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Fuel Types

  • Is the GT duel fuel?

Gas Fuel System

  • Does the gas fuel system consist of a manual isolation Vv, leak tight shut off Vv,auto fast acting shut off Vv and flow control Vv

  • Is there a vent Vv between the leak tight shut off Vv and auto shut off Vvs

  • Are strainers fitted in the system to preserve operation of the shut off Vvs

  • Is the shut of Vv outside of the potential blast zone

Liquid Fuel System

  • Is there a manual fuel shut off Vv installed upstream of the automatic Vv's

  • Is positive fuel shot off provided by an automatic fast acting shut off Vv and one other

  • Does the auto shut off Vv operate in the event of a fire in the module or on a trip where a risk assessment states the cause of the trip can cause significant damage

  • Is fuel purged correctly? Describe the process below

  • Are there any conditions where the reverse flow of fuel can cause danger


  • Are appropriate machinery guards in place iaw ISO 14120:2002

  • Is the air inlet in the correct zone iaw IEC 60079-10

  • Are the inlet ducting routes situated in the least vulnerable path

  • Are their sufficient safeguards in place to prevent Foreign Object Damage to the Gas turbine

  • Are the modules and associated systems built and maintained to remain fit for purpose

  • Are safety devices which provide implosion protection fitted? Please list below

  • Is anti Icing used to run the Gas Turbine in harsh conditions? How is the anti icing achieved

GT Monitoring

  • Are vibration readings taken and recorded

  • Are speed limiting functions fitted at the max fuel condition and in the event of a blade failure

  • Are GT temps monitored and unloading or shut down sequences installed to control them

  • Is the flame detection adequate

  • Is surge mitigated? Please list below how this is achieved

  • Are torque limiting devices fitted/required

  • Is the extinction safety time greater than the combined flame detection and fuel shut down system

  • What start system is employed and is it functioning correctly

Fire Detection

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out

  • Is an integrated fire protection system fitted which includes detection and suppression

  • Are the fire extinguishing systems installed and tested to the relevant NFPA

  • Is there a manual push button provided for operation of the extinguishing system

  • Can the extinguishing system be inhibited

  • Are acoustic and visual alarms fitted as required

  • Are the extinguishing or nitrogen containers stowed correctly

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.