Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Food bins must be closed
Food debris should not be present in the surrounding area
No packaging debris in yard
Outside areas must be organized, clean and tidy
No damaged walls/lights
Traffic must be controlled
All lights should be working properly
No food products to be stored outside
No pooling water puddles
There must not be any sign of pest activity
The emergency exits must be kept unobstructed at all the times
Is there any maintenance/engineer job needs to be done?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
The chemical room walls, floors,ceiling and racks must be at acceptable standards at all the time and should not pose any risk of contamination
There must not be any chemical spillage
Only approved chemical can be stored in the chemical room
Chemical bottles must be labelled and kept in their designated area
There must not be any sign of pest activity
All lights should be working properly
All signage must be in place
Is there any maintenance/engineer job needs to done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all the times
Is the area in good hygiene condition, including hard to clean (behind toilets) ?
Walls and floors must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
All lights should be working properly
Is hand soap available for staff ?
Is the hand dryer working ?
Toilets bowls and basins are in good condition
Staff must remove any PPE before entering the toilets
All signage must be in place e.g Hand washing procedure
Is there any maintenance/engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all the times
The area must be kept clean and tidy at all times
Walls and floor must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
All lights should be working properly
No open food items or wrappers
Locker tops must be dust free
PPE, including blue coats, cannot be stored in this area
Shoes must be stored correctly
There must not be any sign of pest activity
All signage must be in place
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all the times
Cleaning equipment must be of the right colour (white), cleaned, in good condition and hanged on the wall
Staff must remove any PPE before entering canteen area
The area (Walls,floors,ceiling,tables etc) must be at acceptable standards at all the time, no leftover products left on the floor
The area must be kept clean and tidy at all times
Hygiene checked in hard to clean area (fridge/inside cabinet)
Walls and floor must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
All lights should be working properly
Electrical sockets, plugs and cords are in good working conditions and have PAT testing
No chilled products to be kept outside
Clean as you go must be in place-no dirty items left in the sink
All microwaves / food warmers / dishwasher to be working fully
All cabinets and drawyers must be working without damage
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place (Cleaning equipment, hand wash etc)
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
No food debris to be around bins
No packaging debris to be around bins
Area should be kept clean and tidy at all times
Bails of compressed waste to be stored neatly
Is the packaging waste compressor is in good condition?
No damaged walls/ lights / leakage
Smoking bins should not be overflowing
No food products to be stored outside
No pooling water puddles
There must not be any sign of pest activity
External bait should be there at all times
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
PPE placed in its designated area ?
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing the hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, bluecoat, no jewellery etc) and health, Safety procedures (Safety shoes)
There should be enough hand soap, hand sanitiser, blue roll available for the staff
Hand washing procedure signage must be in place
Chemicals must be placed in their designated place
There must not be any chemical spillage
Used PPE must be kept in its designated placed
All lights are working properly ?
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight and tethered to the wall
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Product IFCO cases must be stacked properly
Products must be stacked without any cross contamination risks
Products must not be stored on the floor
Chemical cabinet must be closed at all times
Sharps cabinet must be locked at all times
Label verifications are being done properly ?
Cleaning equipment must be of the right colour (Green), in good condition and hanged on the wall
Equipment must be washed in its designated area
All lights should be working properly
Hygiene checked in hard to clean areas (Behind and under racking)
For organic products, organic packing procedure is being followed ?
Products must not be stored on the floor
All food waste bins must be kept closed
Waste bins provided and emptied regularly
Allergen containing products must be labelled and kept separate
Racks must be in good condition, with the safety clips in place
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing the hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, bluecoat, no jewellery etc) and health, Safety procedures (Safety shoes, no climbing the racks)
Walls and floors must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
Electric sockets, plugs and cords are in good condition and have PAT testing
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be accessible, straight and tethered to the wall
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
The emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all times
Racks and curtains to have no stickers on them
IFCO cases needs to be stacked neatly
Any chemicals which are in use must be labelled
Is the label verifications are being done properly ?
