Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Eng & Mngr Names
Contract Number
Please review and comment on the following issues.
1. Is the engineers vehicle loaded safely and are all battery terminals protected?
2. Is the engineer wearing the correct gloves for the task?
3. Are all Tools and equipment in good order and fit for the job and is their multimeter calibrated?
4. Can the engineer access a EHS document from the QEHS box folder via their mobile device?
5. Is a random piece of plant checked, within its PAT tested date?
6. Are the engineers steps and ladders within their inspection period and recorded?
7. Does the engineer know how to report a near miss? They should be able to explain how to do this.
8. When speaking to employees are they aware of what ‘Zero Harm’ means? Ask them to explain.
9. Can the engineer explain how they report an accident?
10. Did the engineer demonstrate any positive EHS practices/traits during the visit?
List any corrective/preventive actions needed and required closure dates.
Auditor signature