Title Page
Lineside Telephone ID
ELR & Mileage
Grid Reference
Conducted on
Inspected by
Lineside Telephone Installation
Site Details
Lineside Telehone ID
ELR & Mileage
NTP/Cabinet ID
2 Pair Tail Cable ID
Pre-works Site Acitvities
Installation team in receipt of the most current AFC Detailed Design.
Lineside telephone location as per the AFC Detailed Design.
2 pair tail cable pulled/installed in the vicinity of the lineside telephone location in accordance with the AFC Detailed Design.
2 pair cable fit for purpose and has no visible damage as inspected in the immediate vicinity of cabinet/lineside telephone.
Sufficient 2 pair cable cable slack at both ends to undertake installation.
NTP Tail Termination
Correct cable entry used and sealed with gland/duct plug etc and spare entries sealed.
Pairs for all cables terminated in correct positions, jumpering as per AFC design.
Grey insulating tape neatly applied to protect cable conductors from entry gland to betaduct. Black cable tie around end of tape.
Heathshrinks correctly fitted.
Correct Critchley label fitted to 2 pair tail cable.
Photographs: To show inside/layout of NTP, cable entries and termination/jumpering.
Photographs: To show Critchley label ID.
Sheath Gaps
Sheath gap fitted (between 3m to 30m from NTP) and correctly shrunkdown.
Sheath gap distance from NTP (m).
Photographs: Show sheath gap position in relation to NTP and also demonstrate the installation quality of the sheath gap.
Telephone Mounting
For post mounting, is post securely bolted down and denso tape fitted to all 4 studs.
For wall/fence mounting, is telephone securely fitted in correct position/height.
Where banded, check banding is tight, no sharp edges left.
Where specified in the AFC design, is cable protected in conduit where fence/wall/column mounted.
Photographs: Showing phone, post/base and walkway/ground in front of telephone.
Telephone End Termination
Compression gland tightened to securely grip cable.
TMI Sleeve shrunk down over outer sheath on to inner sheath.
Expandable (black) sleeve fitted over end of inner sheath on to conductors.
Pair 1 (orange/white) correctly terminated, no bare copper exposed. Pair 2 (green/black) bombed-off with gel crimp, neatly coiled with cables ties fitted.
Timer Switch set to 3 minutes for UWC telephones; 7 minutes for SPTs, PZTs, LCU, DLs, GF teles. Timer OFF/0minutes for PETS telephones and EE ETD telephones.
Correct Critchley label fitted to 2 pair tail cable at telephone and in opposite cess where tail crosses track.
Photographs: Inside of telephone showing termination.
Photographs: To show correct cable ID fitted to 2 pair tail cable at telephone (and opposite cess if applicable).
Internal Telephone Labelling
Internal instructions label fitted with site specific details.
Phonetic alphabet label fitted.
Photographs: All internal labels.
External Telephone Labelling
External labels fitted.
Additional signage fitted (if applicable).
Photographs: External Labels & Signs.
Positional Check
Lateral: Measure approx distance from centre-line of telephone to running edge of nearest rail with Disto. (m)
Longitudinal: Measure approx distance of centre-line of telephone to signal (SPTs only). (m)
Photograph: Showing general position of telephone.
Site Clearance
Check that telephone is bagged 'out of use' and Scafftag fitted (with 2x cable ties).
Check site left tidy, trough lids replaced, waste including scrap cable removed from site, NTP (cabinet, RR, node etc as applicable left secure).
Location: (use mapping, do not enter manually)
Has the lineiside telephone been bagged/tagged out of use?
Photograph: To show telephone bagged/tagged out of use.
Redline/Snagging Required
Deviations from the AFC Detailed Design recorded for incorporation into red-lined documentation (note as N/A where there are no deviations).
Have any snags/defects been identified?(Note as N/A where there are no deviations).
Identified snags (if any) have been recorded for inclusion in the snagging register, including supporting photographs (Note as N/A where there are no deviations).
Photographs: Identified Snags.