
  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • PIC

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location of Inspection
  • List of personnel present during observation:


  • Is the required OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Poster displayed in a prominent location visible to all employees <br>

  • Is the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300A) posted during the months of February, March and April<br>

  • Are office machines cords kept off floor to prevent tripping

  • Are desk and file cabinet drawers kept closed when not in use

  • Are emergency exits clearly marked and properly illuminate

  • Are emergency evacuation routes posted

  • Are emergency telephone numbers posted and readily available in case of an emergency

  • Are items such as lockers, file cabinets, bookcases and shelves secured

  • Are heavy objects stored on lower shelves

  • Are emergency lights operational

  • Are designated smoking areas clearly marked

  • Is the facility equipped with fire extinguisher or proper fire defense equipment and is it stored properly

  • Has the fire alarm system been inspected in the past (12) months

  • Are gutters and downspouts in place and secured

  • Are exterior lights operational

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are first-aid kits available and adequately stocked

  • Is a first-aid log maintained for supplies issued

  • Are emergency eye wash stations available

  • Are portable emergency eyewash stations capped and easily accessible

  • Is a emergency shower available

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Is a completed daily safety meeting form present

  • Does the form identify a task overview <br>

  • Are the topics adequate to the task and environment of work

  • Posting Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Is a JSEA present for the task being performed

  • Is the JSEA signed by all personnel involved in the task including the PIC (Person in Charge)

  • Have all risks identified been properly mitigated

  • Has each mitigation been assigned to an individual or group

  • Have proper work permits been signed and acknowledged by all effecting parties

  • Is a rescue plan posted and in place

  • Posting Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Is the S.H.I.N.E process being utilized

  • Are all personnel participating

  • Are the cards being properly completed (observed behavior, corrective action if applicable and/ or recommendations)

  • Is the PIC encouraging the process and reviewing observations daily

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Has each SSE been assigned a mentor identified on the JSEA as well

  • Can each SSE identify their mentor

  • Do total number of SSE's exceed 20% of crew (1 to 5 ratio) shall not exceed unless a variance approved by the client

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are an adequate number of fire extinguishers available

  • Are the extinguishers properly spaced, mounted at at compliant height and identified by signage

  • Are all the fire extinguishers inspected, charged and accessible

  • Are fire exits and extinguishers free of obstructions

  • Are cigarette containers specifically designed for cigarette butts

  • Is combustible and flammable material properly stored away from ignition sources

  • Are combustible and flammable storage areas clearly marked

  • Are emergency lights operational

  • Are emergency exits clearly marked and properly illuminate

  • Are emergency evacuation routes posted

  • Are emergency telephone numbers posted and readily available in case of an emergency

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • All practical options to eliminate the need to perform elevated work from heights have been explored

  • Fall protection risk and hazards have been identified on the task related JSEA

  • A rescue plan has been developed and all equipment needed to execute is readily available and on site

  • All fall arrest equipment/ systems being utilized are in good condition and have been inspected prior to use

  • Fall protection system(s) being utilized allow workers to tied off 100% of the time

  • Anchor point(s) are capable of supporting 5000lbs

  • Anchor point vertical of the user

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments

9.0 OPEN HOLE: Openings 2" or greater located in any walking or working surface

  • Open holes have been properly barricaded and/or covered

  • Barricades have a top rail and middle rail: top rails of each barricade are at least 42" in height and are capable of withstanding a load of at least 200lbs applied in any direction

  • A 4" kick plate, or third rail no more than 4" above the decking is installed if personnel are working below<br>

  • Open holes that cannot be immediately barricaded after exposure are monitored by an attendant (hole-watch) with no other duties and is equipped with fall protection at all times

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Dropped objects risk and hazards have been identified on the task related JSEA

  • Suitable bins are provided for small, loose objects such as off-cuts, welding rod stubs, nuts and bolts, etc.

