Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Take a photo of the store
Are the Tecom alarm main control panels located in the Communications Room?
Take a photo of the Tecom alarm main control panels.
Does the Receiving Door have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Receiving Door have a heavy duty security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Dump Room Door have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Dump Room Door have a heavy duty security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Security Room have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Security Room have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Security Room have a PIR installed?
Is the Cash Transfer Room separate to the Cash Office?
Does the Cash Transfer Room have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Cash Transfer Room have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Cash Transfer Room have a PIR installed?
Does the Admin/Cash Office have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Admin/Cash Office have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Admin/Cash Office have a PIR installed?
Is there an isolation switch installed in the Cash Office for the high pitched siren above the Self Checkout / Service Desk area?
Does the Service Desk have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Service Desk have a PIR installed?
Does the Self Checkout area have a PIR installed?
Does the Self Checkout / Service Desk area have a high pitched siren installed?
Take a picture of the high pitched siren installation.
Does the Team Entry have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Team Entry have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Team Entry have a PIR installed?
Does the Store Entry have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Store Entry have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Store Entry have a adequate PIR's installed?
Does the Plantroom entry have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Plantroom entry have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Does the Roof Access Door have a RAS keypad installed?
Does the Roof Access Door have a security contact/reed switch fitted?
Do all accessible glazed areas, not protected by bars or mesh, have PIR's installed?
What type of CCTV system is installed?
Is the CCTV system located in the Communications Room?
Take a photo of the Server / DVR's
Are the correct amount of cameras installed as per the security CCTV drawing?
Are all CCTV cameras installed in the correct locations?
Are all DVR's connected to the network?
Is the CCTV system connected to the network?
Is a KVM switch installed?
Does the EAS In Lane installation comply with the current standards?
Take photo of In Lane EAS antennas
Is the EAS system manufactured by Checkpoint?
Does each register have working deactivation units? (Check POS scanner with DV1000)
EAS SYSTEM (Store Entry)
What type of Store Entry EAS system is installed?
Does the EAS Store Entry installation comply with the current standards?
Take photo of Store Entry EAS antennas
Is the EAS system manufactured by Checkpoint?
EAS SYSTEM (Self Checkouts)
What type of Self Checkout EAS system is installed?
- In Floor
- Pedestal
- In Floor + Pedestal
- None
Does the EAS Self Checkout installation comply with the current standards?
Take photo of Self Checkout EAS antennas
Is the EAS system manufactured by Checkpoint?
Direct feed parachute?
Canister system?
Cash Transfer Room external?
Peephole fitted in external room door?
Direct feed safe in Cash Office?
Total fire doors directly off selling floor?
Is there a fire door off the Team Room to external areas?
Are there magnetic locks or electromechanical push bars fitted to all selling floor emergency doors?