Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Untitled Page
Are EMCOR responsible for managing the ACM for the client?
If so, are the responsibilities written and agreed
Is there any evidence of regular inspections taking place, in line with the Asbestos Management Plan of all ACMs on site? NOTE: EMCOR might not be responsible, but we still require evidence to ensure the client is managing the ACM’s in areas we or our supply chain partners are working"
Is there evidence that the asbestos register and reports have been referred to when planning intrusive works? (Signed list detailing the rooms and reports reviewed) and what is the process for informing Supply Chain Partners of any ACM’s on site before attendance?
Is there evidence of a demolition and refurbishment asbestos survey being undertaken prior to intrusive works being carried out where the asbestos register does not provide sufficient information?
Have the emergency procedures for ACM disturbance been rehearsed?
Have any potential exposures to asbestos been investigated and logged on the EUK exposure register/intelex?
Has the asbestos awareness training been completed for all EMCOR UK employees? And is there evidence of competence provided for supply chain partners?
Is there an available asbestos register for the building(s) that is accessible to employees
Is there evidence of reading and acknowledge it, including supply chain partners.
Are there copies of all the asbestos reports related to the register available? (Reports may only be available if EMCOR manage the ACM for the client)
Has the register and reports been updated in line with any building modifications?
Is there a COSHH register recording all the storage locations and COSHH folders on the contract?
Is there a COSHH index (either SYPOL, Excel or FM-09-C03) covering all departments (Engineering, Cleaning, Catering etc)
Is there a COSHH assessment available for all hazardous substances and are they in date?
Is there evidence of the COSHH assessments being briefed to employees (signed folder or team talk)
Is there evidence of the hazardous substances being reviewed for new items and uses?
Are hazardous substances being stored correctly? (Segregated, bunded, clear signage and are containers labelled)
Are COSHH assessment located near to where the hazardous substances are stored?
Is emergency equipment close to the hazardous area storage location (eye wash, First aid, suitable Spill kit) and are they appropriate for the hazard?
Has training been provided for the emergency spill procedure and has a rehearsal taken place?
Occupational health surveillance requirements? Do they know what they are and are they being undertaken? OH Matrix?
Do individuals work with hazardous dusts, fumes or gases? (wood dust, silicosis, air handing filters)
Have they recieved RPE Training and face fit test?
Was the person completing the face fit test a competent person, how was the tester's competence accessed?
Do project managers or persons responsible for project works received CDM training?
Are project managers aware of EMCOR CDM requirements (CDM IMS page, SWP-SD-01)?
Are they undertaking any projects that would fall under the HSE notification criteria for CDM2015? If yes, is there a signed copy of the F10 on display?
If the project is notifiable or high risk, has the internal notification been completed via IMS to the HSW team?
Is there a clearly defined duty holder for the Client?
Is there a requirement for a principal designer, i.e. more than one contractor on the project? If so, has the client appointed one in writing?
Has the client appointed a principal contractor in writing?
Has the client provided pre-construction information for the project?
Has a construction phase plan been produced for the project and is it suitable and sufficient?
Are the contractors clearly detailed in the construction phase plan?
Who is responsible for the design of the project?
Is a designer risk assessment available?
Is there evidence that all duty holders are competent?
Have the project team received internal CDM training? Does the person responsible for the project hold an in date SMSTS certification?
Has a project safety inspection been scheduled or completed?
Are there adequate welfare facilities available for employees – restroom, changing, lockers, kitchen
Evidence display screen risk assessments been undertaken for all users?
Evidence all actions from DSE assessments been completed and resolved? If incomplete provide reason and action plan for resolution
Has a PPE assessment been completed?
Evidence of provision of PPE form and issue of PPE to employees who require it
Are management teams undertaking PPE supervisory checks required every 6 months?
Has a face fit test been carried out for respiratory PPE?
Have manual handling risk assessments been carried out for any significantly / repetitive lifts
Has the mandatory annual health surveillance questionnaire been carried out by all employees?
Are any site-specific health surveillance requirements being monitored?
Are employees referred to Occupational Health if they experience long-term work-related injury or ill health?
