Audit Title: Fitness Department Quarterly Audit
Conducted on:
Employees Present:
Prepared by:
1. Revenue Performance
Entire Quarter: Actual vs budget
3 - 100% + 2 - 90% - 99.9% 1 - 80% - 89.9% 0 - Under 80%
End of quarter FPE movement (from previous end of quarter)
Group i) Cat A, or B (under 1:150) 3 - Maintain 2 - Decrease by 0.5 1 - Decrease by 1.0 0 - Decrease by 1.1+ For all others 3 - Increase by 2.0 2 - Increase by 1.0 1 - Maintain or Increase 0 - Decrease
Rent overdues
Total of all 3x Overdue End of Month snapshots 3 - less than $151 2 - $151 to $1800 1 - $1801 to $3600 0 - more than $3600 overdue
Contract Growth Pass<br>Yes: maintain or grow (providing attrition is 2 or less)<br>No: decrease or lose (or if attrition is 3 or more)<br>
2. T&D (inc. PT communication)
Evidence of 1on1 mentoring meetings between FD and PT's (especially new, struggling, and overdue)<br>
Execution of 12 Week Trainer Development Sessions
Chat to a new trainer (face to face... or call). Is T&D evident & competent?
3. Kickstart, FAB, Lead Generation
Kickstart tracking in place with evidence that data is up to date (ie/ participating trainers are meeting the FD weekly to update their numbers).
Are all KS & Non-KS booked into Clubware bookings 50% or more of the time
Usage of other leads (outside of KS) are evident for new trainer success. Eg/ birthdays, low/no visitation, Kickstarts-not-sold, old Kickstarts, group exercise etc<br>
Clubware is in use, and the roster in place matches transitional trainers business building hours of commitment.
4. Programs
12 Week Challenge / Acceler8
If the program COMMENCED in the past quarter; Registrations vs target. If it ended, then; percentage of completion <br>
Registrations Target 3 - 100% + 2 - 90% - 99% 1 - 80% - 89% 0 - Under 80% Completions Target 3 - 90+ 2 - 80-89% 1 - 70-79% 0 - Under 70%
If the program had a MEGA EVENT or GALA/AWARDS in the past quarter... Attendance rate was;<br>
3 - 60%+ 2 - 45 - 59% 1 - 30 - 44% 0 - Under 30%
5. Other
Evidence of CGM meetings: regular, relevant, productive
Compliance process in place 100%
NEXT QUARTER: it is evident that a clear understanding of how many trainers to recruit and retain <br><br>*please add these details here