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Presentation of buffet / A'la Carte: fresh & complete, as per menu standards.
The buffet is replenished on time during the service (5 minx max) / A'la carte order is delivered on time during the service.
All equipment are well maintained and clean, replaced cutlery regularly, and wiped clean on buffet areas.
The Restaurant is clean, the set up is as per standard and ready on time for advertised meal period opening.
The Bar counter and area are clean and correctly set up.
Chemicals and cleaning tools are available and appropriate to clean tables, chairs, and bar areas.
Basic cleaning equipment to do quick clean-ups when needed is available with the F&B team. Each area (bar, waiters station, kitchen hot and cold sections etc) has a dedicated set of cleaning tools, bottles, cloths, etc
A checklist for the Outlet Manager/Supervisor to complete in regards to set up and cleanliness is available and being followed consistently.
The guest table and buffet surface are sanitized regularly.
The restaurant's Front of the House is in good repair with the walls, ceiling, and windows clean, with no cracks, no leaks.
The Bar is in good repair, all equipment is in working condition.
There is sufficient and well maintained: lighting, air conditioning, and music.
"All tables, display tables, chairs, buffet, and Bar counter are in good repair. A Routine & Scheduled maintenance program is in place for tables and chairs and areas."
The procedure for reporting maintenance issues to Engineering is being traced and followed up by the Outlet Manager/Supervisor & GM. GM has signed records.
Chiller & Refrigerator temperature at 1 - 5°C and is recorded on daily basis.
Freezer temperature at minus (-) 18°C and recorded on daily basis.
All storage areas are neat with food products stored off the ground and not in contact with wall surfaces (minimum 15 cm from the floor, 30 cm from the ceiling, and 5 cm from the walls). Par levels and stock In & Out cards are in place.
All foods in storage containers covered and labelled with labels as per standard
All packaging and containers are in good condition and appropriate for a Kitchen operation.
All foods are stored to prevent cross-contamination from raw to cooked products in storage areas.
All foods stored to prevent cross contamination from raw to ready to eat foods in storage areas.
"All foods stored to prevent from chemical and physical contamination (no wooden material, No Card Box, no chemical stored together with food item)."
The structure of the storage area is in good condition i.e. no cracks in walls, no condensation in refrigeration.
All equipment and door seals clean and in good order.
60% of Relative humidity in dry store area.
Kitchen Floor: Clean and dry at all times
A Cleaning Schedule: All areas is visible and being followed
"The cleaning schedule includes all information: E.g.: Instructions on chemical preparation and cleaning steps, items to be cleaned, frequency, chemicals to be used, equipment to use and who is responsible"
"Verification of cleaning effectiveness regularly conducted by the Chef. <br>Hot spot list of key areas is listed and maintained daily"
The equipment and facilities are adequate to undertake cleaning effectively
All cleaning equipment clean, in good repair and stored appropriately after use
Food service equipment such as cutting boards, utensils and knifes clean, free from cracks/chips/damaged. Record kept when sanitised.
Chemical sanitiser available for work surfaces and ready for use during food preparation. Record kept when used.
MSDS for all chemicals readily available.
Chemicals and cleaning products are stored away from any food storage areas.
All cleaning chemicals are clearly labelled, in proper containers and spray bottles.
The dishwashing machine is in good order and clean. A record kept on cleaning frequency.
The loading dock and receiving area is appropriate and cleaned regularly after suppliers delivery (including wet and dry garbage rooms).
Sanitizer solution range between correct ranges. Hotel must have test strip check paper and verified solutions.
All equipment in good repair.
There is sufficient and well maintained: lighting, ventilation and drainage in all sections.
All reported equipment defects are being dealt with effectively.
Unused or broken equipment that can not be repaired are removed from the premises.
All major pieces of equipment such as fridges, freezers, ovens, hot holding equipment, cold holding equipment are fitted with working temperature monitoring gauges.
The dishwashing machine is operating at the correct temperature and maintained in good order. A record is kept on temperature. Wash Temperature 55- 65°C, Rinse temperature are achieve between 80 - 82°C.
The premises are in good repair with clean drains, no peeling paint, no holes or gaps where pests might enter.
All light fittings are covered or fitted with non-shatter globes.
The kitchen exhaust is clean and the ducting professionally cleaned every 6 months.
