Can you beat the boss?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Ask staff member to talk you through the build of product you are making - do they teach all the correct steps

  • 2) Did the employee's time beat the boss?

  • 3) Was it within weight specification

  • 4) Was it made to the correct standard?

  • Is command station in place and fully up to date?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Are sales up to date

  • 2) Are cleaning jobs assigned and have they been checked off by MGR and completed to standard

  • 3) Have SOS times been taken for the relevant day part and actual results been posted and communicated at the end of each day part

  • 4) Has positioning guide been filled and are all people working on shift on the positioning guide. Have secondary positions been assigned

  • Is Dine in SOS average under 02:45 after taking 7 manual SOS times?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Take 7 manual SOS times and calculate average - Full points awarded if under 02:45, No points awarded if over 02:45

  • IS DT SOS average under 02:45 for the previous month?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Review DTD report for previous month - Full points awarded if under 02:45, No points awarded if over 02:45

  • 2) Does the MGR know how to load the report up on DTD website

  • Does the team have the 'To bay or not to bay' rules posted

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) What do the team understand about these rules and are they followed throughout the visit

  • 2) Does site have DTD champions poster posted

Shift Leadership Behaviours

  • Does the MGR provide coaching to the team?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is coaching provided to Crew Members

  • 2) Are Crew Members coached in and out of shift

  • Is corrective action taken by the MGR throughout the vist?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is corrective action taken by the MGR on duty on opportunities that arise throughout the visit

  • Does the MGR display a sense of urgency

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is MGR focussed on delivering a possitive customer experience


  • Is overall training for team up to date

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Review BK Link - training should be above 95% for all team members that have been with the business for more than 6 weeks

  • Are performance scorecards fully up to date

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Review BK Link - scorecard completion should be above 95% for all team members that have been with the business for more than 6 weeks

  • Does the MGR in charge have upto date MGMT certificates (Check all MGMT certificates for full team)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) MGR should have completed servsafe certificate & Foundations certificate/BK Link equivalent and all should be in date

12 Critical Observations

  • Time Control - Can manager in charge carry out all time control checks and no issues are identified?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Did MIC know they can only lose a critical for PHF being out of date (oppurtunity falls under food quality if product is not a PHF item)

  • 2) Check when out of date products should be discarded and recorded as waste

  • Temp Control - Can manager in charge demonstrate temperature checks on all PHF items and all temperatures within specification?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Check knowledge of manager to see if they know what each temperature should be

  • 2) Check to see if they check every product in the PHU and not just one product

  • 3) Do they check all PHF items in each fridge

  • 4) Does the manager in charge know that one product in the PHU can be out of temp, only if a 2nd one is out of temperature then a critical will be issued

  • Sanitizer - Can manager in charge demonstrate all sanitizer solutions and procedures are to standard?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Sanitizer solution to be within 100-200ppm, buckets to be 12" away from food and Allergen bucket clearly labelled

  • 2) Sanitizer buckets to be clearly labelled, cloths fully submerged and nail brush in good condition

  • 3) Sanitizer at the main sink needs to be filled - did MIC know they have 10 minutes from the start of a REV to fill the sink if it is empty before a critical will be issued

  • 4) Sanitizer Test Strips need to be in date and date to be visible on the bottle

  • 5) Can manager in charge explain how to make sanitizer solution (1 sachet)

  • Handwashing - Can manager in charge demonstrate all elements are in place and all team are following handwash procedures?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) All elements in place - Anti Bac Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Blue Gloves, Green Towel, Nail Brush

  • 2) Manager in charge can explain when handwashing needs to be completed

  • 3) Staff follow correct procedure when washing hands

  • Cross Contamination - Can manager in charge demonstrate all systems are in place to prevent cross contamination?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) All Allergen elements are in place (Guest Stickers available on FC & DT menu boards, Guest information sticker present on FC for staff, Allergen storage areas are labelled, Allergen products only in Allergen areas, Staff signed off on Allergen training sheet, Map to nearest hospital including hospital telephone number displayed on allergen board.

  • 2) Does the site have the latest allergen information poster displayed on the FC and is it visible for customers to review

  • 3) Ask a FC and kitchen staff member about a product and ask if it contains an allergen. If they give you the answer then a critical should be applied as the correct procedure is they should refer you to the allergen information poster

  • 4) Tong changeover complete every four hours - manager can explain cleaning process

  • 5) Fry dispensor and ice machine clean and sanitary - Check how often ice machine is cleaned and cleaning record is in place

  • 6) No cracks or burn marks in untensils

  • 7) Staff meal container covered, Coke nozzles clean and in good condition

  • Hot Water - Manager in charge can demonstrate how to check hot water and show it is within standard?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Main sink between 49-55oc

  • 2) Handwash sink between 38-55oc

  • 3) What would manager do if temperature was not reaching, explore how they would troubleshoot?