  • All hand tools are secure and restrained from free falling

  • The area below is adequately barricaded and personnel have visual warnings to increase awareness to anyone wanting to enter

  • The upper level work area is tidy and all loose material, pieces of scrap, unwanted tools and equipment are removed and positioned safely out of the way

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are electrical enclosures such as switches, receptacles, junction boxes, etc., provided with tight-fitting covers or plates<br>

  • Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use or equipment served<br>

  • Are all components free of missing or loose parts

  • Are all electrical cords in use clear of damage and in a serviceable condition

  • Do extension cords have a grounding conductor

  • Are there any extension cords through walls, doors, ceilings, under rugs or mats

  • Electrical panels marked to indicate servicing voltage

  • Are electrical tools marked with a sticker that reads- IGNITION SOURCE

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Do all grinders have the manufactures guards in place: control handle, disc guard and auto shut-off switch

  • Is double eye protection being utilized when grinding

  • Is the work rest and adjustable tongue on pedestal grinders properly set: 1/8" work rest and 1/4" tongue

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are "Metal Fume" respirators available to welders

  • Are cylinders legibly marked to clearly identify the contents or type of gas

  • Are compressed gas cylinders secure and safe for operation

  • Are cylinders, cylinder valves, couplings, regulators, hoses and apparatuses kept free of oily substances

  • Are cylinders properly stored at a minimum of 20' separation from combustible materials or by a non combustible barrier

  • Are "No Smoking" signs posted in the compressed gas cylinder storage area

  • Are compressed gas cylinders kept clear of ignition sources

  • Are fittings inspected for leaks and properly tightened (confirm with soap and water solution in spray bottle)

  • Are portable tinted barriers available in the welding/ cutting area

  • Are Arc Welding machines grounded

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Has a rescue plan been developed, discussed, documented and posted prior to entry

  • Are confined spaces thoroughly emptied of any corrosive or hazardous substances, such as acids or caustics, before entry

  • Are all lines to a confined space that contain inert, toxic, flammable, or corrosive materials valved off and disconnected or isolated and separated before entry<br><br>* A flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10% of its’ lower flammable limit (LFL)<br>* An oxygen deficient atmosphere containing less than 19.5% oxygen by volume or an oxygen enriched atmosphere containing more than 23.5% oxygen by volume<br>* Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL (airborne combustible dust which obscures vision at five feet or less)<br> • An oxygen-deficient atmosphere has less than 19.5% available oxygen. Any atmosphere with less than 19.5% oxygen shall not be entered. This is an atmosphere that is Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) without an approved self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).<br><br>

  • Is either natural or mechanical ventilation provided prior to confined space entry<br>

  • Has the appropriate atmospheric tests been performed to check for oxygen deficiency, toxic substances and explosive concentrations in the confined space before entry

  • Is adequate illumination provided for the work to be performed in the confined space<br>

  • Is the atmosphere inside the confined space frequently tested or continuously monitored during work (should be posted)<br>

  • Is there a trained and equipped standby employee positioned outside the confined space, whose sole responsibility is to watch the work in progress, sound an alarm if necessary and render assistance<br>

  • Is the standby employee appropriately trained, comfortable and equipped to handle an emergency (can they explain their role and method of communication) <br>

  • Is approved respiratory equipment required if the atmosphere inside the confined space cannot be made acceptable <br>

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Is the appropriate approved PPE being used during blasting and clean-up procedures

  • Is the operator(s) standing in a position that is safe and allows full control of the water jetting equipment without body strain

  • Is there a safety observer ready to shut down the system in the event of an emergency or a malfunction

  • Are the pressure jetting guns or lances equipped with a fast acting hold-to-activate device that when deactivated, will stop the flow of high pressure water (direct control of the operator)

  • Is the operator wearing personal protective clothing and equipment on their body, hands, arms, legs and feet, including the metatarsal area

  • Has all the equipment been inspected prior to beginning the process; i.e. guns, gauges, whip checks, hoses, etc.

  • Are fittings and valves properly secure

  • Are the hoses marked with the following information: manufacturers identification, date of manufacture and maximum operating pressure

  • Is the equipment being used including guns, foot control devices, hoses and nozzles suitable for use with greater than or equal to the maximum operating pressure of the high pressure pump

  • Is the jetting/ blasting system depressurized and secured when not in use and left unattended

  • The area is properly barricaded and also visual warnings signs have been posted to increase awareness of the hazards associated with entering the area

  • Is the cleaning procedure being performed in a well ventilated area

  • Are environmental practices being followed

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Has the scaffolding been inspected and tagged approved for use

  • Is the scaffolding equipment equipped with the appropriate guard rails and work platforms

  • Is the staging surfaces level, smooth and free of obstructions (proper footing in place)

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are all ladders maintained in good condition, joints between steps and side rails tight, all hardware and fittings securely attached, and moveable parts operating freely without binding or undue play

