Title Page

  • Special Instruction

  • Are there any special requirements / restrictions to mention in the property?

  • Please state

  • Site conducted

  • First Line of Address and Postcode

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Job Type


  • Clients Name

  • Address
  • County

  • Clients Date of Birth

  • Landline Number

  • Mobile Number

  • Email Address

  • Is Client Main Contact?

  • Main Contact Name

  • Relationship

  • Contact Number

  • Preferred Contact


  • Name

  • Contact Number


  • Property Type

  • Sub Property Type

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Right Elevation

  • Left Elevation

  • Orientation

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Left Elevation

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Right Elevation

  • Orientation

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Left Elevation

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Right Elevation

  • Front Elevation

  • Rear Elevation

  • Number of Storeys

  • State number of storeys

  • Number of extensions

  • Number of Conservatories

  • Tenure

  • State tenure type

  • Number Of Bedrooms

  • State number of bedrooms

  • Main Heating Type

  • Please State Heating Type

  • Appliance Type

  • Position of Flue

  • Please state Location

  • Photo of Gas meter

  • Position of Flue

  • Position of Flue

  • Building Finish

  • Mortar Colour

  • Mortar Colour

  • Render Finish

  • Render Finish

  • Mortar Colour

  • Structural Condition

  • Photos

  • External Wall Condition

  • Photos

  • Building Defects

  • List Building Defects

  • Photos of Defects


  • On site Parking

  • Client Instructions

  • Neighbour Access Required

  • Is Neighbour Aware

  • Access Issues

  • Please list Access Issues

  • Photos Of Access Issues

  • Access Equipment Required

  • Please State Additional Equipment


  • Survey Type


  • Reason for Extraction

  • Additional Reason

  • Boroscope Evidence

  • Total Area to be Extracted

  • Has Client been advised on extent of Drilling and extraction points?

  • Are all potential ingress points been sealed internally?

  • Recommended cavity drying Time

  • If other please state

  • Material being Extracted


  • Cavity Vents, Underfloor Vents, Bedroom Vents & Combustion Vents

  • Have all vents been Identified?

  • Reason vents have not been identified

  • Have all Internal vents been Identified?

  • Please select rooms where vents to be sealed internally

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Additional Room

  • Photo

  • Reason vents have not been identified

  • Has Main Heating appliance been Identified?

  • Has main heating have a Flue?

  • Is flue directed through an External wall?

  • Photo of Appliance

  • Photo of Flue

  • Position of Flue

  • Photo of Flue

  • Reason for Main Heating not being Identified

  • Have all windows throughout the property been checked for possible areas of ingress?

  • Please select rooms for possible areas of Ingress around Windows

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Photo

  • Additional Rooms

  • Photo

  • Reason for checks not carried out?

  • Have all Internal leaf walls been checked for hairline cracks and defects?

  • Please select rooms where defects have been detected

  • Living Room Photo

  • Dining Room Photo

  • Kitchen Photo

  • Bathroom Photo

  • Bedroom Photo

  • Additional Rooms

  • Additional Photo

  • Reason checks have not been completed

  • Have all areas behind appliances on external walls been checks for possible areas of Ingress?

  • Photos behind appliances

  • Reasons for checks not completed

  • Are there any Built-In wardrobes on external walls?

  • Photo of Built-In wardrobes

  • Has the client been made aware of the requirement for technicians to complete internal checks and to seal up the property before extraction works can commence?

  • Has the client been made aware of the potential issues that may arise from extracting foam Insulation including the potential risk of dust ingress?

  • I have assessed the overall condition of the property ensuring its suitability for extraction. Whilst every possible precaution is taken to seal up prior to any extraction works commencing, it is not possible to ensure that dust and debris will not ingress into your property where previous trades have completed works on your property. Unless listed below, there are no additional significant hazards observed that are not addressed in the generic risk assessment for the works to be undertaken.

  • Additional

  • Assessors Signature

  • Clients Signature


  • Scheme

  • State type of scheme

  • Total sqm to be Insulated

  • % of Property to be Installed

  • Required Material

  • If other please state

  • Average Cavity Width

  • Please state correct average Cavity width

  • Please select elevations to be installed

  • Front Boroscope Photo

  • Front DPC Photo

  • Cavity Depth Photo

  • Rear Boroscope Photo

  • Rear DPC Photo

  • Left Boroscope Photo

  • Left DPC Photo

  • Right Boroscope Photo

  • Right DPC Photo

  • Extension Boroscope Photo

  • Extension DPC Photo

  • Floor Type

  • State floor Type

  • Combustion vent Required?