Is there a Noise risk assessment completed for the building(s)? Have any actions been completed?
Has a risk assessment been completed for lone working?
Has a 'lone working notification form' been completed and 'authority to work form' been completed and authorised by the controlling manager?
Is there evidence that the authority to work form been communicated to the lone worker(s)?
Has risk assessment been completed for young persons?
Is training / H&S information available in workers first language?
Are there any employees undertaking night work? If so, have they undergone a health assessment prior to being assigned to night work?
Has the maternity risk assessment been completed for expecting mothers?
Has the mental ill health support flowchart, line manager and employee mental health guides and stress questionnaire has been used & completed as appropriate?
Has the BTFL maturity model been implemented?
How does the site identify internal and external physical and psychological health and safety risks.
How does the site consult and encourage employee participation?
Evidence action plan to address workplace physical and psychological health, safety, and wellbeing risks. Including change management
Evidence of the adoption, compliance, and promotion of the BTFL program
Have you identified wellbeing champions for this site?
Are the mental health risks in the workplace policy & arrangements document accessible for all employee on site?
Evidence Employee Assistance Programme and Mental Health Support Service communicated to all staff members on site / within the contract.
Temporary Works
Are there any TW being undertake on site?
Are they detailed on the TW register.?
Is there a design and specification for all the TW?
Is the work being managed under CDM2015 and in accordance with BS5975?
Who are the TW Coordinator(s)?
Is their evidence that the TW coordinator undertaking regular visual inspection?
Are management aware of the TW SSOW SD-02 and the associated guidance documents?
Is all scaffolding being provided by EUK supply chain partners including any 3rd party scaffolding?
Do we have competency records for scaffolders - should be CISRS card holders. (there should be at least one CISRS scaffolder or advanced scaffolder)
Do we have a design/compliance sheet?
Is there a scaffold plan (method statement) and rescue plan?
Have we been provided with a handover certificate for all the scaffolds?
Are the 7 day statutory inspections being undertake on all scaffolds by a trained and competent person (our supply chain partner or a trained scaffolder from within EMCOR UK
Have scaff tags been updated to show last inspection (must be located at each access point)?
Is the security of scaffolding and ladder access points appropriate?
Has out of service scaffold been tagged with do not use tags?
Is there a plan to dig and a construction phase plan in place?
Are excavations greater than 1.2 meters being undertaken by SCP?
Has a soil survey been completed by trained and competent person prior the to excavation taking place?
Has suitable access been provided into the excavation?
Is sufficient edge protection in place?
Are oxygen or gas concentration tests required?
Has an emergency rescue plan been produced and rehearsed?
Are the excavation team competent (refer to SWP SD-02)?
Are daily inspections being recorded before the start of work within the excavation?
Are documented weekly inspections being undertaken by a competent person?
Is there a register of all access equipment (including step, ladders, fixed Ladders, MEWPS, TOWERS, gantries and walkways)
Does the register detail the inspection frequency?
Has the register been completed in line with the inspection frequency?
Is all the equipment tagged with a unique reference or asset number and stored to prevent unauthorised use/access (where relevant).
Does the tag show the last date of inspection?
Have all persons expected to use access equipment undergone relevant training: Working at height , PASMA , IPAF , Mobile Scaffold
Are harness / lanyards / Mansafe systems inspected?
Are people being trained in their use?
Is there a dedicated storage location for harnesses?"
Is there a register of the goods and lifting equipment on site?
Are EMCOR UK responsible for ensuring that insurance inspections, servicing and maintenance are carried out on behalf of the client?
Have all items been tested within their correct frequencies, with all remedial actions closed out? Passenger Lifts, Goods Lifts, Escalators, Cranes, Hoists (goods only), Pallet/list truck, Scissor Lifts (goods only) , Vehicle Tail lift, Accessories for Lifting, Slings, Hooks, Shackles, Eyebolts, Ropes)
Do we have evidence of checking competence and RAMS for engineers inspecting or servicing lifting equipment and accessories?
Do we have evidence of competence/training for EMCOR UK employees who use lifting equipment and accessories (hoists, cranes etc)?
