Title Page

  • Client Name.

  • Responsible Person for having control of the premises.

  • Address of Property

  • Prepared By

  • Date of Fire Risk Assessment

  • Date of Previous Fire Risk Assessment

  • Suggested Date for Review


  • To undertake this assessment it would be necessary for the client to arrange for suitable access to all areas required to be inspected. This would include the provision of suitable facilities to gain access to areas such as ceiling voids or other cavities, loft areas as required during the inspection itself.
    This does not imply that the assessor will inspect all such areas but may simply sample selected locations.

    It should be noted that a Fire Risk Assessment is a “snap-shot in time” of your building and the level of risk that your place of work imposes on your employees and others who may be affected by fire within the building that you occupy. Most places of work are dynamic and evolve to suit the occupiers and their working practices. With this in mind it is your responsibility to complete the action plan, maintain a safe place of work and review the findings of the risk assessment when required.

    This document reflects the conditions observed on site together with the information provided to the consultant. As stated pre instruction of this work, Systems 2 Consulting will be carrying out a non-intrusive assessment of the risk of fire.

    The Fire Risk Assessment will include the details of the premises being assessed and where the client has more than one site, more than one premises on a site or occupies only part of a site or premises contain sufficient detail to ensure that the client and any interested party can identify the location covered by the Fire Risk Assessment.

    It will state the date the Fire Risk Assessment was carried out and the identity of key individuals as required.
    The recommended date by which the assessment should be reviewed
    The recorded significant findings and an overall assessment of risk.

    The Fire Risk Assessment will include a list of actions arising from the assessment colour coded to indicate the severity and urgency for each one.

    The Fire Risk Assessment will look at occupants of the premises; including those especially at risk in the event of fire. This should include but not be limited to the public, people with disabilities and those who are especially at risk because of the nature of the work they do.

    The Fire Risk Assessor will need to be informed of any involvement of enforcing authorities which result in additional duties being placed on the persons responsible for the premises.
    Information about potential causes of fire that include but are not limited to:
    Arson, Electrical faults, Smoking, Portable heaters, etc., Cooking, Lightning, Hot works, Housekeeping, Other significant ignition sources or process hazards

    Other areas covered will be checking:
    • Means for detecting fire and giving warning to occupants, testing of the equipment and record keeping
    • Means of escape from the premises (including provisions for disabled persons)
    • Fire safety signs and notices
    • Emergency escape lighting
    • Means to limit fire spread and development of fire
    • Means for fighting fire including other relevant firefighting systems and equipment; if provided
    • Maintenance of facilities to assist fire-fighters
    • Emergency evacuation action plan, staff training and fire drills

    The list does not imply that the exact headings would be used or that they would be presented in the same order.
    Where readily accessible unless specifically excluded the assessor will inspect all parts of the premises and this will include; out buildings, external stores and outdoor service premises. Voids, cupboards, ducts and service risers may be sampled.
    Any part of the premises to which the assessor does not gain access will be identified in the documented fire risk assessment.
    If any dangerous conditions are encountered during the assessment, or if any hazardous practices are observed, the assessor will bring the matter to the attention of the duty holder as soon as possible, where possible before leaving the site. The assessor will not intervene or take any steps personally to resolve the situation.

    During this Fire Risk Assessment the assessor will not:
    • Make any holes
    • Use any tools (e.g. screwdriver, hammer)
    • Carry out any functional test of fire protection measures (e.g. operate smoke vents or emergency lighting)
    • Provide or use access equipment.
    • Carry out any measurements other than approximations of distance (e.g. sound pressure levels of fire alarms)
    • Take or analyse any samples from such as the fabric of the premises, fire resisting or flammable materials

    Where the fire risk assessor identifies a need for alterations or modifications to the premises, passive fire protection or active fire protection, the fire risk assessment will not include how or where these will be appropriated.

    The fire risk assessment will not include the production of drawings and will not include marking up of any plan drawings that are in situ.

    The fire risk assessment will not include consideration of process related risks covered by COSHH and DSEAR legislation it will only cover basic storage / segregation from a fire risk perspective.

    This Fire Risk Assessment does not include client meetings, beyond the inspection, to discuss the assessment report and associated findings.

    Systems 2 Consulting can source the provision to carry out an intrusive Fire Risk Assessment of your building.

    The report does not address the risk to Business Continuity from fire.

The Premises

  • Number of floors and Basements

  • Approximate floor area

  • Brief details about construction

  • Number of stairways (Protected and accommodation, Inc External)

  • Approximate Year of Construction.

  • Is the Building Multi Tenanted.

The Occupants

  • Approximate number of client employees

  • Associated times/hours of occupation

Relevant Fire Safety Legislation

  • The following Fire Safety Legislation applies to these premises

  • The above legislation is enforced by

Means of Escape

  • Are travel distances acceptable?

  • Are escape routes and fire exits free from obstruction / combustible / flammable materials?

  • Do staircases and exit capacities appear adequate for the number of occupants?

  • Are all internal fire doors kept closed except where magnetic door holders are provided?

  • Where magnetic door holders have been provided are these linked to the alarm system and close automatically?