  • Photo of Appliance requiring Combustion vent

  • Cavity Brush Required?

  • Number of Cavity Brushes Required

  • Adjoining properties insulated?

  • Reason Brushes not required

  • Location of Chimneys

  • Location of Flue

  • Additional Notes

  • Additional Photos


  • Please State Type of Works

  • Details of required works

  • Additional Information

  • Photos


  • Scheme

  • State type of scheme

  • Total Area to be Insulated

  • Photo of Loft Hatch

  • Photo of Loft space

  • Existing Insulation

  • Existing Depth

  • Ofgem Loft Doc Required

  • Photo of Loft Doc Close up

  • Photo of Loft Doc in Situ

  • Photo of existing depth

  • Depth to be Added

  • Photo of Loft

  • Depth to be Installed

  • Down-lights present?

  • Select Rooms Down-Lights Present

  • Additional room

  • Total number of Down-Lights

  • Any water tanks need insulating?

  • Large Tank

  • Medium Tank

  • Small Tank

  • Photo of tanks

  • Any Pipework require Lagging?

  • Please state meters of pipework

  • High Amp electrical cables present? (e:g; Power Shower, Cooker)

  • Photo of appliance

  • Photo of Power Switch

  • Loft Hatch needing D/P

  • Relay Required?

  • Relay Sqm

  • Areas to be omitted

  • Total area to be omitted

  • Loft Vents required

  • Walkway required

  • Mtrs Required

  • Loft Clearance

  • Additional Notes

  • Additional Photos


  • Select Damp Issue

  • State Damp Issue

  • Rooms Affected

  • Photos of Internal Issues

  • Select rooms with issues

  • Photos of Internal Issues

  • Has the property adequate ventilation

  • Is there an obvious cause?

  • Details

  • Evidence

  • Is the property in a good state of repair?

  • Listed all Defects

  • Description of Issue

  • Conclusion

  • Actions

  • Additional Information

  • Additional Photos

  • Have Both Parties agreed to the measure?

  • Is the Party Wall suitable to receive insulation?

  • Area to be installed m2?

  • Photo of Front elevation

  • Photo of DPC Front

  • Photo of Rear elevation

  • Photo of DPC Rear

  • Is there anything obstructing direct access to the Party Wall area?

  • Any access issues that may require internal drill and fill of Party Wall?

  • Photos of obstructions

  • Has previously installed CWI migrated in to the Party Wall Void?

  • Approximately how far has the Insulation migrated down the party wall void?

  • Approximately how high up the void has the insulation risen?

  • Photos of material migration in to party wall void

  • Are there any openings in the internal gable walls?

  • Photos of openings

  • Photos of both internal gable walls!

  • Step 1: Internally measure from internal party wall to window/door reveal on both properties (A + B)
    Step 2: Externally measure from window/door wall edge to window/door wall edge on both properties measurement (C) minus A + B = measurement (D)
    Step 3: Deduct Plaster (12mm) or Plaster & Batten (37mm) and finally Brick/Block (100mm) from measurement (D) = Cavity width (E)
    Step 4: Chalk mark the cavity width on wall this will identify the centre of the cavity ready for cavity inspection.

  • Party Wall Width ? ( Minimum of 40mm)

  • Photo of Measurement

  • Photo of Party Wall Condition

  • What is the finish on the internal walls?

  • Photo of Internal walls

  • If finish is Dot & Dab, is there a Parge coat present to a minimum of 8mm?

  • Photo of Parge coat ( Identifiable within loft)

  • State wall finish

  • Are there any internal chimneys/flues present within the PW?

  • Photo of Flue/Chimney on internal Party Wall

  • If so distance from front & rear injection point?

  • Spillage test required?

