
  • Applicant name:

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Prepared by

  • Applicant Signature

  • Preparer Signature


Background and General Facility Questions

  • Have you been licensed with USDA-APHIS-Animal Care before?

  • Can you tell me what happened to cause this failure to renew your license?

  • Are you required to have a state issued license?

  • Tell me about your past inspection reports – was anything cited, how were the problems fixed?

  • Were there any minor issues or concerns that your inspector discussed with you previously but did not put on the report?

  • What measures have you taken to fix those issues/concerns?

  • Do you understand that there are no “teachable moments” or “minor issues” for these prelicense inspections?

  • What type of breeding dogs you mostly raise?

  • How many breeding animals do you currently have?

  • Are these all of the animals and locations you are using or intending to use for regulated purposes?

  • Have you ever pled ‘no contest’ or have you ever been found to have violated any Federal, State, or local laws or regulations pertaining to animals?

  • Would you please explain the circumstances around your plea?

Animals Raised/Kept Inside the Home or Animals Cohabitating with Humans

  • Do you keep or raise animals in your home?

  • Are these animals limited to a specific area of the home or do they have unlimited access? Or are placed in a room that is set aside specifically for the animals’ – whelping room, nighttime sleeping room, etc.?

  • Tell me about any enclosures you may use for the animals – (e.g. “vari kennels”, playpens, stack caging).

  • Are they large enough to meet the floor space requirements of a primary enclosure?

  • If you do – do you understand that this animal area will need to meet the requirements of indoor housing including surfaces, ventilation, etc.? (need to refer to Indoor housing facility questions at this point)

  • Do you understand that we will need to inspect all areas housing animals and items associated with their care?

  • Do you understand that the areas of the home that are available to the animals must be kept clean and safe to ensure their well- being? (Safety hazards – electrical cords, toxic plants, choking hazards, etc.)

Indoor Facilities (not applicable to animals cohabitating with humans): Indoor housing facility means any structure or building with environmental controls.

  • How is the facility heated and cooled and how is the temperature regulated?

  • What is the average temperature inside the facility?

  • Tell me how you monitor the temperature and humidity levels?

  • How is it ventilated?

  • How is the facility lighted?

  • What is the lighting schedule?

  • Are interior surfaces including walls, floors, and ceilings impervious to moisture?

  • What is used to make the surfaces impervious ?

  • How often are surfaces replaced or repaired? (this applies to indoor kennels or indoor animal rooms – not interior of houses where humans and animals cohabitate)

  • Which kinds of enclosures are present and what sizes do you use?

Outdoor Facilities

  • Have you discussed the following issues with your attending veterinarian?

  • Housing dogs (and cats) outside that are not acclimated to the temperatures common in your area; breeds of dogs (and cats) that cannot tolerate common seasonal temperature variations in your area; sick, infirm, old, and young dogs (and cats)?

  • Have you received written approval from your attending veterinarian to do so?

  • Do your enclosures provide shelter from the heat and cold?

  • Is there protection from direct sunlight, rain, wind, and snow?

  • Are there wind and rain breaks at the entrance of shelter structures?

  • When do you provide clean and dry bedding for the shelter structures?

  • What is the bedding and how often is it replaced or refreshed?

  • Are surfaces in contact with the dogs (and cats) impervious to moisture?

  • What is used to make the surfaces impervious ?

  • How often are surfaces replaced or repaired?

  • Do you use metal barrels, cars, refrigerators or the like as shelter?

Sheltered Facilities

  • How is the facility heated and cooled and how is the temperature regulated?

  • What is the average temperature inside the facility?

  • Tell me how you monitor the temperature and humidity levels?

  • How is it ventilated?

  • Do your enclosures provide shelter from the heat and cold?

  • How is the inside facility lighted?

  • Are surfaces in contact with the dogs (and cats) impervious to moisture?

  • What is used to make the surfaces impervious ?

  • Which kinds of enclosures are present and what sizes do you use?

Veterinary and Health Issues

  • Who is your AV?

  • Has your attending veterinarian visited recently?

  • What is your formal arrangement?

  • When was their last visit?

  • How have you given your AV appropriate authority to ensure that adequate care is provided to your animals?

  • Do you have a current, written program of veterinary care (PVC) signed by your AV?

  • The APHIS 7002

  • Does the written PVC reflect what you actually do at your facility?

  • Does the PVC cover routine medications, vaccinations, routine treatments including routine dental care, and when needed, euthanasia?

  • Do you have any expired or unlabeled medications?

  • How often do you observe each animal and what do you do when problems are discovered?

  • How are problems recorded and communicated to your AV?

  • Do you maintain medical records?

  • Do you have a plan for nail and hair coat maintenance; eye, ear, and dental care; and flea and tick prevention?

  • Nails

    Triming Nails
  • Dogs Teeth

    A dogs Mouth
  • Matted Hair

    Matted Hair

Exercise program for the dogs

  • How is it scheduled and how is it documented?

  • Do you have a play yard or exercise area that is securely fenced?

  • Is it free of debris, weeds, and dangerous objects?

  • Do you have this exercise plan written down?

  • Has your AV signed off on this plan?

Identification and Records

  • How are dogs/puppies (and cats/kittens) identified?

  • Do you have a microchip scanner if you plan on using microchips?

  • Are you familiar with APHIS Form 7005(Record of Acquisition of Dogs and Cats on Hand)?


  • Have you recorded the dogs’ (and cats’) ID number, gender, breed, physical description, date of birth, and acquisition date on this form?

  • Do you have all the acquisition information possible (name, address, USDA license number, driver’s license number, etc.)?

  • Are you familiar with APHIS Form 7006(Record of Disposition of Dogs and Cats)?


Additional Topics for Cat Facilities

  • Describe your housing for the adults cats – are you using individual enclosures or colony housing?

  • What type of queening enclosures and boxes are you using?

  • What size enclosures are you using for adults and for queens and kittens?

  • What is the height of the enclosures?

  • What type of litter and litter pans are you using?

  • Describe the resting surfaces in the enclosures – how many are in each enclosure and what height are they?

Additional Topics

  • How do you manage pest control?

  • How is waste fluid drained?

  • How is food stored in the kennel?

  • How are extra bags of food and extra bedding material stored?

  • Who will be caring for the animals, apart from you?

  • Have they had training in the care and husbandry of the animals and are they familiar with:

  • How is housekeeping maintained?

  • Describe your routine maintenance plan?

  • Are there days and/or times during the week when you are unavailable for routine inspections?

  • Is there someone else who you can authorize to be available for routine inspections?

  • Are you licensed with the State?

  • If so, for how many years?

  • When was your last inspection?

  • Were any issues identified?

  • Have they been corrected?

  • Do you understand the difference between regulated and unregulated activity?

  • Do you understand that you cannot conduct regulated activity until you have a USDA license?

  • Do you have your copy of the Animal Welfare Act (“the blue book” or the CD)?

  • Have you read through the regulations and standards that apply to your facility and to your situation?

  • Do you understand that you are legally responsible for complying with all of them?

  • Are you aware that once the first pre-license inspection is conducted, you have 90 days to complete the inspection process with a maximum of three inspections?<br><br>Note: It can take a week or two to schedule second and third inspection so please allow for that time to schedule inspections.

  • When the first pre-license inspection is conducted (please allow at least 2-4 hours), we will first be reviewing some educational components and tools. Once that is completed, we will be doing the physical inspection. Do you understand this can take a few hours?

  • Do you feel that you are ready for an inspection?

  • Do you understand that 100% compliance is required to pass and receive a license?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.