The production area (Walls, floors ceilings, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose amy risk of contamination
The areas must be kept tidy and clean
Hygiene checked in hard to clean areas (Behind and under racking)
Walls and floors must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
Products must not be stored on the floor
Sharps cabinet must be kept closed at all times
Chemical cabinets must be kept closed at all times
First aid box must be kept closed at all times
All food waste bins must be kept closed
Waste bins provided and regularly emptied
Product containing allergens must be kept separate in their designated area
Racks must be in good condition, with the safety clips in place
For organic products, organic packing procedure is being followed ?
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing the hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, bluecoat, no jewellery etc) and health, Safety procedures (Safety shoes, no climbing the racks)
All lights are working properly ?
Electric sockets, plugs and cords are in good condition and have PAT testing
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab bait must be straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Product IFCO cases must be stacked properly
The production area (Walls,floor, ceilings, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
The area must always be kept clean and tidy
Hygiene checked in hard to clean areas (Behind machines and racking)
Walls and floor must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
Products must not be stored on the floor
All food waste bins must be kept closed
Waste bins provided and regularly emptied
Products containing allergens must be kept separate
For organic products, organic packing procedure is being followed ?
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing the hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, bluecoat, no jewellery etc) and health, Safety procedures (Safety shoes, no climbing the racks)
Packed products are being labelled with accurate expiry dates ?
Cleaned PPE placed in its designated area ?
Cleaning equipments must be kept in their designated area
There must be not be any leakage through the pipes on walls
Electric sockets, plugs and cords are in good condition and have PAT testing
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be accessible, straight and tethered to the wall
Is there any maintenance / engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
The emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all the times
Strip curtains / doors must be kept closed in order to prevent pest entrance
The area (Walls, floor, ceilings, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
The area must be kept tidy at all times
The product cases must be stacked neatly
Waste bins provided and regularly emptied
All items must have a traceability code
Everything must be within date (No items out of date)
Products must not be stored on the floor
Allergens and organic products must be stored in their designated areas
Items stored above ground must be secured from falling
Pallets stored above second tier must be wrapped
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing the hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, bluecoat, no jewellery etc) and health, safety procedures (Safety shoes, no climbing the racks)
Fridge condenser/fan units area clean
No pooling water puddles
Correct manual methods are used
Racks must be in good conditions, with the safety clips in place
There must not any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must accessible, straight and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place (Organic, allergen)
EFK must be working
Is there any maintenance / engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Cold room doors must be closed at all times
The area (walls, floor, ceilings, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
The area must be kept clean and tidy at all times
Product boxes/cases must be stacked neatly
All items must have a traceability code
Everything must be within date (No items out of date)
Products must not be stored on the floor
Allergens and organic products must be stored in their designated areas
Temperature of the fridges are within specifications
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures, health & safety procedures (Safety boots, climbing the racks etc)
Fridge condenser / Fans units are clean
No pooling water puddles
Racks must be in good condition
Correct manual handling methods are being used
All lights should be working properly
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place (Door locked, glass breakage procedure)
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
The emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all the times
Doors must be kept closed all the time
Allergens and organic products must be stored in their designated areas
Unattended forklift must not be left with the key
The area (Walls, floors, ceiling etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
The area must be kept tidy at all times
The boxes must be stacked neatly
Hygiene checked in hard to clean areas (Behind and under racking)
Walls and floors must be intact, in good conditions, with no holes
Racks must be in good conditions, with the safety clips in place
Unlabelled chemicals must not be left outside if not in use
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures, health & safety (Safety boots, no climbing the racks)
Waste bins provided and emptied regularly
All food waste bins must be kept closed
All items must have a traceability code
Products must be stored safely on racking
Items above ground are secured from falling
Pallets stored above second tier must be wrapped
Glass must be stored on bottom rack or, If not possible, inside containers or boxes
Cleaning equipment must be of the right colour(GREEN), cleaned, in good condition and hanged on the wall
Safety checks (Opening & Closing checks, Forklift checks,Cleaning checks ,Visitor checks) must be completed and signed by the manager/team leader
No leakage through the pipes on the walls
Electrical sockets, plugs and cords are in good working conditions and have PAT testing
Electric pallet truck in good working condition
EFK must be working
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place (PPE ,organic etc )
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all times
The area (Walls,floors,ceiling etc) must be acceptable standards at all the time
The area must be kept tidy at all times
The boxes must be stacked neatly
Packaging should not be placed on the floor
Redundant items must be stored neatly
High care packaging must be sealed to prevent contamination
All the packaging should be stacked away from the wall
Packaging should not be left open out of the box
All lights should be working properly
There must not be any sign of pest activity
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all times
Strip curtains must be closed in order to prevent pest entrance
PPE must be left in its designated area
There should be enough hand soap, hand sanitiser, blue roll available for the staff
Hot water must be available in all sinks
Cleaning chemicals must be labelled
Non food contact cleaning equipments must be of the right colour(Green), cleaned, in good condition and hanged on the wall
Food contact surface equipment (Blue) must be colour coded and hanged
First aid must be kept closed
CCP1 checks must be completed and signed by the team leader
The area must be kept clean and tidy
Allergens must be placed in its designated area
Washed cutting boards must be placed in its designated area
Is there any risk of cross contamination?
