
  • Site

  • Weather Conditions

  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Persons present


1.0 - Exterior Walk

  • Q1 - Are the bins in good condition and not overflowing?

  • Q2 - Is the external signage clean and in good conditions?

  • Q3 - Are their exterior bait boxes in place?

  • Q4 - Is the external lighting working correctly?

  • Q5 - Are paviers and footpaths free from damage and trip hazards?

  • Q6 - Is the drainage clear that can be seen?

  • Q7 - Are the customer facing areas free of gum, cigarette ends and litter?

  • Q8 - Is the building clean?

  • Q9 - Are the rain water pipes clear and undamaged?

  • Q10 - Is the bin storage/compactor area clear and clean?

  • Q11 - Is the compactor area locked and the compactor turned off with a key?

Foyer and Concourse Area

Lifts & Escalators

  • Q1 - Is there a working lift?

  • Q1.1 - What is the brand of lift?

  • Q2 - Is there a working escalator?

  • Q2.1 - What is the brand?

  • Q3 - Is there any other equipment?

Foyer Area

  • Q1 - Are the auto doors working and in good condition?

  • Q2 - Are the manual doors working and in good condition?

  • Q3 - Is the entrance matwell in good conditions?

  • Q4 - Is the wall decoration good in good repair?

  • Q5 - Is all the lighting working and the same colour temperature?

  • Q6 - Is the carpeted area free from damage and clean with no trip hazards?

  • Q7 - Is the tiled area free from damage and clean with no trip hazards?

  • Q8 - Is all direction signage working?

Concourse Area

  • Q1 - Are all walls clean and in good repair?

  • Q2 - Is all signage working?

  • Q3 - Is the carpet clean and free from damage?

  • Q4 - Is the lighting working (adequate)?

  • Q5 - Are all screen doors free from damage with fire seals in place?

  • Q6 - Are all fire doors damage free and able to open/close freely?

  • Q7 - Are there any further details to add?

Concessions and Ice Cream Area

Concessions/Ice Cream area

  • Q1 - Is the equipment working?

  • Q2 - Is all equipment clean and free from damage?

  • Q3 - Are the fridges and freezers working and showing the correct temperature?

  • Q4 - Are all fridges and freezers clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Q5 - Is the concessions stand clean (including under the counters and under equipment)?

  • Q6 - Are all ice bins clean with lids and in a good state of repair?

  • Q7 - Are the hand basins clean with soap and blue roll available?

  • Q8 - Is there hot running water available at the front and back of the concessions stand?

  • Q9 - Is the sink used for washing up in good repair?

  • Q10 - Is the dipping cabinet at the correct temperature?

  • Q11 - Is the dipping cabinet, scoop sink, utensils and toppings unit clean?

  • Q12 - Is the concessions stand in good repair (shop fitting)?

  • Q13 - Are the kick boards in place and under the counter free from debris?

  • Q14 - Is the prep area shelving being used correctly and in good repair?

  • Q15 - Is the prep area floor in good repair with no trip hazards?

  • Q16 - Are the prep area walls clean and in good repair?

  • Q17 - Is there a C02 monitor in place and operational?

  • Q18 - Is there a working ice machine?

  • Q19 - Is the ice machine clean?

  • Q20 - Is there HVAC in the concessions area and working?

  • Q21 - Are there any further details to add?



  • Q1 - How many toilets are there?

  • Q2 - Are toilets clean and tidy?

  • Q3 - Are cubicles secure and free from damage?

  • Q4 - Are all toilet door locks working?

  • Q5 - Are all toilets working with no faulty flush systems?

  • Q6 - Are all toilet seats present and secure?

  • Q7 - Are all toilet roll holders present and secure?

  • Q8 - Is all lighting working and the same colour temperature?

  • Q9 - Are all hand dryers full functiioning?

  • Q10 - Are all taps working?

  • Q11 - Is there hot running water?

  • Q12 - Are the nappy/sanitary bins serviced correctly and not overflowing?

  • Q13 - Are the toilets free of smells?