  • Additional Comments

  • Additional Photos

Basic Checks

  • Pre Appointment Made With Occupant

  • Surveyor As Identification and Appropriate PPE

  • Surveyor up to Date COVID-19 Guidelines Instructions

  • Ask Housing Association, Local Authority, Principle Contractor Representative to Action

Property Information

  • Property Dimensions

  • Access Around Property

  • Do Any Of The Surrounding Landscape Features Impact On The Installation

  • Are There Any Delivery Restrictions?

  • Are There Any Scaffolding Access Issues?

  • Is There Space For Skips (If Required)

Basic EWI Information

  • System Used

  • New Top Coat Finish Specification

  • Current External Finish Condition

  • Property Architype

  • Non-Traditional Description

  • Additonal Notes (If Required)

  • Additional Photos (If Required)

  • Weather Conditions (At point of survey)

  • Temperature

Construction Details Key

  • Standard details refer to Standard Drawings

  • Non standard details;- Detail will be designed & issued

  • Installation notes:- needs to be discussed with site manager

  • Installation team prior to work commencing

  • Standard detail for Project Ref

Property Checks

  • Plinths - Standard Details

  • Cills - Standard Details

  • Reveals - Standard Details

  • Heads/ Lintels - Standard Details

  • Facia/ Soffit - Standard Details

  • Verge/ Eaves - Standard Details

  • Window Surrounds - Standard Details

  • Party Wall - Standard Details

  • Party Wall Agreement in Place

  • Outbuildings E.G. Conservatories, Greenhouses - Are There Any Outbuildings?

  • Do the Outbuildings Affect The Install?

  • Canopy - is there a Canopy?

  • Canopy Type

  • Is This Canopy Being Removed or Replaced

  • Rainwater Goods - Standard Details

  • Existing Rainwater Goods Type

  • Are Rainwater Goods Being Replaced

  • What Specification Is The New Rainwater Goods

  • Soil And Waste - Standard Details

  • Existing Soil And Waste Type

  • Are the Soil Vent Pipe Being Replaced?

  • What Specification Is The New SVP?

  • Vents - Standard Details

  • Locations of All Vents/ Extractor Fans

  • Window Trickle Vents Present

  • Overflows - Standard Details

  • Any Alterations Required?

  • Boiler Flues - Standard Details

  • Do Boiler Flues Need Alterations?

  • Boiler Condensation Expansion Pipes - Standard Details

  • Do Expansion Pipes Require Extension?

  • Communication Installations E.G. Satellites/ TV Aerials

  • Do any Communications Installations need taking off & refitting

  • Greenery - Does It Require Trimming Back?

  • Gates, Fences and Walls - Do The Gates, Fences or Walls Require Alterations

  • External Electrical Equipment - Does It Need Alterations?

  • Residential Fixtures and Fittings - Does It Need Alterations?

  • Gas and Electrical Utility Fixtures - Does It Need Alterations?


  • Property Dimensions

  • Solid Wall m² (Solid Measure Including Windows)

  • Linear Meterage of Window & Door Heads, Reveals and Cills

  • Total m² of External Window and Door Apertures

  • Total m² Silicon Finish To Windows & Doors (Window Reveal)

  • Base Rail Length (Metres)

  • Base Track Nosing

  • Mid Cast Bead

  • Number of External Quoins On Property

  • Cills Length (Metres)

  • Party Wall Length (Metres)

  • Expansion Joint (Metres) (If Semi and Both Properties Being Installed)

  • System Stop End (Metres) (If Semi and Both Properties Being Installed)

  • Verge Trim (If Applicable)

Enabling Works

  • Downpipe Enable Length (Metres)

  • Does a Water Tap Need To Be Removed?

  • Number of Taps

  • Any Extractor Alterations?

  • Any Gas Pipe Alterations?

  • Gas Pipe Alternations Length (Metres)

  • No. Of Satellite Dishes

  • No. Of TV Aerials

  • No. Of External Lights

  • SVP Enabling

  • SVP Alterations of Drains Required?

  • No. Of OFF Set Bends

  • No. Of Over Flows

  • Length? (Metres)

  • No. Of Over Flow Bends

  • Meter Box Alterations Required?

  • PAS 2035 Design Achievable?

  • Replacement Required?

  • Are There Clothe Line Alterations Required?

  • Fence Post Alterations Required?

  • Can We Reuse Fence?

