Document No.
Course Code/Name : FDF10111 Certificate I in Food Processing ( Baking)
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FDFOP101A Communicate Workplace Information
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Did the student identify and access workplace information to undertake work tasks, such as using resource books <br>
Did the student seek information from other workers to support work role and responsibilities, including the assessor<br>
Was questioning used to clarify information requirements before or during assessment.
Did the student present a completed workflow plan before assessment
Was the student able to work cooperatively in a culturally diverse work environment
FDFOP1009A Follow Work Procedures to Maintain Quality
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Did student access and apply workplace information relating to quality requirements for own work, such as resource book
When questioned was the student able to identify quality control points for own work required to achieve quality outcomes
Were checks carried out throughout assessment to determine suitability and condition of equipment, materials, packaging etc. to achieve quality outcomes
Was out of specification product identified and remedied or reported to assessor
MSAENV272B Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
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Does the student display an understanding of sustainability in the workplace
Did the student take appropriate steps to minimise waste, such as recipe reformulation
Did the student follow procedures relating to recycling of waste such as separation of recyclables
When questioned is the student able to identify situations which may lead to an environmental incident
Workplace records were maintained as required
Assessment of products baked
Task 1 Assessment product -
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Did the student produce the specified quantity of product
Has the correct mixing process been followed
Does the product display even sizing, and good volume.
Has the product been correctly finished according to requirements
Has the product been adequately baked
Is the product of an industry standard/ saleable item
Attach photo of product
Task 2 Assessment product -
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Did the student produce the specified quantity of product
Has the correct mixing process been followed
Does the product display even sizing, and good volume.
Has the product been correctly finished according to requirements
Has the product been adequately baked
Is the product of an industry standard/ saleable item
Attach photo of product
Task 3 Assessment product -
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Did the student produce the specified quantity of product
Has the correct mixing process been followed
Does the product display even sizing, and good volume.
Has the product been correctly finished according to requirements
Has the product been adequately baked
Is the product of an industry standard/ saleable item
Attach photo of product
Professional Conduct - Did the student;
complete workplace records as required
Apply food safety procedures throughout assessment
Apply safe work practices throughout assessment
Select,fit and wear appropriate personal protective equipment/clothing
Maintain housekeeping standards
Assessment result
Assessment was completed successfully
Assessor comments/ feedback
Assessors Name
Students Name