  • Are non-slip safety feet provided on each metal or rung ladder, and are ladder rungs and steps free of grease and oil<br>

  • Are the labels readable and legible

  • Are portable metal ladders legibly marked with signs reading "CAUTION - Do Not Use Around Electrical Equipment" or equivalent wording<br>

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments

18.0 HOSES

  • Are hoses in good, safe working condition

  • Are secondary protectors in place, i.e. safety pins and whip checks

  • Are the gaskets for each connection inspected and replaced if worn, distorted or too soft

  • Are hoses laid out so that they will not obstruct employees

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are drain covers and grates in good repair and properly installed

  • Are aisles and walkways properly marked and free of trip hazards such as cords or hoses<br>

  • Are walking surfaces free of oil or grease

  • Are standard guardrails provided wherever aisle or walkway surfaces are elevated more than 30 inches above any adjacent floor or the ground

  • Are stairway handrails capable of withstanding a load of 200 pounds, applied within 2 inches of the top edge in any downward or outward direction

  • Is there adequate lighting in all areas including exterior

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Type of Respiratory Protection Type of Eye Protection Type of Hand Protection Type Body Protection CFR 1910.134 ANSI Z87.1, CFR 1910.133. Proper to Task, CFR 1910.138 Proper to Element Exposure Type of Foot Protection Type of Head Protection Type of Fall Protection Type of Hearing Protection ASTM F2412-05, CFR 1910.136 ANSI Z89.1, CFR 1910.135 CFR 1910.269. CFR 1910.95

  • Are all machine guards in place and properly set

  • Is proper PPE being utilized according to the JSEA

  • Is PPE being used appropriate for the task

  • Are the respirators National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved for this particular application<br>

  • Are proper body mechanics being used

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments

21.0 NOISE

  • Are there areas in the workplace where continuous noise levels exceed 85 decibels<br>

  • Are employees utilizing hearing protection

  • Comments


  • Are SDS(s) present for all chemicals onsite

  • Are personnel aware of the location of the SDS(s)

  • Are personnel familiar with safety precautions regarding chemical usage

  • Is only the minimum amount of chemical in the area and/or properly contained

  • If chemicals are in use; were safe usage procedures included on the JSEA up to and including emergency procedures

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Are all slings and rigging equipment inspected by a competent source every annually

  • Is all the rigging equipment equipped with legible identification tags

  • Are all the identification tags labeled with a working load limit

  • Is all rigging material inspected prior to use and the correct material for the task

  • Are all rigging hooks equipped with a working safety latch

  • Are proper rigging practices being followed

  • Are only qualified riggers performing rigging duties

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Has a pre-use inspection been performed and is it documented; i.e. leaks (oil, air and water), appearance, signs and logos, safety equipment, lights, tires, etc.

  • Are employees properly trained in the use of the type of industrial truck they operate

  • Can the operator provide you with a documented pre-use inspection checklist

  • Is the operator utilizing a safety belt/ seatbelt when operating

  • Are industrial trucks that operate where flammable gases, vapors, combustible dust or ignitable fibers may be present approved for such locations<br><br>

  • Does each industrial truck have a warning horn, whistle or other device that can be clearly heard above normal noise in the areas where it is operated<br>

  • Are operators using ground guide personnel when maneuvering with in 10FT of any obstacle

  • Are loads handled only within the rated capacity of the truck<br>

  • Does the parking brake of the industrial truck prevent the vehicle from moving when unattended<br>

  • Equipment Photograph(s)

  • Comments


  • Pictures of the area are a requirement of this section

  • Area Photograph(s)

  • Does the environment offers a designated area for food and drink consumption out of the work area

  • Are food or beverages consumed only in areas where there is no exposure to toxic material, blood, or other potentially infectious materials

  • Are waste receptacles emptied regularly

  • Are all water coolers sealed and labeled with a date of liquid fill

  • Comments



  • O to 5 you have observed behavior and/or questioned personnel and decided the work area is Production Driven. 6-10 is you have observed behavior and/or questioned personnel and decided the work area is Safety Driven

  • Are pre-use inspections being performed on all company owned pieces of equipment

  • Are pre-use inspections documented; i.e. leaks (oil, air and water), appearance, signs and logos, safety equipment, lights, tires, etc.

  • Photograph(s)

  • Comments




  • (PIC) Person In Charge Name

  • Name of Audit Facilitator

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.