Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are the proper forms being utilized for the situations encountered?
Has a JSA been prepared, reviewed and revised as worksite conditions change?
Is the foreman doing a good job of communicating the job tasks with the rest of the crew?
Is there a site emergency action plan posted and do the employees know where it is?
Do the employees know where to report in the event of an emergency?
Is SDS information available for review if needed?
Have customer specific documents been completed property before starting the job task?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Are hard hats being properly worn if required or performing overhead work?
Are safety glasses being worn if required?
Are tinted glasses only being worn outside?
Is high visibility vest being worn in required areas?
Is hearing protection being worn in areas with 85 Db or greater?
Are gloves in good protection and appropriate for the task
Is proper footwear protection including meta tarsal protection if required being worn?
Are hard hats in good condition and are being worn properly when conditions and overhead hazards dictate?<br><br><br>
Is face shield/welding hood being worn when cutting and welding?
Are seat belts being worn if equipped?
Is proper respiratory protection being worn as required?
Is FR clothing being worn if required and completely covers the extremities?<br>
Fall Protection
Is proper fall protection being used when assembling/dis-assembling crane components?
Arconic Only- Is approved loading dock fall prevention system or modified Erickson's trailer being utilized properly when working above 2'?
Are scaffolding systems, ladders, and platforms being used correctly?
Does the scaffolding system have a current inspection tag stating limitations?
Is fall protection in good condition and has a legible dated inspection tag with punched in-service date < 5 years?
Is proper lanyard, restraint or SRL being used correctly?
Is the 2', 4' or 6' fall protection rule being followed?
Are the anchorage straps or cables rated for fall protection and not used for rigging?
Is anchorage point rated and engineered for 5000 lb load?
Are acceptable tie off methods being used in aerial lifts?
Are holes covered and marked/secured and/or barricaded to prevent falling?<br>
Loading/Unloading of Material
Has the load been inspected prior to loading for possible pre-existing damage?
Have the door openings been measured to assure that the load can be delivered or removed without damaging the load or structure?
Is the load properly secured and protected from the elements?
Is the load height, weight, length and weight known and has it been verified to meet clearance and weight restrictions for transport?
Is the trailer on stable and level ground to prevent material from shifting or unwanted movement?
Is there a spotter available and being utilized to assist operator while operating heavy equipment?
Are ramps, inclines and loading docks suitable for delivery and pick up?
Are dollies and cribbing material in good condition and secured under the load before moving?
Is the shipping container in good condition and able to withstand movement?
Is the load secured for un-banding and has the stored energy potential been eliminated?
If load is being placed on trailer, is non-skid material available and being used to prevent sliding and<br>movement?
Are straps and chains in good condition that are being used to secure the load?
Has the center of gravity been considered and/or top weight been minimized or compensated for while securing of the load to prevent tip over?
Is the load secured on forks, or properly rigged using slings/chains that will not damage the equipment?
Are bystanders clear of the area when loading and unloading?
When standing on trailer decking for loading/un-loading of material, are 3-points of contact being used to prevent falling from trailer height?
Have proper lifting points been identified and rigging device is secure to prevent slipping off of material being lifted?
Are steps or a ladder being used to access the trailer decking?
Are trailer tires chalked and secured before equipment is moved?
Pre-Use Inspection Documentation
Have the required and appropriate pre-use inspection forms been completed prior to use?<br>
Is a current inspection tag or label legible?<br><br><br><br>
Is the manufacturers operation manual available for reference if needed?
Crane Operations
Crane- is the annual inspection and 3 additional monthly inspections in the crane cab?
Crane- Is the annual inspection sticker legible and current?
Does the operator have a current NCCCO verification card or other required card for the type of equipment that is being operated?
Has an engineered pre-lift plan been reviewed with the operator and riggers?
Is the weight known and been verified?
Have the power lines been evaluated and Kv rating is known for minimum approach distance?
Have physical boundaries been established to provide the minimum clearance from overhead power lines?
Has a pre-lift meeting been conducted before starting the lift?
Are the outrigger mats properly positioned and set on firm and stable ground?
Have crane area trip hazards been identified and addressed?
Has a reliable rigger/operator communication method been established and is understood by all crew members?
Has the swing radius been identified and is known to other personnel on site?
Have any potential pinch points or crushing hazards been identified and addressed?
Are lifting points suitable for the load and proper rigging methods used?
Has the rigging hardware been inspected and in good condition?
