Title Page
Contract Name
Contract Description
Conducted on
Recorded By
Site Address
Contract Types
Is the Contract value likely to exceed $100,000 (excluding supply of materials)?
Major Contract
Is the total value of construction works likely to exceed $350,000 (including GST and supply of materials)?
Principal Contractor required. Project Manager to nominate proposed Principal Contractor to EGW HSE for validation/approval.
No Principal Contractor required.
Minor Contract
High Risk OH&S Hazards (p1)
Working on or near roadways or railway lines?
Please provide relevant details of roadways/railway lines.
Working on or near overhead power supplies?
Please provide relevant details of overhead power lines.
Working near underground services?
Please select relevant underground services:
- Power
- Water
- Sewer
- Gas
- Telstra
- Other
Please provide details of relevant services.
Work where there is any movement of powered mobile plant?
Please provide relevant details of powered mobile plant.
Trenching greater than 1.5m deep or shafts greater than 2m deep?
Please provide relevant details of trenches/shafts.
Work involving the removal or likely disturbance of asbestos?
Please provide relevant details of works involving asbestos.
High Risk OH&S Hazards (p2)
Working in confined spaces?
Please provide relevant details of confined spaces.
Working in other contaminated, flammable or dangerous atmospheres?
Please provide relevant details of contaminated, flammable or dangerous atmospheres.
Hazardous manual handling?<br>(application of high force, sustained awkward postures, repetitive movements, handling live animals or unstable loads) – refer HSE Coordinator or Manager Business Risk & Compliance
Please provide relevant details of hazardous manual handling.
Working at height with potential to fall distances greater than 2m?
Please provide relevant details of working at height.
Exposure to hazardous chemicals?
Please provide relevant details of hazardous chemicals.
Exposure to Acid Sulfate Soils?
Please provide relevant details of Acid Sulfate Soils.
High Risk OH&S Hazards (p3)
Work involving structural alterations that require temporary support to prevent collapse?
Please provide relevant details of proposed structural alterations.
Working on or near energised electrical installations?
Please provide relevant details of works proposed on/near energised electrical installations.
Significant proximity & hazards to the public?
Please provide relevant details of public hazards.
Work involving tilt-up or precast concrete construction?
Please provide relevant details of proposed precast concrete construction.
Demolition work?
Please provide relevant details of proposed demolition work.
Use of Subcontractors?
Please provide relevant details of proposed subcontractor works.
High Risk OH&S Hazards (p4)
Construction work on or near water (including diving)?
Please provide relevant details of proposed construction work on/near water.
Exposure to UV radiation?
Please provide relevant details of potential UV exposure.
Other there any other potential high risk OH&S hazards associated with the works?
Please provide relevant details of other high risk OH&S hazards.
Environmental Aspects
Potential for Acid Sulfate Soil disturbance?
Please provide relevant details of potential Acid Sulfate Soil disturbance.
Refer Victorian Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils mapping tool
http://vro.agriculture.vic.gov.au/dpi/vro/vrosite.nsf/pages/coastal_acid_sulphate_soils -
Potential for Cultural Heritage sensitivity?
Please provide relevant details of Cultural Heritage sensitivities.
Refer ACHRIS mapping tool
https://applications.vic.gov.au/apps/achris/public/public-registry/home -
Potential for significant stormwater runoff?
Please provide relevant details of stormwater runoff.
Potential for removal of native vegetation?
Please provide relevant details of native vegetation removal.
Potential biodiversity impacts (EPBC referral)?
Please provide relevant details of biodiversity impacts.
Refer 'Do you need approval?' internet reference.
http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/do-you-need-approval -
Are there any other potentially significant environmental aspects?
Please provide relevant details of potentially significant environmental aspects.
Contract Classification
Is your proposed contract high risk (did you select yes for any of the High Risk OH&S Hazards or Environmental Aspects)?
High Risk Contract
Low Risk Contract
Please enter any additional comments regarding HSE for communication to tenderers or consideration in costings.