Title Page
Report Number:
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Date of Risk Assessment:
Date Report Completed:
Suggested Review Date:
Has this assessment been reviewed at a fixed date or when material changes occur?
Date of last Review:
Address of Premises:
Name of Assessor:
Name of Appropriate Person and Position:
Contact Details:
Details of person supplying information if different from above:
This Risk Assessment was completed to ensure that all fire compliance is met, and the Company continues with safeguarding their employees and others on the premises
1. Premises
Number of floors
Approximate floor area:
Brief details of construction:
Use of premises:
2. The Occupants
Approximate maximum number:
Approximate number of employees at any one time: provide breakdown of employees job roles
Maximum number of members of public at any one time:
Number of other occupants if multi occupancy:
3. Occupants especially at risk from fire
Sleeping occupants:
Disabled occupants:
Occupants in remote areas and lone workers:
Young persons (under 18):
4. Electrical Sources of Ignition
Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires of electrical origin?
Fixed installation periodically inspected and tested?
PAT testing carried out?
Maintenance of equipment carried out?
Specific Hazards: (add comments where clarification is required)
Suitable policy regarding the use of personal electrical appliances?
Suitable limitation of trailing leads and adapters?
Suitable control of contractors’ electrical equipment?
5. Smoking
Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking?
Smoking prohibited in the building?
This includes all types of smoking? i.e. vaping
Suitable arrangements for those who wish to smoke?
This policy appeared to be observed at time of inspection?
6. Arson
Does basic security against arson by outsiders appears?
Is there an absence of unnecessary fire load in close proximity to the premises or available for ignition by outsiders?
7. Portable heaters and heating installations
Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as practicable?
If portable heaters are used:
Are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials?
Are fixed heating installations subject to regular maintenance?
8. Cooking
Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking?
Filters changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?
Suitable extinguishers appliances available?
9. Lighting
Does the building have a lighting protection system?
Is this inspected by a competent contractor?
10. Housekeeping
Are there materials stored against the exterior of the premises walls?
Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?
More specifically:
Combustible materials appear to be separated from ignition sources?
Avoidance of necessary accumulation of combustible materials or waste?
Appropriate storage of hazardous materials / dangerous substances?
Avoidance of inappropriate storage of combustible materials?
11. Hazards introduced by outside contractors
Are fire safety conditions imposed on outside contractors?
Are arrangements in place to inform contractors of fire hazards in the premises?
Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the building by outside contractors (including “hot works” permits)?
If there are in-house maintenance personnel are suitable precautions taken during “hot work”, including use of hot work permits?
12. Significant Ignition Sources
Any other significant ignition sources that may impact on general fire precautions (E.g. Dangerous Substances)
13. Means of Escape from Fire
It is considered that the building is provided with reasonable means of escape in case of fire?
More specifically:
Adequate design of escape routes?
Adequate provision of exits?
Exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?
Avoidance of sliding or revolving doors as fire exits where necessary?
Satisfactory means of securing exits?
Reasonable distances of travel:
Where there is a single direction of travel?
Where there are alternative means of escape?
Suitable protection of escape routes?
Suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?
Escape routes unobstructed?
14. Persons with Disabilities
It is considered that the building is provided with reasonable arrangements for means of escape for people with disability?
More specifically:
Are generic PEEPs available for visitors?
Do all employees with a disability have a PEEP?
Where necessary are refuge areas provided?
Where necessary are appropriate evacuation aids such as evac chairs available?
15. Persons identified as being at Special Risk
Are adequate measures in place for Lone Workers?
Are adequate measures in place for young persons?
Have young person's parents been informed of fire safety measures in place?
Are arrangements in place to inform visitors of fire hazards and safety measures in place?
16. Measures to limit Fire development and spread
It is considered that there is:
Compartmentation of a reasonable standard?
Reasonable limitation of linings that might provide fire spread?
As far as can reasonably be ascertained, fire dampers are provided as necessary to protect critical means of escape against passage of fire, smoke and combustion products in the early stages of a fire?
17. Emergency Escape Lighting
Reasonable standard of emergency lighting system provided?
18. Fire Safety Signs and Notices
Reasonable standard of safety signs?
19. Means of giving warning in case of fire
Reasonable manually operated electrical fire alarm system provided?
Automatic fire detection provided throughout premises?
Partial Automatic fire detection provided throughout premises?
The extent of automatic fire detection is generally appropriate for the occupancy and fire risk?
Does the system have automatic transmission of an alarm signal?
20. Manual Fire Extinguishing appliances
Reasonable provision of portable fire extinguishers?
Hose reels provided?
Are all fire extinguishing appliances readily accessible?
Is all equipment test records up to date?
21. Procedures and Arrangements
Fire Safety is managed by:
Competent person(s) appointed to assist in undertaking the preventive and protective measures (i.e. relevant general fire precautions)?
Is there a suitable record of the fire safety arrangements?
Are appropriate fire procedures in place?
More specifically:
Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and properly documented?
Are there suitable arrangements for summoning NIFRS?
Are there suitable arrangements to meet NIFRS on arrival and provide relevant information, including that relating to hazards and fire fighters?
Are there suitable arrangements for ensuring that the premises have been evacuated?
Is there a suitable fire assembly point (s)?
Are there adequate procedures for evacuation of any disabled people who are likely to be present?
Persons nominated and trained to use fire extinguishing appliances?
Persons nominated and trained to assist with evacuation, including evacuation of disabled people?
Appropriate liaison with NIFRS (e.g. by NIFRS crews visiting for familiarisation visits)?
Routine in house inspections of fire precautions (e.g. in the course of health and safety inspections)?
22. Training and Drills
Are all staff given adequate fire safety instruction and training on induction?
Are all staff given adequate periodic “refresher training” at suitable intervals?
Does all staff training provide information, instruction or training on the following:
Fire risks in the premises?
The fire safety measures in the building?
Action in the event of fire?
Action on hearing the fire alarm signal?
Method of operation of manual call points?
Location and use of fire extinguishers?
Means for summoning the fire and rescue service?
Identity of persons nominated to assist with evacuation?
Names: All to be identified.
Identity of persons nominated to use fire extinguishing appliances?
Names: All to be identified.
Are staff with special responsibilities (e.g. Fire Wardens) given additional training?
Are fire drills carried out at appropriate intervals?
When the employees of another employer work on the premises:
Is their employer given appropriate information (e.g. on the fire risks and general fire precautions)
Is it ensured that the employees are provided with adequate instructions and information?
23. Testing and Maintenance
Adequate maintenance of premises?
Weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection and alarm system?
Monthly and annual testing routines for emergency escape lighting?
Annual maintenance of fire extinguishing appliances?
Periodic inspection of external escape staircases and gangways?
Six-monthly inspection annual testing of rising mains?
Weekly and monthly testing, six monthly inspection and annual testing of fire-fighting lifts?