
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Management Considerations and Practices

  • Who is the person responsible for fire safety as defined in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 ?

  • How many fire marshals are in place and is this sufficient for the risks presented ?

  • Is there an emergency plan, if so how is it communicated to staff ?

  • Are there adjoining buildings ?

  • If so is a fire plan discussed and agreed with affected parties ?

  • Does the induction training include "action to be taken in the event of a fire" ?

  • Are people trained in fire awareness and how often is it updated ?

  • Are there adequate instructions for calling the Fire Service in the event of a fire ?

  • What is the history of fires on the site ?

  • Does the occupier have a written safety policy, with written risk assessments that is reviewed regularly ?

Fire Extinguishers

  • Detail the number and type of extinguishers present.

  • Are extinguishers maintained under a contractor by a BS5306 part 3 qualified technician ?

  • When were the extinguishers last inspected?

  • Are extinguishers located within safe travel distances ?


  • Are the storage areas for combustible materials separated from other areas by fire division walls ?

  • Is storage well controlled ?

  • Are high risk areas free from storage of combustibles ?

  • Are aisles and means of escape routes free from storage and obstructions ?

  • Are flammable or hazardous liquids and gases stored safely ?

Combustible Materials

  • Are quantities of combustible materials (e.g. paper, packaging, fabrics, clothing) displayed or stored safely ?

  • Is it necessary to store or display them ?

  • Can the goods be replaced with less combustible alternatives ?

  • Are there sufficient class A extinguishers for combustible materials ?<br><br>Detail combined rating and square meterage.<br><br>Minimum 2 extinguishers and 26A per floor up to 400m2 beyond this 0.0065 per m2

Flammable Substances

  • Are there any flammable substances (e.g. paints, solvents etc) in the building ?

  • Are they stored in fire resisting stores away from ignition sources ?

  • Does the store have ventilation ?

  • Can the substance be replaced with less flammable substances, and / or keep reduced amounts ?

  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out on all flammable substances ?

  • Location of COSHH Assessments.

  • Location of highly flammable / oxidising substances in the building

  • Maximum quantity of highly flammable / oxidising substances in the building

  • Are there sufficient class B or C extinguishers for flammable substances ?<br><br>Detail combined rating.


  • Are all furnishing fire retardant in the building ?


  • Are the areas clean and tidy ?

  • Is waste stored safely ?

  • Is the waste collected on a regular basis and placed in suitable receptacles outside of the building and away from fire exits ?


  • Is arson a potential problem ?


  • Is smoking limited to designated "safe" areas only ?

  • Have appropriate security measures been taken to prevent arson and are these measures maintained ?

Lighting and Emergency Lighting

  • Is an emergency lighting system installed ?

  • Is all of the artificial lighting in the building working ?

  • Do staff work during hours of darkness or in areas where there is no natural light ?

  • Is emergency lighting checked visually daily, monthly illumination check and annual power down test ?

  • Does the system cover all necessary areas?


  • What heating system is in place ?

  • Is the heating system maintained and operationally safe ?

Electrical System

  • Has the fixed electrical system been inspected and certificated within the last five years ?

  • If so what date was it last checked ?

  • Are portable electrical appliances tested in line with Schedule A of Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

  • If so when are the next due testing ?

Persons at risk

  • What is the workplace risk level;<br><br>High risk - eg sleeping accommodation, flammable, materials, undesirable structural features, unusual circumstances.<br>Medium risk - eg most buildings including offices, shops, nor selling easily combustible goods.<br>Low risk - few flammables, wet process and non combustible materials

  • Do people sleep at the premises over night?

  • Do the premises have Non-English speakers present ?

Staff working in remote areas

  • Do staff work in remote areas ?

  • Is there a system in place to warn people in remote areas ?

  • Are exit routes lengthy or difficult ?

Visitors and members of the public

  • Do visitors / members of the public enter the building ?

  • Are visitors escorted, if not are they inducted to the site ?

  • Is there an effective system for logging visitors in and out of the building ?

  • Is there a system in place for checking visitors exit the building in the event of an emergency evacuation ?

Contractors and Maintainence Workers

  • Do contractors / maintenance workers enter the building for any reason ?

  • Are contractors briefed on fire procedures prior to starting work ?

  • Is there an effective system for logging contractors in the event of an emergency evacuation ?

  • Is there a system for monitoring hot work ?

Persons whose eyesight, mobility and hearing are impaired or with learning difficulties

  • Is there likely to be individuals in the building that have an impairment and are control measures in place ?

Means of Escape

  • Are fire drills carried out twice a year ?

  • When was the last drill ?

  • What is the escape time for occupants ?

  • Where appropriate, do doors used for means of escape open in the direction of travel ?

  • Are there sufficient exits for the number of people likely to be on the premises ?

  • Are all gangways and escape routes free from obstruction ?

  • Are all doors in good state of repair and well fitted into the recess ?

  • Are all fire resisting doors in good condition, with good seals and tumescent strips in place ?

  • Are self closers on fire doors in working order ?

  • Are all escape routes adequately lit ?

  • Are means of escape routes free from materials which would assist the spread of fire ?

  • Is the means of escape route satisfactory ?

  • Are there any dead ends ?

  • Are extinguishers in place at fire exits ?

Fire Signs

  • Are there sufficient clearly visual fire exit and fire exit directional signs in the building to lead people to an ultimate place of safety?

  • Are all fire resistant doors indicated with "Fire Door Keep Shut" or similar sign ?

  • Are all final exit doors indicated with "Fire Exit Keep Clear" on the outside face ?

  • Are all fire doors fitted with automatic fastenings labelled with instructions for method of operation ?

  • Do all of the extinguishers have a sign detailing what they are ?

Maintenance Practices - Manual Fire Alarm Systems

  • Is this maintained annually and records kept ?

  • Is it tested weekly and records kept ?

Detection and Warning - Automatic Fire Warning Systems

  • Is the coverage of the detectors adequate ?

  • Are all high risk areas protected by detectors ?

  • Is the system maintained by an approved contractor six monthly ?

  • Are records kept of maintenance and inspections ?

  • Is the alarm signal automatically transferred to an alarm receiving central station ?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.