Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Raw Fibre Prep
Observe the Bale breakout process from start to finish
Have the bales been broken out as per company Health and Safety standards and SOP?
Observe fibre being prepared for each dyelot
Has the bale been weight to the correct and accuratly weight?
Has the bale
Has the Raw Fibre operator recored Licence plates and scourment numbers correctly?
Dye Kitchen
Fibre and Pan Prep
Do the dyelot numbers match on the sample and bale tickets at the loose wool dryer?
Have the dye bucket tickets been checked against the ticket on the load to be dyed?
Is the correct dye cycle running as directed on the recipe card?
Vat Platform
Are all chemicals i.e. paints, solvents, cleaners & prod chems stored correctly and labelled correctly? (Inspect the Dyehouse chem store, Dyestore and Vat Platform).
Are the spill kits securely sealed, easily accessed and in good condition?
Are all drains covered and free from waste/fibre/yarn?