  • Q14 - Are the urinals waterless?

  • Q15 - Are Whiffaway balls and holders in good condition?

  • Q16 - Have there been any issues with urinal blockages?

  • Q17 - Are there any air fresheners installed?

  • Q17.1 - Are the air fresheners full and working?

  • Q 18 - Are there any further details to add?

Cupboards and Store rooms

  • Q1 - How many store rooms are there?

  • Q2 - What is each store room used for?

  • Q3 - Are all doors locked and secure?

  • Q4 - Are all door damage free with fire seals in place?

  • Q5 - Is the flooring in good repair and clean?

  • Q6 - Are the walls in good repair and clean?

  • Q7 - Are the ceilings in good repair?

  • Q8 - Is the ushers room/cleaning cupboard clean and tidy with the equipment stored correctly?

  • Q9 - Is the sink in the ushers and cleaners cupboards clean, in good repair and flowing correctly?

  • Q10 - Is there a cleaning trolley available?

  • Q11 - Are there any further details to add?



  • Q1 - All tivoli lighting working?

  • Q2 - Is the emergency lighting working including running men?

  • Q3 - Are all seats clean?

  • Q4 - Do screens have standard and VIP seating?

  • Q4.1 - What make are the seats?

  • Q5 - Is seating in good condition?

  • Q6 - Are the wall fabric and walls clean and in good repair?

  • Q7 - Are the screen sheets clean?

  • Q8 - Are the screen temperatures comfortable?

  • Q9 - Nothing is stored under the screen?

  • Q10 - Screen exit doors working correctly and not damaged?

  • Q11 - Are the recliner seating safety modifications all working?

  • Q12 - Are the balustrades/handrails fixed securely and free from damage?

  • Q13 - Are all ceiling tiles in place?

  • Q14 - Is the wallpaper in place and in good condition?

  • Q15 - Are there any further details to add?

Back of House

Fire & Intruder Alarm

  • Q1 - What type of fire alarm is installed?

  • Q2 - Is the fire alarm free of faults?

  • Q2.1 - What are the faults?

  • Q3 - What make of intruder alarm is installed?

  • Q4 - Is the intruder alarm free of faults?

  • Q4.1 - What are the faults?

  • Q5 - Is the Master code known for the Fire Alarm?

  • Q6 - Is the Master code known for the Intruder Alarm?

Staff Room

  • Q1 - Is there a staff room?

  • Q2 - Are there staff changing rooms?

  • Q3 - Is there anything additional to add?

Roof and HVAC

  • Q1 - Is the roof area clear of equipment/old parts?

  • Q2 - Is the roof area clear of weeds/nests?

  • Q3 - Are there any noticable areas of damage on the roof?

  • Q4 - What make are the HVAC units?

  • Q5 - What is the location of the HVAC units?

  • Q6 - Is there gas?

  • Q7 - Is there a BMS?

  • Is it on site/off site and what company is it?

  • Q8 - Is the gas pipework in good condition?

  • Q9 - Are all fire exits clear with doors working?

General Information

  • Q1 - Is there a central battery unit?

  • Q2 - Is the central battery unit working and clear from faults?

  • Q3 - Are all battery/electrical/server rooms free from clutter

  • Q4 - Are all battery/electrical/server rooms to the correct temperature and not too hot?

  • Q5 - Has the Fire Risk Assessment been reviewed?

  • Q6 - Has the energy usage been reviewed?

  • Q7 - Is the Pest Control Folder available and up to date?

  • Q8 - Is the Water Testing folder and WHRA available and up to date?

  • Q9 - Are you able to view the water metre?

  • Q10 - Are you able to view the gas metre?

  • Q11 - Is the Master code known for the safe?

  • Q12 - Are all safes working correctly?

  • Q13 - Is there anything additional to add?


Additional Observations

  • Issue 1

  • Issue 2

  • Issue 3

  • Issue 4

  • Issue 5

  • Issue 6

  • Issue 7

  • Issue 8

  • Issue 9

  • Issue 10

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.