Is the equipment secured to prevent unauthorised use (key control system)?
Is there a process for the notification and closure of remedial actions resulting from statutory inspections?
Is there a system for the reporting of faults in lifting equipment/accessories?
Is all lifting equipment and accessories stored correctly?
Is there a process for measuring customer satisfaction and reporting to EUK management and the customer ?
Is the agreed performance measurement process being used and communicated with the customer?
Does the process include capturing feedback from the customer?
Are any contractual SLAs / KPIs being achieved ?
If Yes, are we recognising and celebrating success?
If Yes, are we reviewing the KPI requirement to confirm suitability?
If no, is there evidence that any improvements to meet KPIs are being identified through the performance reporting structure?
Does a Continuous Improvement plan exist to formally capture any agreed improvements?
Is there evidence that the improvement plan is driving corrective action and improvement activities?
Is there evidence that an effective process for managing risk exists; including the identification, management, escalation and close-out of risks?
Has a risk treatment plan/s been completed to treat the risk/s identified in the risk register?
Is there a process in place for escalating risk to the OLT / ELT ?
Is the account / team structure formalised in an organisation chart held on the IMS ?
Is a live KAM plan in place for the account ?
Has it been reviewed within the last 6 months by the SER, line with the budgeting reporting process?
Is there evidence that a customer assessment has been undertaken in the last 12 months?
Are objectives and action plans (to address identified risks and opportunities) in place ?
Has the accounts relationship plan been updated in the last six months?
Has the account team had a meeting with the customer to discuss the KAM Plan in the last 12 months?
Has a KAM Relationship Management Tool (RMT) assessment been carried out in the last 12 months and any concerns reflected in an improvement action plan ?
Has a KAM Maturity Measurement Tool (MMT) assessment been carried out in the last 12 months and any concerns reflected in an improvement action plan ?
Does the account hold ISO 44001 certification?
Does a signed, up to date, Collaborative Business Relationships (CBR) policy statement exist (signed by the Customer and EMCOR UK)?
Does the account have a joint CBR objectives plan clearly showing objectives shared with the customer?
Does the account have a live CBR risk register with joint client ownership?
Does the account have procedures for sharing and transferring knowledge between all stakeholders, and procedures for creating value (innovation and ideas for improvement)?
Are Monthly or Quarterly minutes and action plans available for joint Executive Leadership / Business Review meetings / Joint Management Teams available?
Has the accounts exit strategy been updated within the last 12 months?
Is there evidence of appropriate control and use of local / EUK and customer documentation
Is EUK's data retention policy being followed?
Is there evidence of EMCOR UK Central communications and policy requirements displayed / disseminated effectively ?
Are internal audits being completed in accordance with the agreed schedule?
Are the outputs of internal, external and customer audits (CA / recommendations) being managed and closed-out effectively?
Is there a crisis management and business continuity plan in place?
Are roles and responsibilities for business continuity clearly defined?
Has the BCP been tested recently? (last 12 months)
Is BCP training up to date?
Is there a local emergency evacuation procedure and has it been communicated?
Does EMCOR UK have responsibilities for emergency evacuation? If so, have roles / requirements been documented and communicated to those responsible?
Has the EMCOR UK major incident helpline details been communicated to staff?
Does EMCOR UK responsibilities for use of evacuation lifts? Is Evacuation Lift Operator training in place?
Are EMCOR UK responsible for maintaining / using evacuation chairs? If so, are there service records available?
Are EMCOR UK responsible for maintaining / using evacuation chairs? If so, are staff trained in their use?
Do EMCOR UK have PEEP's for existing staff (including disabled, wheelchair users, deaf, hard of hearing and blind etc.)
Do EMCOR UK have responsibilities for chemical / fuel spillages? Are there existing process / procedures to follow?
Are appropriate spill kits available and have staff been trained in their use?
Are EMCOR UK responsible for snow/ice clearance? If so, are local process / procedure in place including drawings depicting routes and areas to be cleared?
Do EMCOR UK have emergency call out response? If so is there a local process / procedure to follow? Has this been communicated to the customer?