  • Are self-closures on fire doors operating correctly?

  • Where vision panels are provided, are they unobstructed?

  • Do doors open in the direction of travel where required?

  • Are the fire resistant and smoke stop doors in good order in accordance with current guidance?

  • Are devices securing final exits capable of being opened immediately and easily from inside without the use of a Key, Card, Fob etc.?

  • Are final exits always unlocked when the premises is in use?

  • Do all final fire exits lead to a place of safety?

  • Are the fire evacuation assembly areas in safe locations, clear of the building and away from fire brigade vehicle access and parking?

  • Are all routes including pathways free from obstructions and slip and trip hazards?

  • Have provisions been made for the safety of persons with disabilities i.e., assistance, refuges, evacuation lifts etc.?

  • Are assembly points clearly identified?

  • Are there clearly defined written fire action and emergency evacuation procedures?

Means of Detection

  • Is there an automatic detection system installed?

  • Is the category of fire system in place sufficient for the building and occupants?

  • Is the fire alarm linked directly with a monitoring station?

  • Where no automated system is in place has an alternative means of raising the alarm been provided?

  • Is this alternative system adequate?

  • Is the alarm panel in a prominent position for Fire Service access?

  • Are there sufficient fire alarm call points located near to every exit from each floor and from each building?

  • Can the call points be activated safely without putting anyone in danger?

  • Are detectors unobstructed?

  • Are there adequate sounders?

  • Is there adequate provision for individuals with hearing impairment?

  • Is there emergency lighting?

  • Are emergency lights unobstructed?

  • Do luminaires appear to be in good condition and show a healthy secondary supply?

Legislative Controls

  • Is there a written policy with regard to Fire Safety?

  • Have all staff been informed of the fire safety policy?

  • Are there procedures in place to ensure that a risk assessment is reviewed periodically or sooner if alterations or modifications are made to the premises / processes?

  • Is there a written evacuation procedure?

  • Is this available to everyone?

  • Are all employees in high-risk areas properly informed of the particular risks and the controls in place?

  • Have an adequate number of trained fire marshals been identified for this site?

  • Has Hi-visibility clothing been issued to all fire wardens?

  • In the situation of multi tenanted buildings has there been “cooperation and co-ordination with the landlord / tenants?

Electrical Sources of Ignition

  • Are all electrical wires safely secured?

  • Is there evidence of overloading of sockets?

  • Are cables and plugs sockets in good condition?

  • Is the use of extension leads kept to a minimum?

  • Is the use of extension leads kept to a minimum?

  • Is there any evidence of “daisy chaining” of extension leads?

  • Has the fixed wiring installation been checked by a competent person / contractor?

  • Has all remedial work been carried out or is there a plan in place to carry out required works?

  • Has Portable Appliance Testing been carried out?

  • Are employees aware that only trained personnel can make repairs or alterations to electrical systems and equipment?

Portable Heaters & Heating Installation

  • If portable heaters are used, are safer ones used other than radiant bar or LPG?

  • Are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard of combustible materials?

  • Is planned / regular maintenance carried out on fixed heating?

  • Is planned / regular maintenance carried out on fixed heating?

  • Are guards fitted to all portable heaters?

Plant / Work Equipment

  • Are plant rooms accessible

  • Are plant rooms kept locked?

  • Is all plant machinery regularly inspected / maintained?

  • Is there a Lift Motor Room?

  • Is access to the Lift Motor Room restricted?


  • Are there any visible signs of scorching around light fittings? (Inspection should be reasonable and practicable considering the specific accessibility for observation on site. Random selection may be a more appropriate process to view the standard.)

  • Are there any combustible materials stored near light bulbs / florescent tubes? (500mm)


  • Where required are all cooking appliances securely fixed in position?

  • Are all cooking appliances properly maintained with records retained?

  • Are appropriately qualified and registered contractors used to carry out all installation and maintenance the equipment?

  • Toasters – are they in use?

  • Microwaves – are they in use?

  • Are there any other cooking facilities on the premises?

  • Other kitchen information / equipment

Dangerous / Flammable Substances

  • Are there any Dangerous Substances on site

  • Are there any flammable substances stored on site?

  • Are the quantities stored and used on the premises kept to a minimum?

  • Are flammables stored in fire resisting cabinets / rooms?

  • Are flammable products kept away from readily combustible materials and sources of heat?

Hazards Introduced by Outside Contractors

  • Are all contractors authorised to carry out works on site?

  • Have essential site rules around fire safety been communicated?

  • Is the use of all electrical / heat generating equipment approved prior to use? I e Permits to Work: Welding, Soldering, Electrical etc.

  • Are LPG containers safely stored, Handles and Transported?

  • Are Compressed air containers safely stored, handled and transported?

  • Are flammable substances safely stored, handled and transported?


  • Is smoking prohibited on the site?

  • Is there no smoking signage and is it clearly visible?

  • Is there evidence that rules are not being adhered to?

  • Have suitable arrangements been provided for smokers?


  • Are measures in place to mitigate the risks from arson?

  • Are combustibles safely stored at a safe distance from windows, letter boxes or points of entry to the building?

