Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
How long have you been in business?
Does any single account make up more than 25% of your business
What type of operation (include NCCI code)?
Are you currently involved in any secondary supplier relationships?
Do you provide group transportation for employees?
explain in detail (number of employees, drivers, etc.)
Is there a full time Risk Manager?
Explain any addition job responsibilities (HR, Benefits, Sales)
Describe job duties and experience
What are the plans for handling risk management
Is there a person actively visit all branch locations regularly to assure compliance with risk management policies and procedures?
Is there a person actively involved in the training process at all levels (development of materials, oversight of process, internal training for full time staff, etc.)?
Is there a person oversee the Doctor/Clinic relationship and modified duty programs?
Name of person involved with claims management issues?
Is this person open to assistance from carrier loss control representatives, including client
Branch Office
Are facilities neat and professional in appearance?
Are all required regulatory posters (OSHA, WC, DOL, etc.) prominently displayed in an area highly visible to all applicants?
Is evidence of substance abuse policy prominently displayed in an area highly visible to all applicants, or in advertisements/publications or website for electronic applications?
Are workers comp fraud posters prominently displayed in an area highly visible to all applicants?
Are safety posters prominently displayed in an area highly visible to applicants?
Pre-Employment Phase
Is the branch office using the current approved version of the (Client Name) Staffing Application?
(Applicant Phone Inquiries) Are screening questions regarding consent for drug testing and background history inclusive of criminal records asked of all applicant phone inquiries?
Are applicant questionnaires regarding consent for drug testing and background history inclusive of criminal records conducted and documented for all in person applicant inquiries?
Are applicant questionnaires signed by applicant?
Is a file kept of all negative applicant questionnaires?
Personnel Records
Are all applications/employment contracts signed by applicants?
Are all blanks and/or questions on the applications/employment completed
Do personnel files contain completed and signed drug consent and criminal records release?
Are all medical related records kept in a "need-to-know" file separate from personnel files?
Interview/ Employee Selection
Are steps taken to insure that no medical or health related questions are asked during the application phase?
During the interview, are applications thoroughly scrutinized to detect discrepancies and identify red flags?
Are predator applicants identified and the information shared with those who have a need to know?
Are references and experience verified, as well as applicable certifications and/or licenses?
Is there a computer database that provides for sharing of information between offices? At what point is the applicant information put into the database?
Are all employees informed of the staffing service's W/C philosophy via WC Mission Statement or similar communication?
Is the policy & procedures checklist reviewed with the applicant and signed by the interviewer and the applicant?
Are accident/injury policies thoroughly reviewed with all employees during orientations?
Does the time sheet, signoff, or record of time submitted include the "No Accident/No Injury" statement and are employees informed during orientations?
Is a mechanism in place to promote employee safety suggestions and is this communicated during orientations?
Do all employees view the safety orientation video or complete an equivalent safety orientation, take the accompanying test, and is this documented?
How long does your orientation process normally take?
Client Safety Programs
Are assignments reviewed for appropriate ergonomic design?
Are clients informed of the staffing service's safety and loss control philosophies?
Are client safety partnership letters or similar documentation reviewed and signed by client?
Are hold harmless or applicable indemnification agreements utilized?
Are clients informed of the accident/injury procedures of the company?
Are clients notified of the findings of the safety evaluations?
Do employees receive site/assignment safety training from clients and does (Client Name) retain documentation in the form of client-provided documents, or use of Verification of Emoployee Training form, or equivalent?
Are employees informed and/or trained regarding safety issues on a monthly basis, and is this documented?
Does staffing service provide PPE to employees and if so, is proper training conducted and documented?
Are client onsite safety evaluations conducted and documented prior to service via Client Facility Evaluation?
Are follow-up client onsite safety evaluation conducted every 90 days and documented via Client Facility Evaluation?
Who conducts these evaluations?
What is their level of training pertaining to workplace safety?
Accident / Injury Investigations
Does branch have Employee Injury Kits available and assembled for immediate use?
Is there a pre-established doctor/clinic relationship?
Are injured employees transported to the treating facility by the staffing service or staffing service's representative?
Is the staffing service or staffing service's representative in attendance with the injured employee at the treating facility?
Is drug testing conducted for all accidents/injuries?
Does the staffing service conduct an on-site investigation for all accidents/injuries and are corrective measures taken?
Are all incidents/injuries thoroughly investigated, including onsite when possible, and are corrective measures identified and communicated to clients?
Who conducts the investigations?
What determines the timelines of the investigation (immediate vs. delayed?
Modified Duty Program
Are treating physicians knowledgeable of accommodating modified duty?
Does the staffing service provide accommodating modified duty for all injured employees upon receipt of a doctor's release for modified duty?
Are modified duty assignments effective in returning employees to regular work duties?
Is notice of modified duty sent to the injured employee via certified and regular mail, or Acknowledgment of Modified Duty signed by the injured employee?
Claims Management
Does the staffing service have a qualified individual (staff or contract) designated to handle claims?
Is there a working knowledge of state workers compensation laws/requirements/procedures?
Are all claims reported in a timely manner, within 24 hours, or as required by the state and/or carrier/TPA?
Is there a clear understanding of the claims reporting procedures and requirements?
Are claimants with full restrictions, not released for modified duty, contacted at least weekly and is this contact documented?
Does the staffing service have an active relationship with carrier/TPA claims adjuster(s) and/or the Staffing Service Risk Manager?
Is a monthly analysis of claims conducted via the staffing service accident log and/or the carrier/TPA loss runs?
Is a regular follow-up of open claims regarding treatment plans and release to work conducted and verified by documentation with the carrier/TPA representative and/or the Staffing Service Risk Manager?
Are claim reviews conducted and verified by documentation with carrier/TPA via phone and/or meeting on at least a quarterly basis?
Are private investigators used when necessary?
Is an accident/injury log maintained and monitored at each office to facilitate a working knowledge of accidents/injuries to identify trends, frequency, and types of accidents?
Does the staffing service provide and document risk management/loss control training for full time staff?
What is the nature of the training?
Who conducts/oversees the training?
Is there accountability for operational compliance of risk management for full time staff?
Are staffing service risk management meetings conducted and documented at least quarterly?
Who is responsible for assigning workers compensation codes?
What is the methodology for assignment of codes (NCCI Scopes, online services, etc.)?
Is documentation of staff risk management meetings communicated to all staff?
Is there an absence of unacceptable workers compensation class codes?
Is there accurate assignment of workers compensation classification codes and is this procedure verified?