Where EMCOR UK have responsibility for emergency response (i.e. spill clearance), do we have evidence of testing those processes? (this may be a team talk with a desktop exercise on procedure to follow)
Are operational teams aware of EMCOR UK accident reporting process and is it been implemented? (SWP-H-01)
Are there any specific customer requirements for accident / incident reporting?
Have there been any accidents / incidents in the last 12 months? If so, have they been recorded on Intelex and the correct communication / escalation been used?
Are Safety Observation Reports being completed ? (FM-09-954 or Intelex)
Where customer first aid facilities are used, is there a formal agreement?
Is the identity of first aiders known and communicated to staff? Are there first aid notices?
Are suitable first aid facilities available (correct supplies, in date)?
Are there eyewash bottles available (in date) or a source of cold running water?
Is there a defibrillator on site (check inspection records), and are EMCOR UK staff trained in its use?
Have building regulation compliance certificates been obtained before energy consuming equipment replacement or installation
Has a project log book been prepared and issued for the equipment installed (as above)
Has a refrigeration energy assessment been completed for any air conditioning system with a combined output above 12kW
Has an Energy survey been carried out in the last 12 months, with any recommendations appropriately actioned.
Are the applicable EPCs available and in date
Is there a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) for each building
Does the account have someone with nominated environmental responsibility?
Does the account have a registered user to access the Legal Registers
Where the client operates under an Environmental Permit, does EMCOR UK have any related specific obligations?
How do the site team demonstrate compliance with the obligations of the Environmental Permit.
Where the client operates under a Discharge Consent, does EMCOR UK have any related specific obligations?
How do the site team demonstrate compliance with the obligations of the Discharge Consent.
Has an Environmental Aspects & Impacts register been implemented on Intelex?
Have all operational controls in the register been assessed?
Have environmental objectives & targets been established in the register and progressing?
Has the register been reviewed in the past 12 months?
Has an emergency preparedness plan been developed and implemented for the contract?
Does it include appropriate spill kits and contact details in the event of a serious incident?
Have there been any environmental incidents recorded or complaints received?
Are Waste Carrier Licences available for all those suppliers removing waste for which we are responsible?
Do EUK commercial vehicle drivers have a copy of the EUK Waste Carrier Licence in their vehicle?
Are copies of a Waste Management Licence/ Environmental permit/Exemption available for the facilities the waste is taken to?
Are individual Waste Transfer Notes (WTN’s) or an Annual WTN fully completed for non-hazardous wastes and retained for 2 Yrs?
Are Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes (HWCN) completed correctly (including part E returns) and retained for 3 Yrs?
Are Certificates of Destruction (CoD) available for confidential wastes?
Are we responsible for any waste disposal on the contract (either our own or client)?
Has the Waste Management Portal on Intelex been implemented?
Are confidential waste collection points lockable /secure?
Are waste storage areas clean, tidy & secure to prevent unauthorised disposal, with appropriate facilities for different waste streams?
Do we have any waste processing equipment (i.e.compactor/baler) and are services agreements in place as per manufacturers guidelines?
Is there a risk assessment for any waste processing equipmentavailable and has it been communicated to relevant staff?
Are fire risk assessments available, reviewed as appropriate and have actions been reviewed?
Have all actions from Fire Risk Assessments been actioned?
Is the Fire Log Book up to date?
Are weekly Fire Alarm Tests carried out and recorded?
Are Maintenance records recorded in the Fire Log Book
Are records of fixed and portable fire-fighting equipment monthly checks up to date
Record of monthly checks of fire escape routes being not obstructed
Record of monthly checks of fire door functional checks.
Is the annual fire drill being conducted with the correct frequency?
For fixed and portable fire-fighting equipment, have the required annual checks and tests been carried out and remedial actions closed?
For fixed and portable fire-fighting equipment, have all remedial actions from checks and maintenance been actioned?
Are the fire alarm system inspections occurring at the correct frequency?
Have all remedial actions for the fire alarm system been actioned
For building fire suppression / extinguishing systems (e.g. sprinklers), are the appropriate inspections and tests occurring at the correct frequency?
