Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Air Pollution
Are construction work areas watered to minimize dust generation?
Are stockpiles of dusty materials covered or protected from wind / rain?
Are all vehicles carrying dusty loads covered/watered prior to leaving the site?
Are dusty roads paved with hardstand and/or sprayed with water?
Is all plant and equipment well maintained and in good working order?
Is dark smoke controlled from plant?
Are enclosures provided around dust-generating activities? (e.g. grout mixing)
Is hoarding provided along boundaries and properly maintained?
Are speed control measures applied? (e.g. speed limit sign)
Is smoking on site and only allowed in designated areas?
Noise & Nuisance
Are particular noisy areas being restricted through barriers, stockpiles, site fencing, earth piles etc
Is hearing protection provided and used, with appropriate signage where necessary?
Is idle plant / equipment turned-off when not in use?
Are noise mitigation measures adopted where necessary (e.g. use noise barrier / enclosure)?
Water Pollution Control
Is a water discharge licence required, and if so, obtained?
Are conditions of the licence complied with?
Any uncontrolled water discharges from work site?
Are measures provided to properly direct effluent to silt removal facilities? (e.g. provide earth bunds / U-channels)
Are sandbags/earth bund adopted to prevent washing away of sand/silt and wastewater to drains, public road and footpath?
Are vehicles and plants cleaned before leaving the site?
Are wheel-washing facilities well maintained to prevent overflow, flooding sediment?
Waste Management
Has the project SWMP been updated in the past month?
Does the SWMP record all waste collectors and facilities, and data on waste removed from site?
If subcontractors are removing waste from site, have they provided a SWMP and copies of relevant permits and licences?
Is there a valid Waste Collection Permit available for all waste collection contractors?
Is there a license on file for all waste facilities in use?
Are materials being recycled as appropriate? Check the skips for evidence
Are skips / containers not overfilled and no evidence of wastes being blown away?
Are separated labelled containers / areas provided for facilitating recycling and waste segregation?
Storage of Chemicals and Dangerous Goods
Are chemicals stored and labelled properly?
Are proper measures to control oil spillage during maintenance or to control other chemicals spillage? (e.g. provide drip trays). Are drip trays free of oil and water?
Are spill kits provided, stocked and readily accessible?
Are oil drums, plant & equipment provided with drip trays?
Landscape & Soil
Are disturbance to terrestrial flora minimized (e.g. plants to be preserved)?
Are disturbance to terrestrial fauna minimized (if rare species identified)?
Any historical heritage exists on site? If yes, ensure appropriate measures taken to preserve it
Has stripped topsoil and subsoil layers been segregated and stored separately?
Any sign of invasive species, and if so, have appropriate measures been undertaken?
Resource Conservation
Is water recycled wherever possible for dust suppression?
Is water pipe leakage and wastage prevented?
Are diesel-powered plants and equipment shut off while not in use to reduce excessive use?
Are energy conservation practices adopted?
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Is emergency equipment (e.g. Spill kits, fire extinguishers) properly maintained and not expired?
Are accidents and incidents reported and reviewed, and corrective & preventive actions identified and recorded?
Has there been an Environmental Toolbox talk been carried out on site?
Additional Comments