Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Customer Service Score

  • Current 3 Month ESQi

  • Current 6 Month ESQi

  • Current 12 Month ESQi

  • Branch Arrival

Branch Arrival

  • Did all Employees Arrive at Designated time?

  • Was there a detailed morning huddle?

  • What was discussed during morning huddle?

  • Is there a contest for the day?

  • Are vehicles ready for morning peak?

  • Office Condition

Office Condition

  • If the office clean and clutter free?

  • Picture

  • Is the office complying with privacy?

  • Outside of office clean and clutter free?

  • Is all equipment, lights running properly?

  • Is front counter area clean and organized from a customer perspective?

  • Picture

  • Break room/ rest room clean?

  • Customer Front End Interaction Audit (3-5 customers)

  • Customer Front End Interaction

Customer Front End Interaction

  • Customer's Name

  • Employee Name

  • Did we greet customer at the front door?

  • Was there an introduction?

  • Did employee use the customers name?

  • Launchpad used in front of counter?

  • Interaction with customer (rate overall, conversation, attitude, energy)

  • Feedback:

  • Customer Return Interaction Audit (3-5 customers)

  • Customer Return Interaction

Customer Return Interaction

  • Customer's Name

  • Employee Name

  • Did we meet customer at the front door?

  • Was there an introduction?

  • Launchpad used?

  • Did employee ask the 3 critical questions?

  • Was there a customer dispute resolution opportunity?

  • Rate the overall interaction on handling the dispute?

  • Feedback:

  • Interaction with customer (rate overall, conversation, attitude, energy)

  • Notes

  • Clean Car Audit (3-5 vehicles)

  • Clean Car Audit

Clean Car Audit

  • Unit Number:

  • Fuel Level

  • Does the vehicle have the proper Tire Tread Depth

  • Rate the cleanliness of the interior of vehicle (windshield, floors, dash, cup holders, under seat)

  • Notes

  • Picture

  • Any information in vehicle left from previous renter (glove box, console, etc)

  • Notes

  • Operational Plan

Operational Plan

  • Is the Branch Operation Plan posted?

  • Is the Branch Operation plan being followed?

  • Is the branch utilizing the DASH?

  • Has Wednesday Report been completed and worked on time?

  • Are callbacks up to date?

  • Callback Followup:

  • Are total branch pended tickets under 10%

  • How many pends are 10 days+

  • Pends Followup:

  • Is the branch Red Car/Yellow Car plan up to date and being followed?

  • What is the branches under 20 min contact %

  • Picture

  • Notes/Opportunity

  • Number of 30+ day open tickets

  • Followup 30+ day tickets

  • Close the Loop Audit (3-5 customers)

  • Close the Loop

Close the Loop

  • Employee:

  • Did the employee ask the 3 critical questions?

  • Rate the interaction on the phone (energy, attitude)

  • Notes

  • Underwriting Audit (3-5 debit card rentals)

  • Underwriting Audit

Underwriting Audit (3-5 debit card rentals)

  • Customer Name

  • Ticket Number

  • Employee who wrote ticket

  • Correct Deposit Taken?

  • Which Underwriting Field was completed?

  • Insurance Verified

  • Employment Verification with Paystub

  • Utility Bill

  • Pass or Fail Underwriting

  • Followup

  • Branch Numbers

Branch Numbers

  • Branch goals, posted and up to date on goal board?

  • Current Branch TAR

  • Current Branch DE MTD

  • Current Branch Net Other

  • Employees aware of their own individual performance?

  • Boss Call update (is branch on pace to hit marks: BM (15), AM (10), MT/MA (5))

  • MPE completed and administered in a timely manner to begin the month?

  • Every employee has Electronic PDM loaded for current month?

  • Any employee reviews past due?

  • Followup Reviews:

Final Audit Recap

  • Branch Manager/Assistant Manager

  • Area Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.