  • Cookout - Can manager in charge demonstrate how to perform beef cookout? Are all logs completed and recorded within timeframe for last 30 days?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Manager to demonstrate cookout - Can they explain process of what to do if cookout fails (under/over temperature)

  • 2) Are they aware they need to wear a hat when performing cookout

  • 3) Can manager demonstrate how to check previous 30 days cookout logs on BK link - check no auto closed cookouts

  • 4) Are all cookouts recorded within 120 minutes of log opening on BK Link

  • Shake Machine - Can manager In charge demonstrate all systems are in place for the shake and ice cream machines?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Full set of ice cream & shake machine brushes in container with holes to allow drainage

  • 2) Brushes are in good condition not dirty or rusted

  • 3) Agitators are clean and in good condition - ask MGR to demonstrate how to check them

  • 4) If MGR does not wash hand and then use blue gloves this would be a critical under handwashing

  • 5) Temperatures in both machines need to be between 1-4oc and this would be a critical under temperature control

  • Pest Control - Can manager in charge demonstrate how to check pest control log?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is the pest control visit within last month (if over 60 days would be deemed Critical)

  • 2) Are all actions completed as per the last pest control report - if not complete a critical should be issued

  • 3) If actions are highlighted on the report, have they been signed off

  • Approved Products - Can manager in charge demonstrate restaurant is only using approved items?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is restaurant using approved items

  • 2) Check cleaning items/materials

  • Other Criticals - Can manager in charge demonstrate that there are no other criticals on site?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Is restaurant using approved items

  • 2) No drains are backed up

  • 3) Does manager know what document to check if they are unsure of an approved item - approved brands list (ABL)

  • 4) Does manager in charge have servsafe certification and is it in date

  • Health Violations - Can manager in charge demonstrate that there are no health violations on site?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Review most recent EHO Report

  • 2) Have all recommendations been completed and signed off, if not complete a critical should be issued

  • 3) Does manager know how long you get to complete recommendations from the date of EHO visit (10 days)

Food Quality Observations

  • Does shortening meet standard?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Can manager demonstrate how to check shortening

  • 2) What would they do if it is the same colour (it is a fail and should be changed)

  • 3) Do they use a basket when checking for safety reasons to stop them from buring themselves or dropping the pippette into the fryer

  • French Fries are cooked and held properly?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Are fries shaken at the correct times

  • 2) Are fries used within discard time, no expired fries

  • 3) Are salting procedures correct

  • Multi products are cooked and held properly?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) products shaken at correct times

  • 2) Is transfer pan used

  • Production management system is present and PHU monitoring system is properly executed?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) PHU buttons are used correctly

  • 2) Correct products held in correct slot

  • Guest orders are accurately prepared and delivered?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Correct Sandwich builds

  • 2) Sandwiches marked correctly

  • 3) Drinks and desserts are prepared correctly

  • Is the order checked before it is delivered to customer

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Are orders correctly delivered to guests

  • Restaurant does not have any expired items?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Check all none PHF's

  • 2) If PHF was lost as a critical it would be lost under food quality section as well

  • Sandwich buns meet quality standards and are properly toasted?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Buns are properly toasted

  • 2) Buns are used within 30 seconds

  • All produce and products meet quality standards

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Produce meets quality standards

  • 2) Have tomato's been cored, has onion been separated, is lettuce of a good quality <br>

  • Products/condiments are stored properly

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) All equipment stored off the floor and away from the wall

  • 2) All products are covered

  • 3) FIFO is in place

Care/Profitable Shift Management Observations

  • Is guest trac program active within the restaurant?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Are all elements posted on guest trac board - 3 Month Report, GT action plan & comments

  • 2) Are team members aware of the guest track programme

  • Team members and managers uniform meets standard?<br><br><br><br>

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Name badges in place

  • 2) MGR wears hat when completing cookout

  • 3) Crew have T-shirts tucked in

  • 4) Are staff wearing correct footwear

  • 5) Are staff wearing correct BK approved uniform

Kitchen Observations (Kitchen & Staff Areas)

  • Are kitchen areas clean?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Floors, Wall tiles, Ceiling

  • 2) Corners and edges

  • 3) Lights and Doors

  • Are kitchen areas well maintained?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Lights all working

  • 2) Tiles in good condition

  • Is kitchen equipment clean?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Broiler and Fryers

  • 2) MPHU,Toasters & coffee machine

  • 3) Egg Cooker, Fry dump, Heat Chute

  • Is kitchen equipment well maintained?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Broiler, Fryers, MPHU & Toasters

  • 2) Coffee Machine, Shake & Ice Cream Machine

  • 3) Egg Cooker, Fry dump, Heat Chute

  • Are staff areas clean?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Toilets Clean