  • No. Of New Fence Post Needed

  • No. Of New Fence Panels Needed

  • No. Of New Gates Needed

  • Re - Instating

  • Can We Refit Existing DP

  • Length of New DP Needed

  • No. of DP Brackets Needed

  • No. of DP Swan Necks Needed

  • No. of DP Toe Needed

  • Do We Need To Fit Gas Extractor Vents

  • Re - Instating Others

  • Clip Wires Needed?

  • How Many?

Additional Information and Evidence

  • Brick Slip / Brick Render Soldier Courses

  • Photographs Non-Detail of Required

  • Additional Photographs

  • Any Additional Notes

  • Have all Rooms Been Inspected for Condensation and Damp?

  • Room Types

  • Photos of all Wet Rooms in Property

  • Do all Wet Rooms have an Extractor Fan?

  • Do all Habitable Rooms have a Trickle Vent / Core Vent

  • Purge ventilation

  • Does the Property Need any Additional Ventilation Work in Preparation for Insulation Measure

  • Total SQM being Installed

  • Access to Sub-Floor Area

  • Floor Plan of Sub-Floor Area

  • Percentage of Floor Area to be Installed

  • State other floor type

  • Picture of other floor type

  • Is there any Sub-Floor Ventilation Present?

  • Picture of Sub Floor Ventilation

  • Is there any pre-existing damage to the areas that will be accessed by the installation operatives?

  • Please state

  • Photo of Exsiting Damage

  • Are there any asbestos containing materials present?

  • Please State

  • Picture of Asbestos containing material

  • Is there evidence of Rodents or Pests in Floor area? EG: Timbers or General Sub-Floor Area

  • Please State

  • Picture of evidence of rodents/ pests

  • Is the Electrical wiring is free from visible defects, e.g. damaged cables, trailing cables, exposed conductors;

  • Please State

  • Photo of Faulty Electrical Wiring

  • Are there any signs of Water Penetration or Water Accumulation in the underfloor area? EG: Externally or Pipework

  • Please State

  • Picture of Water Penetration

  • Will the proposed installation:

  • Be non-compliant with any requirements stated by the designer/specifier;

  • Compromise the functionality of existing air supply/extract ventilation ducts/systems;

  • Result in the unsafe operation of a combustion appliance - (Floor, vents, etc.);

  • General

  • Is there any potential for moisture build up as a result of the installation?

  • Will the functionality and/or safety of installed services (gas, electricity, water, telecommunications etc.) be affected in any way as a result of the installation?

  • Is there any potential risk in relation to the ongoing performance of installed services? (If YES liaison with measure specifiers and/or service providers will need to take place).

  • From the findings of this building inspection, is the installation able to be carried out in line with the full Design Specification?

  • From the findings of this building inspection, is the Method Statement suitable and complete?

  • Is there any evidence that any form of protected species would be disturbed by the installation process?

  • Does the customer understand the nature and extent of the work?

  • Have they been made aware of any disruption that may be caused (for example rubbish disposal and the siting of skips)

  • Does the customer have any particular requests or requirements?

  • Customer Request

  • By signing the below you agree to the following statements:

    • We have explained and you are aware of the nature and extent of the installation and this meets your expectations
    • The Arrangements we have made for site access and installation materials storage are adequate and appropriate for the installation to be undertaken.

  • Customer Signature


  • Undertake Pas 2035

  • Type of Works


  • Will the CWI Installation Work Result in Non-compliance with Building Regulations? e.g. Workmanship, Materials

  • Will the CWI Work Result in Unsafe Operation of a Combustion Appliance? e.g. Flue

  • Will the CWI Insulation Work Result in Compromise to the Functionality of Existing Ventilation Ducts/ Systems?

  • Will the CWI Insulation Work Result in Compromise to the Functionality and/or Safety of Existing Services?

  • Will the CWI Insulation Work Result in Installation that is Non-Compliant Material Supplier Requirement?

  • Have relevant checks been undertaken to determine if asbestos containing materials are present?

  • Type & Condition of Building Structure Suitable for Works to Commence

  • Property Drilled to Establish Clear Cavity Width

  • All Areas not to be Insulated are Agreed with Customer?

  • Any Areas to be Insulated via the Internal Leaf Agreed with Customer?

  • Scaffold Supplied by Customer?

  • What is the Extent of the Cavity to be Filled?

  • Will the Site layout or conditions impair the execution of the works?

