Title Page

  • Site Address

  • Site Code

  • Conurbation

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Overseen by

  • Name of ECO/ICO

  • Name of Site Representatives

  • Name of Trade Union Representative

  • Name of F/B Representatives

  • Site Image

Evacuation Drill Findings

  • Time evacuation commenced

  • Activated by

  • Reason for Evacuation (Practice or real Bomb or Fire)

  • How many Fire Wardens were available on site to coordinate the evacuation?

  • Was the number of available Fire Wardens sufficient for the number of employees and MOP occupying the premise at the time of the evacuation?

  • Were Fire Wardens identifiable by wearing a High Viz Fire Warden jacket?

  • Number of DWP employees with PEEP’s who were required to evacuate the building

  • Were the ECO/ICO Controllers aware of the action take for individuals subject to a PEEP?

  • Were person subject to a PEEP successfully evacuated from the building?

  • Were fire sounders audible from all areas of the premises?

  • Were any fire exit routes blocked, locked or obstructed?

  • If means of escape was blocked during the drill, were the alternatives used successfully?

  • Did all doors on access control fail safe automatically?

  • Did all DWP staff use the nearest fire exit available to them to evacuate the building?

  • Was the Assembly Point clearly sign posted? (Either on fire safety notices or at a point external to the premise)

  • Did all DWP employees (non-fire wardens) report to the assembly point)?

  • Did all Fire Wardens report to the assembly point?

  • Was the signing in book/visitors books taken to the assembly point?

  • Was the first aid kit taken to the assembly point?

  • Time taken to evacuate (no. of minutes)

  • Did the site security team secure the building from MOP/DWP employees from gaining access to the premises until the evacuation had been declared over?

  • Did the site security team restrict access to the MOP access to the building until DWP employees have first returned to site?

  • Did the site security team check DWP employee ID on re-admittance to the premises?

  • Overall effectiveness of of fire wardens in coordinating evacuation

  • Overall response of DWP employees to evacuation

  • Overall effectiveness of Assembly point coordination

  • Overall response of MOP and visitors to evacuation

  • Overall effectiveness of Drill/Evacuation

  • Any other observations?


  • I confirm that the evacuation drill of the premises named on page 1 has been undertaken.

  • Site Representative

  • Trade Union Representative

  • ECO / ICO

  • Undertaken By (Instant H&S)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.