Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Inspector

  • Location
  • ECS-

Start Inspection at the Driver's side door

  • Left front tire condition?

Compartment 1 (Left Side Pass Through)

  • Extension cord present?

  • Pigtail adapter present?

  • Electrical reel present and wound?

  • Is the compartment in good condition?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 2 (Generator)

  • Door latch and struts in good condition and operational?

  • Generator fluid levels are checked weekly.

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 3 (Booster Reel)

  • Is rollup door in good condition and operational?

  • Pull air system water drain cable.

  • Booster hose condition?

  • Is the compartment in good condition?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 4 (Pump Panel)

  • Is rollup door in good condition and operational?

  • Are Spanner and Hydrant Wrenches Present?

  • Are the chocks present?

  • 4.5" to 2.5" reducer present and in good condition?

  • Is the overall compartment condition good?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 5 (Intake Panel)

  • Is the rollup door in good condition and operational?

  • Are two spanner wrenches and a hydrant wrench present?

  • 2.5" Double Male adapter present?

  • 2.5" Double Female adapter present?

  • Rubber mallet present and in good condition?

  • Pull air system water drain cable.

  • Is the overall compartment condition good?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Left Rear Tires

  • Front Left Rear Tire Condition?

  • Back Left Rear Tire Condition?

Truck Rear

  • Engine Compartment condition?

  • Both shorelines plugged in?

  • Portable Fire Extinguisher operational and charged?

Right Rear Tires

  • Back Right Rear Tire Condition?

  • Front Right Rear Tire Condition?

Compartment 6 (Extrication Equipment)

  • Is rollup door in good condition and operational?

  • Pull air system water drain cable.

  • Are bolt cutters present?

  • Is the Sledge Hammer Present?

  • Is the crash axe present?

  • Is the piercing nozzle kit present?

  • Is the Flat Head Axe present?

  • Is the Halligan Bar present?

  • Sawzall Present

  • Sawzall battery charged?

  • Sawzall General Purpose blade installed?

  • Sawzall spare blade kit present?

  • K970-14 present?

  • K970-14 fuel level good?

  • K970-14 blade installed? (non-training blade)

  • K970-14 spare blades (1 - Special Use Only and 1 - Training Use Only blade)

  • Hydraulic cutter present?

  • Hydraulic cutter clean and operational?

  • Hydraulic cutter battery charged?

  • Hydraulic spreader present?

  • Hydraulic spreader clean and operational?

  • Hydraulic spreader battery charged?

  • All items secured?

  • Is the compartment in good condition ?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 7 (Hose)

  • Is the rollup door in good condition and operational?

  • Pull air system water drain cable.

  • Garden hose present and in good condition?

  • Garden hose nozzle present and in good condition?

  • 150' of 1-3/4" Hose

  • 1.5" Double male adapter present

  • 1.5" Double female adapter present

  • 1.5" Hazmat adapter present?

  • 2.5" Gated Wye present and in good condition?

  • Two Spanner Wrenches Present?

  • Is the compartment in good condition?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 8 Double Doors (Equipment)

  • 50' of 3" supply line present and in good condition?

  • 2 Sections of 1 3/4" hose present and in good condition?

  • Is the supply tote present?

  • Is the SCBA present and operational?

  • Is the SCBA pressure 4050?

  • Pull air system water drain cable.

  • All items secured?

  • Is compartment in good condition?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 9 (Dry Chemical)

  • Dry Chemical Agent Level Checked Weekly.

  • Door latch and struts in good condition and operational?

  • Is nitrogen pressure adequate? (1750 psi or higher)

  • Is the compartment in good condition?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Compartment 10 (Right Side Pass Through)

  • Is the Ladder present?

  • Is PPV fan present?

  • Is the Pike Head Axe present?

  • Is the Spade Shovel present?

  • Is the Pike Pole present?

  • Is the compartment in good condition?

  • All items secured?

  • Are there any signs of leaks?

Right Front Tire

  • Right Front Tire Condition

Truck Front

  • Pull air system water drain cable near cab steps.

  • Right front SCBA bottle present?

  • Right SCBA bottle condition?

  • Is right SCBA Bottle at least 4050 psi?

  • Wiper Blades condition?

  • Dry chem handline condition?

  • Left front SCBA bottle present?

  • Left SCBA bottle condition?

  • Is the left SCBA Bottle at least 4050 psi?

Interior Truck Cab

  • Portable flashlight present and charged? (firefighter side)

  • Engine hours

  • Engine Miles

  • Is battery charged?

  • Fuel Level (minimum: 1/2, preferred >3/4)

  • Foam Level (minimum: 1/2, preferred full)

  • Water Level (minimum 3/4, preferred full)

  • Interior Lights working?

  • Firefighter seatbelt working correctly?

  • Firefighter's SCBA present?

  • Firefighter's SCBA bottle atleast 4500 psi?

  • Firefighter's face piece present?

  • Is green EMS vest folded and under the first seat?

  • Operator's seatbelt working correctly?

  • Operator's seat SCBA present?

  • Operator's SCBA bottle at least 4050 psi?

  • Operator's Face piece present

  • Is green EMS vest folder under seat?

  • Is officer's seat belt working correctly?

  • Officer's seat SCBA present?

  • Officer SCBA bottle at least 4050 psi?

  • Officer's Face piece present

  • Is green EMS vest folded and under seat?

  • QRG Binder present?

  • Is ERG present?

  • Oxygen Bag Present?

  • Trauma Kit Present?

  • First Aid Kit present?

  • Immobilization Kits present (x2)?

  • Multi-band Radio Operational? (requires "Master" switch to be on)

  • Airband mobile radio operational?

  • Airband portable radio present and operational?

  • Passports available? (Add name tags for today's crew, if applicable)

  • Portable flashlight present and charged? (Officer side)

  • All items secured?

  • Turn on exterior lights for operational checks.

Exterior Lights

  • All exterior lights operational?

  • List all inoperative lights

Additional Notes

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.