  • Is there any potential for moisture build up as a result of the insulation?

  • Will the Functionality and/or safety of insulation services (Gas, Electricity, Water, Telecommunications etc.) be Affected in any way as a result of the Installation?

  • Is there any Potential Risk in Relation to the Ongoing Performance of Installed Services?

  • From the Findings of this Survey, Is the Installation able to be Carried out in Line with the Full Design Specification?

  • From the Findings of this Survey, is the Method Statement suitable and Complete?

  • Is there any Evidence that any Form of Protected Species would be Disturbed by the Installation Process?

  • Does the Customer understand the Nature and Extent of the Works?

  • Have they been made Aware of any Disruption that may be Caused? (e.g. Rubbish Disposal and the Siting of Skips)

  • Does the Customer have any Particular Requests or Requirements?

  • Are the Arrangements for Site Access and the Storage of Installation Materials adequate and Appropriate?

  • Is there any other Information which would help ensure the smooth running of the Installation process?


  • Is there any Pre-existing Damage to the Areas that will be Accessed by the Installation Operatives?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works in relation to the existence of appropriate Roof Space Ventilation arrangements?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works to Commence in relation to the Timbers being free from Rot and/or Infestation?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works to Commence in relation to the Condition of the Ceilings?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works to Commence in relation to Metal Structural roof members being Free from Visible signs of Corrosion?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works to Commence in relation to Electrical wiring being free from Visible defects? (e.g. Damaged Cables, Trailing Cables, Exposed Conductors)

  • No Visible signs of Water Penetration

  • No Visible signs of Leakage from Water System components? (e.g. Pipework, Cisterns, Tanks etc.)

  • Following Investigation, will the proposed Installation be Non-compliant with any requirements stated by the Designer/ Specifier?

  • Following Investigation, will the proposed Installation compromise the Functionality of Existing air supply/ Extract ventilation ducts/systems?

  • Following Investigation, will the proposed Installation result in Unsafe operation of a Combustion Appliance?

  • Following Investigation, will the proposed Installation Work Result in Non-compliance with Building Regulations? e.g. Workmanship, Materials, Fire Safety, Resistance to Moisture?

  • Will the Site Layout or Conditions impair the Execution of the works in relation to appropriate access to the property and to the roof space?

  • Will the Site Layout or Conditions impair the Execution of the works in relation to the roof space being free from Stored items, Boarding etc.?

  • What is the Extent of the Area and Elements to be Insulated?

  • Is there any potential for moisture build up as a result of the insulation?

  • Will the Functionality and/or safety of insulation services (Gas, Electricity, Water, Telecommunications etc.) be Affected in any way as a result of the Installation?

  • Is there any Potential Risk in Relation to the Ongoing Performance of Installed Services?

  • From the Findings of this Survey, Is the Installation able to be Carried out in Line with the Full Design Specification?

  • From the Findings of this Survey, is the Method Statement suitable and Complete?

  • Is there any Evidence that any Form of Protected Species would be Disturbed by the Installation Process?

  • Is the Condition of the Roof Space suitable for the Works to commence in relation the under floor area being free from Rodents/ Pests?

  • Does the Customer understand the Nature and Extent of the Works?

  • Have they been made Aware of any Disruption that may be Caused? (e.g. Rubbish Disposal and the Siting of Skips)

  • Does the Customer have any Particular Requests or Requirements?

  • Are the Arrangements for Site Access and the Storage of Installation Materials adequate and Appropriate?

  • Is there any other Information which would help ensure the smooth running of the Installation process?


  • Undertake Risk Assessment

  • Type of Works

  • Cavity Wall Insulation Risk Assessment Questions

  • Overhead Electricity Cables Present?

  • Does the Property have a Garage?

  • Does the Property have a Porch?

  • Does the Property have an Outside Tap?

  • Does the Property have Finlock Gutters?

  • Does the Property suggest that Asbestos could be Present?

  • Confirm you have asked the Client if there was any known Asbestos or Asbestos containing materials within the property

  • Do you or the Client have any Reason to suspect Asbestos is present in the Property?

  • Access from Road/ Around Property

  • Is there any Evidence of Vermin?

  • Is there any Evidence of Protected Wildlife? (e.g. Bats)

  • Use of a Mobile Tower Required?

