Department Audited:
Type of Department
Frequency of Audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
PATIENT SAFETY – Margie Martin, Risk Manager & Tricia Heimbigner, Employee Health Manager
Area is free of patient slip/fall risks.
No patient contact items or paper goods are stored under sinks.
Wastebaskets are of fire resistant construction.
Patient records properly secured and not left unsupervised on a computer monitor.
Crash carts are locked, with updated logged and cylinder is secured properly.
Armbands in place.
Staff Knowledge: Purpose and use of an Unusual Occurrence Report. What is a Confidential Report of Unusual Occurrence? And give an example of when one might be used in your area? Medical equipment malfunctions and failures, including one involving a patient injury. Medical equipment malfunctions and failures are reported immediately to Bio-Med A red out-of-service tag is completed and placed on the equipment. The equipment is removed from service until approved for re-use by Bio-Med. Incidents in which a patient is possibly or actually harmed; an Unusual Occurrence Report must also be completed and sent to Risk Management.
Signature upon completion of Audit