For building fire suppression / extinguishing systems (e.g. sprinklers), have all remedial actions been actioned.
Are all the applicable tests and inspections for building ventilation systems (e.g. smoke extract systems) occurring at the correct frequency?
Are all the remedial actions identified during applicable tests and inspections for building ventilation systems (e.g. smoke extract system) been actioned
Are all the applicable tests and inspections for fire compartmentation systems (e.g. smoke dampers, fire curtains etc.) occurring at the correct frequency?
Are all the remedial actions identified during applicable tests and inspections for fire compartmentation systems (e.g. smoke dampers, fire curtains etc.) been actioned
Have fire door inspections and maintenances been carried out at the correct frequency
Have all remedial actions identified during fire door inspections been actioned.
Have housekeeping tours occurred at the correct frequency?
Have all remedial actions identified during housekeeping tours been actioned?
Is EMCOR UK responsible for a security system
Is there documented Service Agreement specifying the agreed service level
Is the CCTV system being maintained to the agreed service level
Are all remedial actions related to the CCTV system being actioned
Is the intruder security system being maintained to the agreed service level
Are all remedial actions related to the intruder security system being actioned
Is the access control system being maintained to the agreed service level
Are all remedial actions related to the access control system being actioned
Is the EMCOR UK signing in and out form being used on site (FM-OPS-27) or a site diary detailing everyone who attends for EMCOR UK and is it completed correctly?
Do we know or are monitoring where the where Supply Chain Partners are working?
Is there a standard induction available for the site?
Has it been reviewed within the past 12 months?
Have all Supply Chain Partners and visitors been inducted to the site and client/ security requirements?
Is there a system to identify who has been inducted?
Is there a recorded of the induction including the issue and receipt of supply chain partner handbook?
Is the site aware that inductions are repeated every 12 months and is there evidence that is being undertaken?
Is there a requirement to manage supply chain partners remotely?
Has a process been established on how to manage this detailing the supervision level when necessary? (Complete all that is reasonably practicable)
Is there evidence of SCP outsourcing to 3rd Parties?
Have supply chain partner Risk Assessments been checked and authorised before work is carried out (review a sample) and how can it be evidenced (FM-HSE-RAMS-02).
Is there a supply chain partner file (electronic or paper) with the following documentation available: Waste Carrier Licence, Risk assessments, Method statements, Insurance, Competency records, COSHH, Calibration<br><br>If electronic files are used, is someone responsible for updating the records and has the storage locations been mapped to prevent duplication?
How does the site check and evidence that supply chain partners are using third party contractors to complete work activities?
Is there a Supply Chain Partner Performance Schedule (FM-OPS-03) in place with Contractor Performance Assessments completed (FM-OPS-02/intelex) for all supply chain partners in the past 12 months?
Where negative assessments are made, what further action has the site taken to address the concerns?
What evidence is available to show we have monitored Supply Chain Partners on Site?
Have assessments been made of individual supply chain partners / engineers and records held using maintenance task assessments?
Are any identified faults or outstanding / follow up work managed and controlled?
Is there evidence to demonstrate who is checking the Supply Chain Partner service/maintenance records.
Is there a different process for service records sent via email (to a service desk) and if so, is it documented?
Is there a scope of services available?
Is Pest Control Folder in place? Including site plan
Are service reports/visits up to date?
Have there been any Issues recorded?
Are any actions resulting from a sighting closed-out or evidence that they are being dealt with?
Is Schedule of Pesticides in place?
Are Safety Data Sheets available, giving details of toxicity, flammability and other pesticide hazards? ( COSHH )
Is relevant training / qualifications in place for operatives (i.e. using pesticides)
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
Please complete COSHH question set as per line 23 on Assurance master Tracker
Are we responsible for Catering on site? If so have we completed the catering audit FM-EFCA-AUD-01?
Have food hygiene inspections been completed as per the management procedure?
Has a Environmental Health Office inspection been carried out in the last 12 months
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
Has a cleaning specification been established and documented?
Have cleaning schedules been documented and communicated to staff?