  • Working on Roof Required?

  • Vibration Likely?

  • High Noise Levels Likely?

  • Working with Wet Cement/ Concrete/ Mortar required?

  • Use of Mobile Elevation Working Platform (MEWP) required?

  • If Obstructions present, can an extended Lance be used to Remedy?

  • Reversing of Vehicle Required?

  • Electricity Required?

  • Housekeeping Required

  • Distance from Works vehicle to Property

  • Will Public Walkway be at Risk?

  • Is neighbour access required?

  • Safety Signage required?

  • Loft Insulation Risk Assessment Questions

  • Does the Property suggest that Asbestos could be Present?

  • Confirm you have asked the Client if there was any known Asbestos or Asbestos containing materials within the property

  • Do you or the Client have any Reason to suspect Asbestos is present in the Property?

  • Have all checks been Undertaken to determine if Asbestos containing materials are present within the property?

  • Access from Road/ Around Property

  • Is there any Evidence of Vermin?

  • Is there any Evidence of Protected Wildlife? (e.g. Bats)

  • Vulnerable Person Present?

  • Use of Ladders Required?

  • Manual Handling Required?

  • Reversing of Vehicle Required?

  • Electricity Required?

  • Housekeeping Required

  • Distance from Works vehicle to Property

  • Will Public Walkway be at Risk?

  • Is neighbour access required?

  • Safety Signage required?

  • Electricity Cables present in Loft

  • Working in Confined Spaces required?

  • Lone Working?

  • Use of Scaffold required?


  • I has assessed the conditions on site ensuring there is adequate ventilation. Unless listed below, there are no additional significant hazards observed that are not addresses in the generic risk assessment for the works to be undertaken

  • undefined

  • Assessors Name and Signature

  • Customer's name and Signature


  • Upload Compliance Doc's

  • POPT

  • POPT (Paper Survey up to 6 pages)

  • Number of Doc's

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • Image 4

  • Image 5

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  • Image 1

  • Benefit Details/Letters

  • Benefit Details/Letters (up to 15 Pages)

  • Number of Doc's

  • Image 1

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  • DSSY with a Floor Plan

  • DSSY with a Floor Plan (12 Pages)

  • Number of Doc's

  • Image 1

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  • Image 4

  • Image 1

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  • Image 3

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 1

  • Party Wall Consent form

  • Signed by Owner of the subject Property and Neighbouring property/properties. (min 2 pages)

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • EST Form

  • EST Form (Signed by Owner Occupier 1 page)

  • Image 1

  • Land Registry Form

  • Land Registry Form signed by Owner Occupier (1 page)

  • Image 1

  • LMCP

  • Landlord Management Company Permission Form (only for privately rented 2 pages)

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Recent EPC

  • EPC (only for privately rented 3 pages)

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • Additional Supporting Evidence

  • Additional Supporting Evidence (Title Deeds, Mortgage Statement, Tenancy Agreements (up to 20 pages)

  • Number of Doc's

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • Image 4

  • Image 5

  • Image 6

  • Image 7

  • Image 8

  • Image 9

  • Image 10

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  • Image 12

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  • Image 14

  • Image 15

  • Image 16

  • Image 17

  • Image 18

  • Image 19

  • Image 20

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  • Image 16

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  • Image 18

  • Image 19

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  • Image 18

  • Image 1

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  • Image 13

  • Image 14

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  • Image 17

  • Image 1

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  • Image 16

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  • Image 15

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  • Image 13

  • Image 1

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  • Image 10

  • Image 11

  • Image 12

  • Image 1

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  • Image 8

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  • Image 10

  • Image 11

  • Image 1

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  • Image 10

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  • Image 9

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  • Image 8

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  • Image 7

  • Image 1

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  • Image 5

  • Image 6

  • Image 1

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  • Image 4

  • Image 5

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • Image 4

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 3

  • Image 1

  • Image 2

  • Image 1

  • Additional Information and Photos

  • Additional Information

  • Additional Photos


  • Select Measures for Quotation


  • Total m2

  • Price


  • Total m2

  • Price


  • Total m2

  • Price


  • Total m2

  • Price


  • Type of Works

  • Price

  • Access Equipment Required

  • Access Equipment Required

  • Price

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.