Title Page
Lot Number /Subdivision
Conducted on
Personal Builder
Pre Construction Checklist
Pre-Construction Checklist
Take picture of Curb before excavation and notify developer of any cracks
Did you review plans, plot plan and all job documents (Pos)?
Did you verify that Window Ros are uploaded and notify PE if not?
Is the silt fence installed prior to excavating?
Have you confirmed all manholes are marked and uncovered, all utilities are present and marked?
Is the plan holder box installed?
Did you check stakes at back property line and if not present notify Surveyor?
Did you request gas service (Kansas city will not accept until the foundation is in)?
Is the temporary Electrical Meter on site (Check this at the time of excavation or sooner)?
Did you verify all hubs and flags are intact a few days prior to Excavation/Slot date?
Comments/ notes
Take picture of excavated lot
Is subsurface present (follow subsurface procedures and Send notification if so)?
Did you update schedule Dig/slot date to accurately show day excavation began?
Foundation / Backfill
Take picture of foundation before and after backfill
Did you confirm foundation trade has correct layouts and plans (send confirmation to AM and foundation trade)?
Did you confirm sewer stub location on plot plan and ensure sewer sleeve is placed in footing on correct side?
Did you schedule back fill inspection (if city requires)?
Is UFER ground installed near location of hot water heater and furnace?
Is foundation rebar bent over or capped off to prevent physical harm?
Is form lumber picked up and removed from jobsite?
Did you measure foundation wall and compare to plans (notify AM of any substantial variances)?
Does the foundation match plot plan wall heights, garage cut out, step downs, and retaining walls?
Is damproofing complete?
Are foundation and stoop fully backfilled, and yard graded to allow drainage?
Is all dirt removed from lot (except what will be needed for final grade)?
Did you begin running soaker hoses or root soakers to settle over dig and water/sewer ditch?
Did you follow up on gas service?
Is a clean gravel drive established?
Did you confirm downwall windows shown on plan will work and notify PE so they can place order?
Is silt fence still intact and/or repaired/replaced as needed?
Did you schedule Footing and/or wall inspections as needed for some municipalities?
Are wall ties all knocked off after forms stripped?
Is egress ladder installed and drilled into wall?
Comments/ notes
Under slab plumbing/ pre - Flatwork
Under slab plumbing / pre-flatwork
Take picture of underslab plumbing
Is radon vent “T” installed?
Is sump Pit in correct location and out of future finished areas?
Is interior drain tile installed on all jobs?
Is silt fence in place and streets clean after water/sewer complete?
If water or sewer service come from across the street did you repair/replace sod or sidewalk?
If trench for water and sewer goes under driveway did you backfill with gravel?
Did you verify cleanout locations in floors are not in bathrooms or bedrooms?
Was there a City inspection for ground rough plumbing?
Comments/ notes
Basement and garage flatwork
Basement / garage flatwork inspection
Take a picture of rebar in place prior to pour, if you cannot be there have your flatwork trade send you a picture
Is there 1 ft. O.C. rebar in garage floors, 2 ft. O.C. rebar in basement slabs (unless plans specify otherwise)?
Did you ensure isolation rings were used at posts and at tub drain on future baths?
Did you ensure no wood forms poured in at bath stub?
Are basement floors saw cut to prevent cracking (unless a structural slab was required due to subsurface)?
Did you ensure no excess slag on walls or left on egress wells?
Comments/ Notes
First floor framing inspection
1st floor framing inspection
Take pictures of first floor framing
Is there a dumpster on site?
Is there a Port a john on site?
Is 1st floor level (confirm with 6’ level and sign off with framers)?
Are guards installed around stair opening?
Are two stud corners installed?
Are windows at correct height per plans, and standards confirmed with RO sheet?
Are window sills slopped?
Is the jobsite clean?
Are LVL’s ripped down ¼” (if using dimensional lumber joists)?
Did you check full framing specs checklist for more info (see below)?
Comments/ Notes
Second Floor framing inspection
2nd floor framing inspection
Take pictures of 2nd floor framing
Does exterior siding overlap floor levels properly (barn Lap)?
Is the 2nd Floor level (confirm with 6’ level and sign off with framers)?
Are guards installed at stairs?
Are two stud corners installed?
Are windows at correct height per plans, and standards confirmed with RO sheet?
Are window sills slopped?
Is the jobsite clean?
Did you check full framing specs checklist for more info (see below)?
Comments/ Notes
Stoop flashing and flatwork inspection
Stoop flashing and flatwork inspection
Are stoops properly flashed prior to pouring (flashing totally overlaps foundation)?
Is there proper edging and broom?
Are all forms removed?
Was there a city inspection (if required in municipality)?
Did you follow up on gas service (if not already ran to house)?
Comments/ Notes
Comprehensive framing checklist
Comprehensive framing checklist
Take picture of all 4 sides when framing is complete and cleaned home on interior
Does trim on front elevation match plans?
Is Tyvek installed properly and Cap nails used to secure?
Is there Drain or stucco wrap on front of home, house wrap on sides and rear of homes?
Is there a minimum 3/8” gap between garage door framing and concrete floor to eliminate rotting?
Are there 1,000 lb. straps in garage?
Is window drip cap flashing installed behind Tyvek on single wall construction?
Are windows shimmed and raised off sills, square, operate smoothly, and have an equal reveal?