Are slings protected from sharp objects?
Is lifting method understood by crew and special consideration to protecting the property from damage during the lift is also understood?
Have engineered plans been approved prior to lift and reviewed by operator and riggers/signal person?
Are riggers and signal person NCCCO trained and documented with current credentials?
Is the communication method adequate for the site conditions?
Is load control such as using tag lines being utilized properly and with adequate material?
Have the occupants of inside structures been notified of the lift and are safe from potential falling loads or boom collapse?
Is landing area been identified properly and known by other personnel?
If equipment grounding is required, is it correctly bonded?
Is audible notification being used to warn others when lift is under way if required?
If using a man basket, has the Personnel Platform (man basket) Inspection Checklist been completed?
If using a man basket, has un-manned practice lift been performed and lift capacity de-rated by two (2)?
Barricading & Signage
Is signage present, visible and accurate to the hazards encountered?
Is the rope being used for limiting access the correct color and installed correctly?
Are safety cones adequate and spaced properly?
Are barricades clearly visible at night?
Is entrance gate of restricted area marked appropriately?
Are roadway signs secured in the event of high winds?
Fire Safety
Are the vehicle mounted fire extinguishers tagged, sealed and secured on the vehicle?
Are the fire extinguishers the correct type for the area hazards that may be present?
Are inspection tags current and legible?
Are employees trained in the use of stored pressure and cartridge operated fire extinguishers?
Is there an adequate fire extinguisher in the job trailer If applicable?<br>
Tools and Small Equipment
Are tools and equipment being used correctly and safely?
Are tools and equipment rated and engineered for the intended purpose?
Are tools and equipment in good working condition?
Have the tools and equipment been inspected regularly?
Are the safety guards in place and in good condition?
Is the operator properly trained in the use of tools/equipment being operated?
Are warning decals and safety procedure labeling intact and legible?
Is the GFCI being used if required?
Are extension cords in good condition if being used as a temporary power source?
Housekeeping and Work Area Conditions
Is the work area free from clutter?
Have slip, trip and fall hazards been minimized or eliminated as a result of good housekeeping?<br>
Is work area secured when unattended?
Is debris being disposed of in proper containers?
Is there appropriate protection for overhead work?
Is job trailer clean and organized?
Is portable restroom facility/trailer clean and sanitary?
Are tools and equipment stored properly when not in use?
Have sharp or protruding hazards been minimized or eliminated?
Is the walking area of equipment free of oil, sand, grease or other debris that could result in a fall?
Hot Work
Has a hot work plan been prepared and a safe work permit issued by the AHJ?
Is a fire extinguisher of adequate size and type available if needed?
If fire blankets are being utilized, are they effective in keeping sparks and embers in check?
Have flammable liquids and materials been eliminated from the hot work area?
Has the wind speed been considered and is deemed safe to conduct hot work safely?
Is FR clothing being worn properly when performing hot work?
Has a fire watch plan been developed and a designated person been identified?
Have the employees been properly trained in LOTO?
Have the proper lockout devices been utilized and are consistent with the procedures in place at the worksite?
One lock, One key, One person concept being utilized?
Proper continuity of the LOTO process during personnel or shift changes?
Has the LOTO been verified prior to the start of the work?
Health and Environmental
Has the exposure to lead been eliminated if lead hazards exist?
Has the exposure to asbestos been eliminated if asbestos is present?
Is respiratory protection adequate for the job task if required?
Is the proper hazardous chemical protection being worn if needed?
Is proper hydration available to prevent heat stress?
Is there a spill kit available in the event of a fluid spill or leak?
Is the work area free from contamination caused by leaking tools and equipment?
Are noise reduction methods being utilized?
Is SDS in formation available for all the chemicals being transported and used?
Is the proper gas detector being used correctly if required?
Has the gas detector been bump tested prior to starting work in a hazardous environment?
Is the calibration date on the gas detector current?
Confined Space
Have the employees had the required confined space training prior to entry?
Has the proper permit been completed?
Is the attendant in place and understands the role of this position?<br>
Is there proper communication with the entrant(s)?
Is there a rescue procedure in place?
Have fall protection options been discussed and adequate fall protection or retrieval methods is in place?
Are air sampling methods being used correctly using the proper air sampling devices?
LOTO has been identified and proper procedures followed?
Foreman's Name:
I have reviewed this safety audit with the Safety Director and agree to abate any safety concerns that may be found in this audit.