Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Hire Details
Date and time of audit
Location of audit
Is the client present during the audit?
MEWP (s) on the hire
Describe site conditions (weather, light conditions etc)
LOLER present and in date?
Operating manual present?
Site survey available? (if applicable)
Emergency descent procedures available?
Emergency descent procedures briefed to appointed person?
Plan of works available? (if applicable)
Permit to work in place? (if applicable)
Client safety procedures followed (e.g. site induction / sign in etc)?
Task risk assessments and method statements available and understood?
Is the MEWP site specific risk assessment complete?
Have the risks being correctly identified?
Have appropriate controls being put in place?
Operators and passengers are wearing the correct PPE?
If additional PPE is required due to the task is it available and work?
Operator(s) harness inspection in date?
Operator has a method of communication when operating (e.g. mobile phone)
Correct MEWP supplied?
Safe working area created?
Outrigger boards / timbers available and in use?
MEWP safely positioned?
Operator using the MEWP safely?
Cab doors locked if operator working in the basket?
Operator arrived on time?
Truck clean and presentable?
Operator clean and presentable?
Accessories required (e.g. hoist) present and in good order?
Client feedback (if client available)
Operator helpful?
Operator has the right work attitude?
Assisting customer where safe to do so?
Client feedback on the machine
Client feedback on the hire booking process
Any other client feedback
Corrective actions
Detail any corrective actions (including a timescale and who should be responsible)
Auditors Signature