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DPS checklist
What quarter is it?
- Q1
- Q2
- Q3
- Q4
Audit number
Site name
Conducted on
Carried out by
DPS present?
1. Is the sites Premises licence Summary (Part B) clearly on display behind the till area?
2. It's the sites yellow section 57 Notice with the correct DPS name clearly on display by the premise licence summary?
3. Is the sites Premise Licence (Part A) kept in the sites premise licence manual readily available for inspection by the police or another responsible authority?
4. Is the current DPS named on the premise licence? And are they on site working on a regular basis?
5. Has the DPS changed their address or name? If yes is this reflected on the premise licence manual?
6. Do all staff know the hours of sale for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment?
7. Are the challenge 25 posters on site? 4 different types.
8. Have all staff involved with the sale of alcohol been issued with "your guide to selling alcohol booklet" and challenge 25 badges for them to wear while working.
9. Are the Yellow Tobacco Posters (which are a legal requirement) on display at site?
10. Are all site refusals being recorded in the refusal log and is the log being signed of by the DPS each week?
11. Is the incident log being used for all reportable incidents that occur on site. Is the log being signed off by the DPS each week?
12. Is the CCTV working in accordance with any conditions in the sites premise licence?
13. Do all staff know of the conditions implied with the sale of alcohol on site?
14. Are all staff aware of who the current DPS is?
15. Are staff being regularly trained in the sale of alcohol?
16. Are new staff members being trained prior to them commencing alcohol and age related sales?
17. Is staff training being properly documented and training records kept in the staff training manual readily available for inspection by police or any other responsible authority?
18. Are all spirits located behind the counter and are alcohol located away from the entrance/exit?
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