Use the following form to complete at top of descent.
Data is captured and presented at the FSAG.
Fatigue Risk Top of Descent Report
Do you wish to submit a confidential report?
Title and Name
Staff number
Date/Time of Occurrence
- 7311 CNS - BNE
- 7312 BNE - TSV
- 7314 TSV - CNS
- 7331 MEL - BNE
- 7332 BNE - MEL
- 7333 MEL - PER
- 7334 PER - MEL
- 7335 MEL - SYD
- 7336 SYD - MEL
- 7337 MEL - LST
- 7338 LST - MEL
- 7341 BNE - MEL
- 7342 MEL- BNE
- 7371 HBA - LST
- 7372 MEL - HBA
- 7373 LST - MEL
- 7393 PER - MEL
- 7394 MEL - PER
- 7523 SYD - AKL
- 7524 AKL - CHC
- 7524 CHC - SYD
- 7525 SYD - AKL
- 7526 AKL - SYD
- 7527 SYD - AKL
- 7528 AKL - CHC
- 7528 CHC - SYD
- 7531 AKL - HKG
- 7532 HKG - CNS
- 7532 CNS - SYD
- 7532 HKG - SYD
- Other (specify below)
Sector details
Augmented Crew
Top of Descent Assessment
Role for the Sector
Any rest utilised for sector
- Controlled Rest
- Crew Rest Seat
- Bunk
- Other
At completion of the flight duty consider the following;
* utilising port crew rest facility before returning home
* utilising other accommodation for rest before returning home
* public transportation or taxi to home -
Comments Please include a brief description of any relevant information.