  • 2) Locker room clean

  • 3) Staff eating area clean

  • Are staff areas well maintained

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Toilets in working order

  • 2) Lockers in good repair

  • 3) Lighting working and adequate

REV - Additional Questions

  • There is a Commercial Catering Inspection Record on site (hard copy or on screen) for cooking appliances and an Installation inspection certificate for the gas supply to the premises

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1)The records are dated within 12 months of today

  • 2) There are no serious warnings or defects issued/outstanding

  • There is an electrical installation condition report (hard copy or on screen) ( An electrical installation certificate is also acceptable providing it is for the whole of the premises)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) No outstanding Code 1 (C1) have not been actioned

  • 2) Evidence that Code 2 (C2) remedials have/are been actioned within 1 month of original inspection

  • 3) The report (or certificate) is in date (normally less than 5 years old)

  • Ask a team member working to show you where they would shut of the gas and electricity in an emergency

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Team member takes you to an emergency shut off button without having to ask someone Note this could be one buttons for gas + electric combined or 2 separate isolation points

  • 2) Ask them how they would activate the ansul system if there was a fire and it had not gone off automatically

  • There is a full fire risk assessment on site which has been reviewed within the last 12 months (electronic or hard copy)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Check at random any three significant findings which are action points for the restaurant and find evidence to show they have been actioned<br>Note the same FRA may be seen several times on different audits, if there are >3 significant findings, ensure you check different items each time

  • There is a LOLER certificate for every lift (hard copy or on line)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) The certificate is in date (12 months for goods, 6 months for passenger and passenger/goods lifts)

  • 2) No lifts being used with have immediate defects on the last loler certificate which haven’t been rectified

  • 3) Keys to door interlocks, lift motor rooms and lift pits are all securely stored and cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons

  • Process for filtering and changing oil is being followed correctly removing risk of any hot oil burns

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) 66 cm insulated filtering gloves comprised of a neoprene or PVC compound are available and in good condition present, plus spare set in case these gloves are damaged.

  • 2) Ask employee who carries out this task, to talk through process including use of correct equipment + oil temperature for filtering Note: correct temperature is 40C or below but accept if they do not know the exact temperature but are able to clearly demonstrate they understand the task is done in the morning when the oil is cold)<br>Note: this task is sometimes carried out by supervisors / managers rather than team members.

  • 3) Flooring surrounding fryers is in good repair and appropriate materials so no slip risk e.g. no chequer plate or other plate metal sheet repairs

  • The correct process is being followed for working at height

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) There are no straight ladders on site (unless these belong to contractors and are chained and locked up, so they cannot be used by team members

  • 2) A frame stepladders or other suitable step stools are suitable and in good repair - ideally Class 1 Industrial, Class EN131 commercial (no class 3 domestic) If you cannot tell the class of stepladders because the label is missing make a note in the comments but pass providing they are robust and in good repair

  • 3) TM can demonstrate pre-use checks -4 feet, restraining strap, no obvious physical damage and no wobbling, clean step treads

  • Team members have been properly trained and are able to direct customers to the Customer Allergen Table and advise them to use the information there to choose products

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Team member directs you to the Customer Allergen table and explains you should use it to choose a product or gets a manager to assist who does the same thing

  • 2) The team member does not make suggestions which products you should choose

  • 3) The Customer Allergen table is displayed near the front counter<br>The Customer Allergen Table is the current version – check the Limited Offer, LTO, posters in store and check these same products are included in the LTO section of the poster

  • Are all individual employee’s data such as right to work documents, CVs, reference details, application forms, contracts, starter forms, salary information, contact details are securely locked away?

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) All personal files kept inside a locked cabinet or drawer<br>The keys to the cabinet are in the key safe or other secure place where they cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons

  • Cross Contamination from Raw Burgers<br>Explain how you control cross contamination of bacteria from raw burger patties onto other foods? (Ask the duty Manager)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Patties are stored in their own meat well freezer behind the broiler

  • 2) Separate tongs and pans are used to remove them, Used tongs and pans are then stored in a lidded container on a low counter

  • 3) Container, tongs and pan are washed up at end of day after all other items

  • How do you control the risk of excessive levels of the cancer-causing agent acrylamide in your products? (Ask the duty MGR)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) DM shows the BK training slide decks, one for managers and one for employees

  • 2) Shows the colour posters displayed and explains products should be golden not burnt

  • Ask then to explain, should the drains to the sinks be blocked and start backing up what steps they would take in accordance with the zero-tolerance procedure (Ask the duty MGR)

  • • Key Coaching Points :

  • 1) Ref: BK Ops Manual Food Safety Top 12 Critical Violations close restaurant + escalate to area manager<br>- Place maintenance call for emergency call out

DIR Overview

  • What went well on today's DIR:

  • Top 3 actions from today's DIR:

  • Recognition :

  • Take Relevant photos of the Recognition

  • Operations Team Signature :

  • Manager on Duty Signature :

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.