Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Machine Guarding
1.1 - Has machine guarding assessment been completed?
1.2 - Have machine guarding solutions been identified?
1.3 - Have machine guarding solutions been implemented?
1.4 - Are machine guarding solutions requiring visual inspections / functional tests identified?
1.5 - Is a program control requiring bypass/set up keys in place?<br><br><br>
1.6 - Are energy control procedures (LOTO) in place if guards or barriers are bypassed or removed?<br><br><br><br>
1.7 - Does the review include all non-routine and non-production operations such as maintenance, equipment set-up?<br><br><br><br><br><br>
Lock Out / Tag Out
2.1 - is there a written energy control program at the site?
2.2 - Have maintenance, servicing, or set up functions requiring energy control been identified?
2.3 - Are prescriptive procedures in place?
2.4 - Do the procedures include a requirement for 1 key / 1 lock?
2.5 - Is there a process to control bypass/set up keys in place?
2.6 - Are employees trained and required annually to demonstrate competency?
2.7 - Are authorized and affected employees trained?
2.8 - Does the program include all non-routine and non-production operations?
Electrical / Arc Flash Safety
3.1 - is an electrical work program implemented at the site?
3.2 - is there an electrical work permit system in place?
3.3 - Do the employees performing work on live or potentially live electrical equipment systems trained in accordance to NFPA 70E or equivalent?
3.4 - Are CPR qualified individuals available?
3.5 - Have employees doing electrical work been provided with appropriate arc rated clothing?
3.6 - Has the site completed an arc flash study on electrical equipment and labeled all required equipment?
3.7 - Have approach boundaries been established?
3.8 - Does the program include all non-routine and non-production operations?
Confined Space Safety
4.1 - Does the site have a written Permit Required Confined Space Program?
4.2 - Have all potential confined spaces have been evaluated and inventoried?
4.3 - Are PRCS labeled?
4.4 - If Eaton employees are to enter PRCS, does the site have properly trained PRCS entry team?
4.5 - Do all PRCS permits get approved and reviewed?
4.6 - Is monitoring equipment available, calibrated, maintained and monitoring for correct hazards?
4.7 - Is there a rescue team available and can enter for rescue within 4 minutes unless non-entry rescue equipment is available?
4.8 - Can field personnel identify PRCS at a customer site?
4.9 - Have the review include all non-routine and non-production operations such as maintenance, equipment installation, contractors?
Fall Protection Safety
5.1 - Is there a fall protection program in-place to assure compliance and is it routinely audited?
5.2 - Have areas and activities where work may be performed at elevation over 4 feet without protection been identified?
5.3 - Are work platforms and/or elevated areas where work is performed protected by guard rails?
5.4 - Are fall arrest systems available for use?
5.5 - Have employees been trained in appropriate use of fall arrest systems?
5.6 - Are anchor points available in 5000lb capacity?
5.7 - Is there a fall rescue program in place?
5.8 - Where ladders are used, is a ladder program in place and proper use understood?
5.9 - Have employees been properly trained and understand fall protection requirements?
5.10 - Are appropriate guards/controls/equipment available for use in elevated work situations?
5.11 - Are elevating options with engineered controls available (scissor list, work platforms)?
5.12 - Where aerial lifts, buckets, or scissor lifts are used have available anchor points and fall arrest systems available for use?
5.13 - Have the review include all non-routine and non-production operations such as maintenance, equipment installation, contractors?
Powered Industrial Trucks - Seat Belt Safety
6.1 - All PIV (fork trucks, tractors, and platform lift trucks) manufactured after 1992 should have restraint systems installed?
6.2 - If PIVs do not have restraints installed have they been removed from service until modifications can be completed?
6.3 - Where restraint systems/seatbelts are in place and available, everyone operating or riding should have restraints?
6.4 - Any person operating or riding in an aerial lift or scissor lift while moving horizontally wears a restraint/fall arrest system?
6.5 - Have the review include all non-routine and non-production operations such as maintenance, equipment installation, contractors?