Are window sills properly framed so it slopes to the exterior?
Are windows paned with flexo wrap and taped properly (sides then top)?
Did you check for broken window glass or frames inside and out, and initial/date window after inspected?
Did you mark door swings and check for correct door sizes per the plans (height and width)?
Are truss hangers installed?
Are basement and garage beam post in correct locations per plans, and bolted down?
Are there two stud corners throughout home?
Do all knee walls or dead spaces adjacent to attics or deck/porch roofs have sheeting on cold side?
Are there proper window header heights (kitchen and main level bath 7’, great room and breakfast 8’, basement 7’)?
Did you pan off dead spaces and chases?
Are exterior doors square and shimmed, and door pans installed?
Did you check on pre-batt insulation and fireplace install?
Are fur downs and backing for cabinets in place?
Is structural bearing under point loads and load bearing walls and blocking per I joist layouts?
Are Floor joists, beams, LVL etc. installed per plans?
Are trusses free of cuts or damage and vaults plane out, and blocking is in for sheetrock/trimmed beams?
Is seat in master shower framed?
Are there attic accesses (main attics 18” high for insulation) (garage attic 12” high)?
Is the soap niche in master shower framed and marked on floor for location?
Are subfloors flat without any crowned joist or raised subfloor edges, and no holes present?
Did you check for missed nails in subfloor (especially where visible in unfinished basements)?
Did you inspect roof for possible defects (like sags or wavy valleys) and is it quality workmanship?
Did you cut any excess Tyvek or sill sealer hanging below siding on exterior?
Are porch roofs properly supported to allow flat workers to pour concrete stoop?
Are metal post standoffs installed under covered deck or patio post where a patio is being poured?
Is there an adequate number of soffit vents installed including garage and rear patio covers?
Is house swept and clean including yard clean and all debris/scrap in dumpster?
Is excess lumber neatly stacked in garage or front yard for pick up?
Comments/ Notes
Roofing inspection
Roofing Inspection
Take picture of roof
Is roof kick out flashing installed by roofers?
Is the yard clean and all trash thrown in dumpster?
Is there an adequate number of roof vents including garages and covered patios?
Is step flashing installed behind Tyvek to create proper drainage plans?
Did you print and tape all selection and spec sheets to windows for rough in and finish crews to verify selections?
Comments/ Notes
Mechanical and pre sheetrock inspection
Mechanical / pre-sheetrock inspection
Take few pictures of HVAC Plumbing and Electrical throughout the home
Are furnace and hot water heater are in the correct location, and do not encroach upon future finished living area?
Are double walls or fur downs installed for ductwork and plumbing in garage (at least 3 ½” of insulation)?
Is there blocking above garage beam, where 2nd floor condition floor ends, and garage cold walls?
Double check attic knee wall sheeting with top and bottom plates
Is there proper backing for TV or other?
Is jet tub deck flush with the underside of jet tub, and level?
Is jet tub properly supported by framing material?
Are jet tub and fireplace covered with cardboard?
Did you mark studs and location of motor access on floor for cabinet installer?
Are jet tub motor and electrical outlet accessible and on the correct side?
Are floor registers covered with metal filter covers provided by HVAC trade partners?
Is wiring for electrical outlets, switches and light installed in correct locations?
Did you schedule an insulation inspection with your Area Manager?
Comments/ Notes
Air sealing and insulation Inspection
Air Sealing and Insulation Inspection
Take pictures of kitchen, great room and master bathroom prior to drywall delivery.
Did you check overall alignment throughout home – Grade 1 installation (virtually no compaction)?
Is there a garage band joist air barrier (bays adjoining conditioned space – picture frame with foam)?
Are there attic eave baffles (Use 3 baffles per soffit vent)?
Is there air barrier at all band Joists (solid blocking and picture frame with spray foam)?
Is wall behind shower/tub insulated and air barrier installed?
Is wall behind fireplace insulated and air barrier installed?
Is there spray foam at perimeter of floor joist/bottom plate intersection of all floors adjacent to attic spaces?
Is there flash foam at bottom and exterior rim of all cantilevered floors?
Are attic knee walls sheeted and/or air barrier installed, and any gaps are fully sealed with spray foam and insulated?
Are attic slopes/walls insulated?
Wall adjoining porch roof exterior walls or unconditioned spaces
On double walls – does insulation fill entire cavity with no air gaps (it must)?
Did you verify blanket insulation has no gaps, voids or compression?
Did you verify blown-in insulation has proper density with firm packing?
Insulated floor above garage
Floors between conditioned and exterior spaces
Cantilevered floors
Are openings to unconditioned space fully sealed (duct shaft, piping shaft/penetrations, flue shaft)?
Does movable insulation fit snugly in opening, and air barrier is fully gasketed?
Is attic access panel fully gasketed and insulated?
Is dropped ceiling/soffit full air barrier aligned with insulation?
Are recessed lighting fixtures ICAT-labeled and sealed to drywall?
Is house clean and all debris in dumpster?
Did you verify that HERS inspection has been performed prior to Drywall on all Signature homes?
Is insulation inspection complete as required by Municipality prior to hanging drywall?
Comments / Notes
Sign Off
I certified that the above items have been inspected and completed.
To be turned in to Area Manager at Pre-Sheetrock Inspection. (Requirement to receive job bonus)
Personal Builder
Area Manager
Comments / Notes