Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Is a contractor being audited?

  • Which contractor company?

Prework Aspects

  • Foundational aspects applicable to all Fatal Risks that address: housekeeping, workplace exams, FLRA, training confirmation, and emergency protocols.

  • Is the work area housekeeping in good order? (i.e., clear walkways and organized tools/materials)

  • Has a workplace exam been conducted?

  • Have all hazards been identified, corrected, or communicated?

  • Has the employee conducted a Field Level Risk Assessment (FLRA) or Team Risk Assessment (TRA)?

  • Has the employee received training? (i.e., task training, procedure or guidelines)

  • Can the employee explain the proper emergency shut down, summoning for help and evacuation procedures? 

Critical Control Verification

  • Critical Controls: Actions and conditions that must be in place and functioning 100% of the time, without fail, to protect people when working in potentially significant risk situations.

    Instructions: For each critical control, select Controlled, AtRisk, or NA (Not Applicable or not observed). See Assessment below for definitions. If something is marked AtRisk, immediately Pause the work until the missing protections are put in place. Write the corrective action taken in the notes box below


  • Has the worker been trained and authorized, and does the worker understand the components of confined space activity?

Confine Space Permit

  • Has the Confined Space Permit been completed and implemented correctly?

  • Is the attendant/spotter present while confined space is occupied?

  • Is the confined space attendant/spotter maintaining a register of people entering and exiting?

  • Are all confined space entry and exit locations guarded or barricaded and labeled to prevent unauthorized entry?

  • Is there effective communication between the confined space spotter/attendant and entrants?

  • Has a risk assessment been conducted and have proper controls been established for each risk identified?

Atmospheric Testing and Monitoring

  • Has the appropriate gas monitor been selected, pre-use bump tested conducted and valid calibration for use based on the identified hazards?

  • Is the atmosphere being tested, results documented per confined space permit, and appropriate controls implemented as per plan?

Energy Isolation

  • Have all sources of energy been identified, isolated by each occupant's personal lock, tagged, tried out, and in a zero-energy state?

Emergency Response

  • Do attendant and entrants have means to summon help and ability to self-rescue?

  • Are there at least two employees (no one working alone) while in the confined space?

  • Is the rescue plan and all required gear in place?

  • Do the attendees and entrants understand events that could trigger an evacuation or rescue and know how to initiate emergency response?

  • CONTROLLED The presence of this control is verified and effective

  • ATRISK This control is missing or ineffective

  • NA / NO Not Applicable to this exposure situation or Not Observed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.