Title Page

Client / Customer Details

  • Client

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Address

  • Customer Telephone Number

  • Inspection Date

  • Customer Email Address

  • Inspectors Name

  • Installers Names

  • Reason for Inspection

  • Comments

Property Details

  • Property Type

  • Property Construction

  • Approximate date of Construction

  • Approximate M/Sq

  • Fuel Type

  • Approximate Year Insulation Installed

  • Direction of the front of the property

  • Combustion ventilation

  • Comments

External Observations

  • Have all areas of the external wall been insulated?

  • Comments

  • What type of material has been installed?

  • Comments

  • Is there a drilling pattern visible - and is it correct for the type of material installed?

  • Comments

  • Have all drill holes been made good?

  • Comments

  • Have cavity brushes been installed?

  • Comments

  • Are all floor vents sleeved and clear of insulation?

  • Comments

  • Are all window and door frames (and sealant) in good condition?

  • Image:

  • Comments

  • Has Trickle Ventilation been fitted at the property?

  • Image:


  • Is there evidence of a DPC?

  • Comments

  • Is the DPC breached?

  • What is the general condition of the external leaf?

  • Comments

  • What is the general condition of the internal leaf?

  • Under each of the following provide written details of any defects with photographic evidence

  • Front elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Rear Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Left Hand Gable Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Right Hand Gable Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Roof and Gutters - Comments

  • Images

Internal Observations

  • Front Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Rear Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Left Hand Gable Elevation - Comments

  • Images

  • Right Hand Gable Elevation - Comments

  • Images

Additional TMO Information

  • Does the measure installed match the notified measure type?

  • Comments

  • Does the heating system installed match the notified heating system type?

  • Comments

  • Does the property type match the notified property type?

  • Comments

  • Does the number of bedrooms match the notified number of bedrooms?

  • Comments

  • Is the notified percentage of property treated, a reasonable reflection of the actual percentage of property treated - when rounded to the nearest multiple of 10%?

  • Comments

  • Has any % been left uninsulated?

  • Comments

  • Is there any evidence of the escape of insulation?

  • Comments

  • Are there any signs of damp or condensation?

  • Comments

  • Images

  • Does the current condition of the property indicate that it was suitable for the material installed?

  • Comments

  • Additional images

Customer Comments

  • Does the customer have any comments?

Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Removal of existing insulation?

  • Identify areas where insulation is not to be removed?

  • Refilling and drilling to complete the drill pattern?

  • Removal / Replacement of Sleeving / Wall Vents

  • Installing Combustion Vent?

  • Please list any other recommendations

Additional Information

  • What is the overall M/Sq of the property?

  • What is the cavity width?

  • Number of bales/M3 used?

  • Is the work guaranteed by The IAA?

  • Comments


  • Signature of Auditor

  • Signature of Customer

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.