Audit Title
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Conducted on
Prepared by
Deli and retail
Are main doors into restaurant rodent proof
Shop wall floor junctions - is there a gap between skirting boards and floor
Do display units conceal wall voids
Is floor raised behind deli counter
Do bases of deli units lift
Are there any pipe / cable runs under / behind deli units
Are there any lift off panels to front of deli bar
Are there pipe / cable runs behind lift off panels
How is deli chiller unit supplied and fitted - does it have proofing
Is there ceiling or wall voids access to shop deli counter area
Dining - seating area
Bench seating / does it conceal plaster boarded wall voids or support risers
Are there any cable / pipe runs concealed by bench seats
As there any access panels to wall / ceiling voids in dinning area
Are there any pipes and cable services to range sealed
Wash up pipes runs are they sealed
Are there any pipes and cable risers concealed within supports or stainless steal unit risers
Kitchen walls does stainless steel or tile wall coverings meet wall or floor junctions
Is there access to kitchen wall / ceiling voids
Are service runs in wall and ceiling voids sealed
Food - dry goods storage
Wall construction material does it need weld mesh
High low level pipe / cable services
Is there access to wall / ceiling voids
Are staff / customer toilet pipe services sealed where they pass through wall floors or ceilings
Is there access to toilet wall / ceiling voids
Staff rooms
Any gaps at wall / floor junctions
Are pipes and cable services serviced at high low level
Is there access to wall / ceiling voids
Are pipes / cable services sealed within there voids
Rear entrance
Are external rear doors mouse proof
Is bin store entrance internal / external
Are the doors mouse proof are there any pipe services sealed at higher level
Are any pipe / cable services at high low level
Are there any wall or ceiling voids
Are pipe and cable services sealed within voids areas
Plant areas
Pipe cable extractor systems sealed where they pass through wall ceiling and floors high at high low level and in ceiling and wall voids
External areas
Are weep joints evident
Are weep joints proofed
Are there any external wall louvres or vents
Are they mouse proof
Are there any external pipe / cable service sealed where they enter premises
Space for situation specific to particular premises
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