An equipment maintenance program is available with the Chef and is being followed. It is monitored during the HACCP meeting and signed for by the GM also.
There is a pest control contract on-site.
There is no evidence of pest or rodent activity in the Kitchen and F&B area.
Records of pest control visits and treatments administered are kept in the kitchen.
Record of Pest sighting is available with the Chef.
No gaps, holes ort openings in the walls, floors or roof where rodents may access or travel.
Actions have been taken when there has been evidence of pest activity and these are recorded in the pest management suppliers folder, folder is accessible.
Waste is removed when bins are 3⁄4 full.
Waste disposal bins are identifiable from food storage bins and available with pedal.
Waste containers are covered and kept clean.
The refuse storage area is separated from the food preparation areas.
The refuse storage area is climate controlled and sealed. Bins are emptied on a daily basis and are cleaned frequently. Cleaning in on the cleaning checklist.
The chinaware & glassware breakage items are keep in separate box with a full cover, the breakages are recorded & removed from the storage location at a minimum, on weekly basis.
"There are sufficient hand-washing facilities installed in all food handling areas. Soap, hand sanitiser, bin, hand washing signage and paper towels are supplied. Sinks should be maximum of 5 meters away from areas."
Food handlers use gloves appropriately and correctly.
All jewellery including watches is removed prior to commencing direct food handling.
"There is no evidence of eating or smoking in food preparation areas. Chefs use the tasting spoon system to Test & Taste. Taste & Test has been trained."
Kitchen personnel wear appropriate protective clothing & protective head coverings. Staff have appropriate safety gear such as Chef Uniforms (Jackets, Pants, Aprons) and Shoes.
There is a first-aid box available / wounds are covered with coloured, water proof dressings. First aid box is replenished and managed by a team leader.
"The staff are aware of food safety practices and their responsibilities. All staff who on the roster are inducted and have signed the training and induction documentation."
"There is an up to date list of approved food suppliers available, <br>Specially for Potential Hazardous Food (PHF) List.<br>These are filed with the Suppliers list and routine inspection reports of suppliers."
"Hotel have in date copies of all government certificates: HACCP / ISO 22000 / Halal certificates from suppliers. Master list of all suppliers also included, and filed separately with these certificates. Routine inspection reports of all suppliers also filed in this folder. Inspections are done by Purchasing, GM, Chef & F&B at least two of these when inspected."
The food receiving records are being completed correctly and include assessment of temperature, packaging and date coding. Regular delivery truck inspections and refrigeration are also in place. Is the delivery truck refrigerated and in the acceptable temperature range.
Are foods being rejected if the foods do not meet the company's requirements?
"Correct Thawing / Defrosting procedure being followed. Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"All fruit and vegetables washed and sanitized before processed and before being served to the guest.<br>Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"Cooking potentially hazardous food temperatures standard are well implemented during breakfast / lunch and dinner to each venue and kitchen. Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"Reheating potentially hazardous food temperatures are well implemented.<br>Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"Cooling of potentially hazardous food temperature being completed correctly.<br>Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"Hot and cold potentially hazardous foods being displayed at the correct temperature? (Cold display is ≤5°C & Hot Display is ≥63°C). <br>Daily records are in place, up to date, displayed as well as filed in the HACCP folder."
"There only digital probe thermometers (in good working condition) available for use, clearly identified for traceability purposes and calibrated. <br>Calibration records are also in place, up to date and filed in the FSMS / HACCP folder."
All associates must be trained in food safety on an annual basis. Training is carried out by approved SBI supplier as well as an additional refresher session by Senior Chef & FBM. Therefore minimum of two separate sessions.
All stewarding associates received chemical safety training from the chemical vendor on yearly basis. Food Handlers are also on record having been trained.
Food samples have been taken and kept in chiller for 3 days where the hotel has managed a function of 100 people or over.
The hotel must have HACCP Committee and must conduct regular food safety meetings on a monthly basis? Minutes are taken and are also filed.
The most recent Health Department Inspection report is available and the license from the Health Department is available and up to date (Laik Sehat Certificate).
"Food handlers medical check up are conducted every 6 months (minimum for rectal swab test)."
"Food safety inspections are conducted regularly on monthly basis and recorded<br>(Checked by General Manager & HACCP Team) Action plans are in place and improvements are made.<br>All documents are stored in the HACCP folder inclusive of all the above records to ensure compliance and readiness for any SBI or government inspections."