There should be no leak from pipes on the walls
The mixing utensils must be left in its designated area
After use of machineries and equipment must be cleaned and placed in its designated area
Waste bins provided and regularly emptied
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures(Washing hands, wearing hairnets, beard nets, light blue PPE, no jewellery) and health & safety procedures
There must not be any woods, polystyrene and cardboxes inside low care area
Only metal dectectable pens are to be used in production areas
Electric socket and switches must be in good condition
There should not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
EFK must be working
All signage must be in place
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Emergency exits and fire routes must be kept unobstructed at all times
Strip curtains must be closed in order to prevent pest entry
Cleaned PPE should not be mixed with used PPE
PPEs must be kept in designated areas
There should be enough hand soap, sanitiser, blue roll available for the staff
Hot water must be available in all sinks
Disinfectant must be labelled
Cleaning equipment must be of right colour (Red), cleaned, in good condition and hanged to the wall
Safety checks (Opening and closing, cleaning checks) and production records must be completed in real time and signed by team leader
The production area (Walls, floor, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable at all time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
The area must be clean and tidy
The machineries and equipment used in high care must be intact and must not pose any risk of contamination
Waste bins provided and regularly emptied
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing hands prior entering the area, wearing hairnets, beard nets, white PPE, white crocs, no jewellery etc)
There must not any woods, polystyrene and cardboxes inside high care areas
There must not be any personal belonging (Phone, speaker, bottle of water etc) inside high care area
Allergens must be stored in their designated area
Only metal detectable pens are to be used in production areas
Glass jars for soup must be kept upside down to prevent contamination
Expiry date printer must be cleaned periodically to ensure prints are clear
All lights should be working properly
EFK must be working
There should not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must be intact, straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place
Is there any maintenance/ engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)
Strips curtains must be closed in order to prevent pest entry
PPEs must be left only in designated area
There should be enough hand soap, hand sanitiser, blue roll available for the staff
Hot water must be available in all sinks
Cleaning chemicals must be labelled and kept in their designated area
Safety checks (Opening & closing, cleaning checks) must be completed and signed by team leader
Production records must be completed in real time with the correct information and signed
The production area (Walls, floor, stations, tables etc) must be acceptable standards at all time with no old, rotten products left on the floor and should not pose any risk of contamination
Ascorbic acid must be labelled with batch code
Bottles and lids must be labelled with batch codes
Product and equipment must be washed in its designated area
Cleaning chemicals must be labelled
There should not be any leakage from pipes
All the colour coded sharps must be kept in their designated area
All machineries and equipment must be working properly and must not pose any risk of contamination
Cleaning equipment must be of right colour (Red), clean, in good condition and hanged to the wall
All lights should be working
Staff must follow the correct hygiene procedures (Washing hands, wearing hairnets, bear nets, white PPE, No Jewellery) and health & Safety procedures
There must not be any woods,polystyrene and cardboxes inside high care area
Only metal detectable pens are to be used in production areas
There must not be any personal belonging (Phone,speaker,bottle of water etc) inside high care area
Electric sockets and switches must be in good condition
EFK must be working
There should not be any sign of pest activity
Ecolab baits must intact, straight, accessible and tethered to the wall
All signage must be in place
Is there any maintenance/engineer job needs to be done ?
Is it been reported ?
Other (Optional)