Location Number
Location Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Previous inspection
Has the last inspection been reviewed?
Are there no outstanding actions?
Postings / File Management
Are the required Federal and State Labor Law posters (5 in 1) current and displayed in a prominent location where associates are likely to see them?
If visiting between February 1 and April 30, is the latest OSHA 300A form signed and posted?
Is Penske Logistics' "Commitment To A Safe Work Environment" posted in a highly visible location?
Is there an adequate supply of blank Near Miss Report forms accessible to all associates?
Are the most current Safety Team Meeting minutes posted on-site?
Does the location maintain a three-ring binder of past and current safety team meeting minutes?
Are all Personnel Files kept in a secure location with controlled access?
Contractor and Visitor Safety
Does the location require contractors and visitors to sign in before being given entry to the facility?
Do Penske hired contractors review their safety procedures with local management prior to performing on-site work?
Is there an adequate supply of vests for visitors?
Environmental Compliance
If the location does not use the 3E program, does it have a complete and updated MSDS book covering all chemicals in the workplace?
If the location does not use the 3E program, does it have a complete and updated MSDS book covering all chemicals in the workplace?
If the 3E program is used for obtaining MSDSs, are stickers and postings placed conspicuously near the fax and associate areas?
If the 3E program is used, does the location have a designated fax machine available 24 hours a day and is the location's fax number posted on it?
Does the location maintain a chemical inventory list that is updated annually by February 1st?
Are chemicals properly identified with an approved label?
As required by OSHA, are past chemical inventories being maintained for 30 years?
Are spill kits available where chemicals are stored or handled?
Emergency Management
Does the location have an up to date Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?
Are the emergency phone numbers, evacuation routes and assembly areas current and posted?
Is there more than one exit on the emergency evacuation route map?
Are all doors that could be confused with an exit clearly marked as "not an exit?"
Are emergency lighting systems operable?
Are all exit doors (including emergency) clear from obstruction, unlocked, and in proper working order?
Are all exits clearly visible and marked by an "Exit" sign?
Are routes to all exits clearly marked?
Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
Office Hazards
Condition of filing cabinets?
Condition of chairs? (Five star bases.)
Desks in good condition? (No damage.)
Screen Based Equipment positioned to reduce glare from windows etc?
Photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes?
Air conditioning systems regularly maintained?
General Lighting
Good natural lighting?
Reflected light from walls & ceilings not causing glare to employees?
Light fittings clean and in good condition?
Fire Protection
Does the location have the appropriate number and class of fire extinguishers to address the associated fire hazards?
Are fire extinguishers properly charged?
Extinguishers inspected annually?
Are monthly visual inspections being documented on the fire extinguishers?
Are all fire extinguishers accessible and not blocked by freight or other obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers mounted at a height not to exceed five feet?
Fire Suppression System
Fire alarm system functioning correctly?
Has the fire suppression system been tested within the past 12 months?
At least one functioning pull alarm in building?
Walking and Working Surfaces
Are the floors clean, dry, and free of materials that could cause slips, trips, or falls?
Is an adequately stocked spill kit available?
Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Entry and walkways kept clear?
Are permanent aisles and passageways appropriately marked?
Are passageways and aisle ways of adequate width?
Intersections kept clear of boxes etc?
Are the number of light fixtures adequate to properly illuminate work areas?
Are stair risers and railings in good condition?
Are all steps reasonably slip-resistant?
Do all stairs with four or more risers, have handrails at least 36 inches high?
Stair and risers kept clear?
Garbage containers located at suitable points around site?
Oily rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers?
Are locker and / or rest rooms clean and in good condition?
Garbage containers emptied regularly?
Vehicular Traffic Protection
Are adequate barriers or warnings provided when exit doors open directly into an area where vehicles may be operating, exposing associates to the path of traffic?
Where PITs are present, are appropriate guards in place to protect pedestrians, product, equipment, and the facility?
Storage Design and Use
Are storage racks in good condition and show no damage?
Are vertical clearances between automatic sprinkler heads and stored materials at least 18 inches?
Floors around racking clear of debris?
Materials stored within racks and bins.
Are load limits posted on elevated storage areas?
Storage designed to minimize lifting problems?
Are unsecured pallets stacked no higher than 8 feet?
Balconies and Mezzanines
Where there is a risk from falling objects, do balconies have properly maintained toe boards?
If associates have access to balconies/mezzanines (greater than 4 feet high), do they have properly maintained guardrails?
Yard Safety
Are the yard/parking surfaces free of hazards that could lead to accidents or injuries?
Are light fixtures in good condition and properly maintained?
Are jack stands or built in anti-tilt devices being used on trailers, with a length of 28 feet or less (pup trailers), when tractors are not connected during loading and unloading?
Powered Industrial Trucks
Are propane tanks properly mounted on the PITs?
Is the location using an approved PIT mounted platform (i.e. manlift) and is it inspected monthly?
Compactor / Bailer
Do all bailers, compactors, or other high voltage equipment, have a properly labeled quick disconnect switch?
Where required are emergency shut-down procedures in place?
Electrical Panels
Are all high voltage lines and panels properly identified and marked with "High Voltage" signs?
Are unused openings in electrical boxes, cabinets, and panels closed?
Are circuit breakers labeled with what they control?
Do all electrical panels have at least 36 inches of clearance in front of the panel?
Electrical Cords
Are cover plates, switches, and outlets in good condition?
