
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Select date


  • Red S.T.E.P manual posted for review by staff? <br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Exit corridors, exits and smoke/fire barrier door unobstructed?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Are corridors, exits and smoke/fire barrier doors unobstructed? <br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Exit direction identified by a minimum of two lighted signs in corridors? Responsible for correction: Engineering

  • Are items temporarily staged in the corridor? Especially if they don't have wheels. <br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Any doors found improperly held open by any means?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Exit doors, soiled utility doors and smoke/fire containment doors close and latch properly?<br>Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • Fire extinguishers unobstructed and within current monthly inspection date (one year)?<br>Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • Are items temporarily stage in the corridor moved to one side only? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Are any items stored in the corridor? (Especially if they don't have wheels.) Responsible for correction: Department

  • Alarm pull stations marked and accessible?<br>Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • Hazardous storage area is within guidelines? I.E. Chemicals properly labeled.<br>Responsible for correction: Department, Engineering, and EVS

  • Randomly selected staff members demonstrate proficiency in fire/safety, bomb threat, evacuation and oxygen shut-off procedures?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Sprinkler heads and air vents are free of corrosion and dust?<br>Responsible for correction: Department, Engineering and EVS

  • Storage is no closer than 18 inches from sprinkler head/ceiling?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • No storage allowed on the floor or under the sink?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • All lighting is in working order, including emergency wall-mounted battery operated units?<br>Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • Walking surfaces are free from debris, loose coverings and other trip hazards?<br>Responsible for correction: Department

  • Patient room furnishings or appointments free from defects? (Bed, rails, chairs, grab bars, etc.) Responsible for correction: Department

  • Nurse call devices operate in randomly chosen rooms? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Staff is aware of "RACE" and "PASS" procedures? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Staff is aware of the Telephone Number to report emergency situations or fire emergency? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Staff has knowledge of the EOC Committee and the Chairperson? Responsible for correction: Department


  • Container for disposal of sharps available in area and less than 3/4 full? Responsible for correction: Department and EVS

  • Are bio-hazardous waste containers used correctly? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Are authorized containers/quantities of hazardous materials present and adequately stored? Responsible for correction: Department

  • MSDS match recorded chemical inventory list? Proper labeling of all containers? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Randomly chosen staff members demonstrate knowledge of hazardous materials handling and can locate appropriate MSDS and Right to Know policy? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Staff is proficient in spill recovery procedures? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Is a spill kit present in the area (if applicable)? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Are oxygen/compressed gases properly secured and in the correct transporting device? Responsible for correction: Department


  • Any equipment stickers out of date? Responsible for correction: Department and Biomed

  • Any PM stickers missing? Responsible for correction: Department and Biomed

  • Any defibrillators tested or checked IAW current procedures or practice? Responsible for correction: Department and Biomen

  • Use of portable heaters and warming plates are prohibited? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Staff is aware of repair, replacement, reporting and medical intervention procedures involving any equipment used in their area? Responsible for correction: Department


  • Switches and plug receptacles are in good working order with protective plates in place? Responsible for correction: Engineering

  • Plugs and cords on approved electrical equipment in good repair? Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • Is extension cord use limited to only hospital approved devices? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Are multi-plug strips properly mounted? Responsible for correction: Department, Engineering and IT

  • Electrical closets are free from dust accumulation or improperly stored items? Responsible for correction: Engineering and EVS

  • Staff has knowledge of and the location of "red" emergency outlets in their area? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Mechanical areas free of combustible storage and free of obstruction to access to electrical panels? Responsible for correction: Engineering

  • Lighting and other mechanical items functional and in working order? Responsible for correction: Engineering


  • Are high and horizontal surfaces clean? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Any cleaning supplies or carts left unattended? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Is the EVS closed locked? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Are all cleaning supplies properly labeled? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Any excessive trash or soiled linen anywhere? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Clean around dumpster areas? All lids closed and in good condition? Responsible for correction: EVS<br>

  • Clean Linen carts covered? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Any storage on top of clean linen carts? Responsible for correction: EVS

  • Any signs of insects or rodents? Responsible for correction: Department and EVS

  • Any broken or stained ceiling tiles? Responsible for correction: Department and Engineering

  • All furniture or room fixtures are clean and in good repair? Responsible for correction: Department, Engineering and EVS



  • Are refrigerators clean inside and out? Responsible for correction: Department and EVS

  • Are refrigerator temperature posted? Responsible for correction: Department


  • Are medication carts locked and secured? Responsible for correction: Department and Pharmacy

  • Is the Medication Room door locked? Responsible for correction: Department and Pharmacy


  • Staff and/or patient valuables left out unsecured? Responsible for correction: Department

  • ID Badges are present on each staff member? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Is PPE readily available? Responsible for correction: Department

  • Was appropriate hand hygiene practice observed? Responsible for correction: Department



The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.