  • Are out of hours security measures satisfactory such as: Doors and windows locked, CCTV etc.

Persons at risk

  • If there is a fire, the greatest danger is the spread of the fire, heat and smoke through the premises. If this happens, the main risk to people is from the smoke and products of combustion, which can very quickly incapacitate those escaping. Is there suitable evacuation plans in place for all persons within the building?

  • Are there any active PEEPS for the demise?

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Has an adequate number of portable fire-fighting equipment been provided?

  • Is the fire-fighting equipment provided suitable for the hazards or risks?

  • Is the fire-fighting equipment suitably located and ready for use?

  • Is the fire-fighting equipment suitably maintained by a competent contractor?

  • Are any suppression systems adequate for the area covered i.e., computer room?

  • Are any suppression systems suitably maintained by a competent contractor?

  • Are the locations of all portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets clearly identifiable even without the provision of appropriate signs?

Fire Signage

  • Is there adequate signage on all fire call points? (fire action notices) showing correct information.

  • Is there a plan shown on the alarm for the corresponding zones on the panel?

  • Where the alarm is covered is there adequate signage to show its position and is it easily accessible?

  • Is there signage on both sides of all fire doors?

  • Are there pictogram notices displayed above all fire exit doors and routes where required?

  • Are the pictogram notices showing the direction of the route of escape visible to all at all times?

  • Do all ‘panic bar’ fire routes have the Push Bar to Open sign displayed?

  • Do fire exit doors with the glass bolts or door releases have the correct signage displayed?

  • Where applicable, is the external of the final exits doors clearly marked i.e., “fire exit keep clear”?

  • Where required, are directional arrows depicting the route to the assembly point clearly visible?

  • Is all fire-fighting equipment signage, visible and unobstructed?

  • Are any areas containing any highly flammable / flammable substances clearly signed?

  • Are notices preventing the use of the lift in the event of a fire clearly visible?

  • Are the details of the fire wardens displayed, current, and correct?

Training and Evacuations

  • Are employees (including temporary / agency) provided adequate basic fire safety awareness training / information from a ‘competent person whether by induction or other means.

  • Is refresher training carried out for employees (including temporary / agency) at suitable intervals?

  • Are visitors / contractors made aware of the emergency procedures to follow in the event of an emergency?

  • Are fire wardens suitably trained?

  • Is refresher training for fire wardens carried out at regular intervals?

  • Are fire evacuations carried out at appropriate intervals?

  • Are reviews and reports carried out following an evacuation with actions taken on issues raised?

Testing and Maintenance

  • Is there a maintenance programme in place for the full detection system?

  • Is the maintenance carried out at regular intervals?

  • Is the maintenance carried out by a competent contractor? (insert contractor name & date of last documented maintenance)

  • Is fire alarm testing carried out?

  • Are different call points selected each time?

  • Is the emergency lighting tested at regular intervals (insert contractor name & date of last documented maintenance)

  • Are external lights in working order?

  • Are emergency exits checked regularly?

  • Are final exit doors free from obstruction?

  • Do internal fire doors open and close sufficiently?

  • Are all automatically closing doors or shutters and similar properly tested, maintained (insert contractor name & date of last maintenance)?

  • Are all fire extinguishers on a maintenance programme?

  • Is this carried out by a competent contractor? (insert date of last documented maintenance)

  • Are any fire hoses on a maintenance programme?

  • Is this carried out by a competent contractor (insert date of last documented maintenance)?

  • Is there an automatic sprinkler system installed?

  • Is the automatic sprinkler system properly tested & maintained? (insert contractor name & date of last inspection)

  • Are there any emergency generators?

  • Is there Lightning Protection & is it being maintained?


  • Is the fire logbook available containing records of? Weekly testing and evacuation records, Maintenance records, Fire extinguishers, Fire Safety training etc

  • Is the fire logbook easily retrievable for inspection?


  • Are there any notice boards with paper situated in escape routes?

  • Is the furniture and upholstery in good condition?

  • Is there any artificial foliage situated within the buildings? If so, are they sited to ensure they do not obstruct escape routes?

  • Are there displays involving combustible materials and panels on escape routes?

  • Are paper or similar festivity decorations hung in the building during festivities?

  • Are housekeeping disciplines being adhered to?

  • Is waste disposed in the correct bins / containers?

  • Is all waste regularly collected including secure and recyclable?

  • Are stairwells and stairways kept unobstructed and clear of combustible materials?

  • Are there any items etc. obstructing fire exits and fire-fighting equipment?

  • Are all fire or smoke barriers in good condition with any openings for pipes ducts, etc. properly protected by provision of fire-resisting materials or fire dampers?

  • Are all floor and ceiling panels intact, where applicable?

  • Are extract ducts kept clear and thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis?

  • Have there been any Notices from the Fire Authority?

  • Are fire dampers tested regularly for correct operation and results recorded?

  • Are there proper systems and procedures in place to ensure work carried out i.e., alterations / repairs / decoration do not introduce fire hazards?

Other Issues

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

Overall Assessed Fire Risk Level

  • The assessed risk level for this site at the time of the assessment is:

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