Where moisture may be present (i.e. near a dock door), are GFCI outlets provided?
Are extension cords being used only on a short-term, temporary basis?
Are flexible power cords in good condition?
No frayed or damaged leads?
No strained leads?
No double adapters in use?
No broken plugs, sockets or switches?
No power leads across walkways?
Portable power tools in good condition?
First Aid Facilities
Is First Aid Kit clearly labelled?
No contents past their expiration date?
Does location have a first responder?
Have all associates, with a reasonable potential for Bloodborne Pathogens exposure, been offered the Hepatitis B vaccination?
If an associate was offered, but declined the Hepatitis B vaccination, is a declination form maintained in their personnel file?
Fall Protection
If the location uses fall arrest systems, are inspections documented in the Safety Documents Library - Fall Protection Proced
Is fall protection being worn correctly?
Is fall protection in proper condition for use?
Are dock chains or barriers used on open dock doors?
Are the overhead dock doors in good working condition?
Does dock have operable safety equipment? (chocks or dock locks, operable lights)
Are dock levelers / plates in good working condition?
Is there separation between the dock and the dock plate system?
Is adequate lighting available in the dock area (both inside and out)?
Vehicle Condition (PIT, golf cars, scissor lifts)
Is there visible damage to them it?
Are pre-trip inspections being performed?
Schedule maintenance performed?
Condition of tires?
Brake performance?
Lights? (Check operation of brake, indicator and reversing lights)
Condition of seat?
Are modifications approved by the vendor or manufacturers?
Eyewash Stations
Are eyewash stations and showers installed where associates are exposed to corrosive hazards?
Are the eyewash stations and showers within a direct path from the corrosive hazard, which requires no more than a 10 second walk?
If eye wash bottles are used, are the bottles maintained within the expiration date?
Battery Charging Area
Are properly charged fire extinguishers readily accessible near the battery charging station(s)?
Is adequate ventilation provided?
Is PPE being worn in the battery charging / changing station?
Is PPE available in the battery charging / changing station?
Propane Storage
Is proper PPE being worn as needed in the propane changing/filling station?
Is proper PPE available for use at the propane changing/filling stations?
Is the quantity of indoor propane storage less than 300 pounds?
Are "Flammable Gas" placards posted in the propane storage area?
Are "No Smoking" signs posted in the propane storage area?
Are empty propane canister valves closed?
Is the propane storage area protected from vehicular traffic?
Fueling Station
Are "No Smoking" signs posted around the fuel island?
Is the fuel island area clean?
Are CO2 fire extinguishers readily accessible and properly charged at the fueling station?
Is a fully stocked spill kit stored around the fueling area?
Are ladders in good condition?
If used for electrical work are they non conductive? (Wood or fibre glass.)
Are portable metal ladders legibly marked with signs that state "Caution, Do Not Use Around Electrical Equipment" or similar wording?
Used according to instructions?
11.5 - For extension ladders are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?
Are portable ladders properly maintained and in good condition?
Tools and Machines
Are tools kept clean?
Are the floors around machines kept clean?
Guards in good condition?
Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?
Waste/off cuts removed and stored safely?
Drip pans on floor to prevent spillage?
Adequate work space?
No bending or stooping required?
Are lockout procedures implemented and followed?
Portable equipment tested and tagged?
Are gas bottles secured?
Is there a documented process to ensure defective tools are immediately removed from service?
Are properly maintained guards in place to protect associates from being caught in machinery?
Are machines which are designed for a fixed location, securely anchored to prevent movement?
Is proper PPE available for associates who use power tools?
No damaged hand tools in use?
No sharp edges?
Tools not in use kept in place?
Are pop-off valves and pressure gauges installed on air compressors?
Is proper PPE being worn when operating a grinder?
Is proper PPE available for use when operating a grinding machine?
On abrasive wheel grinders, is the work rest no more than 1/8 inch away from the wheel and the tongue guard no more than 1/4 inch away from the wheel?
Is grinder mounted to prevent movement?
Cranes and Hoists
Are the overhead crane / hoist controls plainly marked to indicate the direction of travel or motion?
Are the rail, overhead cranes / hoists, and rigging legibly marked with the load capacity?
Are chains, ropes, hooks, and other visible working hoist parts in good condition?
Do associates wear head protection in areas where cranes / hoists lift items greater than five feet?
Are inspections documented prior to crane / hoist use?
Are periodic crane / hoist inspections completed and documented by a vendor?
If welding, cutting, or brazing is conducted, is there adequate fire protection available (curtains, shields, class D fire extinguisher, fume exhaust, etc.)?
Is adequate PPE (welding shields, gloves, aprons) made available for associates who weld, cut, or braze?
Are flash arrestors, hoses, and welder cables in good condition for welding, cutting, or brazing?
Are gas cylinders which are used for welding, cutting, or brazing, stored in a secure location, upright, with valves closed?
Is oxygen and acetylene cylinder storage separated by at least 20 feet and away from electrical outlets, oil, and heat?
Are cylinder valve protection caps installed?
Is there a hot work permit process in place for work that involves open flames, generates heat, or produces sparks?
Confined Spaces
Have all confined spaces been identified and marked with proper signage?
Hearing Conservation
Is the location's noise level below 85 dB?
If tested noise levels exceed the 85dB action level, has a hearing conservation program been developed?
Are appropriate and properly maintained guards present on portable power tools?
Sign Off
On site representative
Auditor's signature