Are employees competent to carry out their specific role, how is competency assessed?
Are cleaning inspections / audits being carried out on a regular basis?
Are cleaning operatives responsible for body spills? Are they trained; do we have the facility to remove body spill waste?
Is cleaning equipment being serviced/ maintained?
Are cleaning operatives responsible for sharps? Are they trained; do we have the facility to remove sharps waste?
Are cleaning operatives trained in Manual handling practices?
Are cleaning operatives trained in safe use of chemicals currently used on site?
Are cleaning operatives trained in safe use of machinery/equipment currently used on site?
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
Is grounds maintenance being carried out internally?
Is there a scope of services available?
Are service reports up-to-date?
Are any actions resulting from a site visit closed-out or evidence that it is being dealt with?
Are relevant training / qualifications in place for grounds maintenance operatives?
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
Are grounds maintenance employees aware of their duties and responsibilities, are there specific written instructions covering their activities?
Has a grounds maintenance program been agreed, approved, and implemented (covering spring, summer and winter activities)?
Are employees competent to carry out their specific role, how are employees assessed competent?
Is the equipment asset list up to date?
Is all equipment being maintained according to manufacturer’s instructions?
Are pesticide usage records being completed?
Are pesticide stock levels being recorded?
Are daily vibration and hearing records being completed?
Are vibration usage and noise exposure levels being monitored?
Are grounds maintenance operatives carrying leptospirosis cards?
Do we maintain any areas known to have invasive weeds (i.e. Japanese Knotweed)? If yes, do we have operational controls to prevent its growth/spread?
Is a grounds/project work carried out with consideration to minimising impact on plants and animals?
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
Is the management procedure MP-EFGM-01 being followed?
Are there any contractual KPI's for mail room / reprographic services?
Have local procedures / processes been implemented and documented to meet those service requirements?
Are emergency procedures available for suspect packages? Have staff been trained(training in both equipment i.e. x-ray scanner and or process)
Is a x-ray scanner used on site, and if so has it been registered with the HSE?
If x ray scanner is used on site does the site have a fully trained Radiation Protection Supervisor ( RPS) and a Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA)?
Is Radiation Protection Adviser appointment letter available and in date
Is the x-ray being serviced/maintained as per the manufacturers recommendations?
Is Radiation risk assessment and local rules document for working with the postal x-ray scanner available and in date
Do all frontline and relevant non frontline operatives have SIA licences?
Are there any contractual KPI's for porterage services?
Have local procedures / processes been implemented and documented to meet those service requirements?
Is Porterage / Logistics equipment being serviced/ maintained?
Do staff use any specific manual handling equipment for their roles, have staff been trained in their use?
Do EMCOR UK control a storage area or stores operation?
If yes state what type of store it is?<br>• Spares/Parts<br>• Chemical<br>• LPG<br>• Food<br>• Goods-in
Is the racking sound, secure and accessible and are items labelled correctly (i.e. safe access to shelves)?
Is security satisfactory enough to prevent loss, damage etc?
Have risk assessments been undertaken for all tasks covered within the scope of works (including PPM, Reactive works, Call-out, and Projects?)
RK – Do FOH / Reception team carry out any of the listed duties if so, do they hold relevant SIA licence?
Have assignment instructions been established / documented reviewed and signed by EMCOR UK and Client?
Have all Security personnel, including relief officers signed the AI acknowledgement sheet?
Do all frontline and relevant non frontline staff have SIA licences?
Are local security audits being completed? (FM-EMCOR UKG-AUD-01)
Have management visits been completed and records maintained? (FM-EMCOR UKG-SSIW-01) And have any remedial actions completed?
Do you have lone working on site? Have EMCOR UK staff and subcontractors been made aware of lone working procedures and are they followed?
has a recent penetration test been completed? And if so, have the resulting actions been closed out?
Have security Staff involved in CCTV monitoring signed a confidentiality agreement?
Are control/response rooms appropriate for use?
If using subcontracted security guards, do we have colour copies of subcontractors SIA licence?
Is there evidence of checking SIA licences validity?
Is all equipment being maintained according to manufacturer’s instructions?