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Material receivables
What is the container or truck ID number - provide photo Zapis ID kontejneru, nebo kamionu - udelej foto
Was the material unloaded Inside?<br>Byl material slozen uvnitr haly?
Did your SUP approve location of stored materials?<br>Odsouhlasil SUP misto pro vykladani?
Was the material covered?<br>Je material zakryty?
Have you notified SUP of location of materials stored outside?<br>Informoval jsi SUP o miste kde jsi slozil material?
Is the load stacked, packed correctly and unloaded without any problems? Provide photo of open doors.<br>Je material naskladneny, zabaleny spravne a sel vylozit bez problemu? Udelej foto pri otevrenych dverich.
Is the load easly removable not too heavy for sliding out? Provide notes if experiencing difficulty with removal.<br>Sel material vyskladnit bez problemu? Pokud ne, popis situaci a problemy.
Any damages to material? Provide photo and notify SUP.<br>Je material poskozen? Pokud ano, udelej foto dokumentaci a informuj SUP.
Is there adequate space for the materials delivered?
Has all material been taken inside? None forgoten or left behind?
Montaze Broz representative - signature Montaze Broz odpovedny pracovnik - podpis