Risk Assessment
Job No#
Prepared on:
Prepared by:
People involved in the work:
Workplace Risk Assessment
To begin the workplace risk assessment, select the "+" icon next to Hazard:
Description of hazard
Photo of the hazard (optional)
Risk related to hazard
Who might be harmed?
Risk likelihood - Before control measures.
Risk consequences - Before control measures.
Use this risk matrix to identify the risk level:
Risk level - Before control measures.
Can the hazard be eliminated?
What control measure will be undertaken to lower the risk?
Risk likelihood - After control measures.
Risk consequences - After control measures.
Use this risk matrix to identify the risk level:
Risk level - After control measures.
Do Not Proceed with work. Notify Manager!!!
Do Not Proceed with work. Notify Manager!!!
Proceed safely with work.
Eliminate the hazard causing the risk.
Can the hazard be eliminated?
What control measure will be undertaken to lower the risk?
Risk likelihood - After control measures.
Risk consequences - After control measures.
Use this risk matrix to identify the risk level:
Risk level - After control measures.
Eliminate the hazard causing the risk.
Proceed safely and with caution.
To ADD another hazard to the workplace risk assessment, select the "+" icon next to Hazard.
To END the workplace risk assessment, select the "Next Page >" button at the bottom right.
Are all control measures suitable enough to proceed with work safely?
Do Not Proceed with work. Notify Manager!!!
Proceed safely with work.
Do Not Proceed with work. Notify Manager!!!
Name and Signature of Electrical Technician conducting risk assessment:
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
Name and Signature of other involved parties
***If task or risk changes a new risk assessment MUST be undertaken.***