Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Name of responsible person
Is there a flushing log available for inspection?
If yes where is it kept?
Has this changed?
Are there floor plans identifying water outlets?
Do they cover all areas relevant to the named site?
Does the log identify the name of the person responsible for the flushing process?
If so who?
Is there evidence of risk assessments identifying no and low usage outlets?
Is there evidence that risk assessments are reviewed weekly to ensure they are still suitable?
Do the records identify which outlets are flushed?
Are there gaps in the flushing records?
Is there a copy of the legionella/scalding risk policy in the logbook?
Is there evidence of the flushing protocol being audited in the logbook?
Date of last audit:
Internal or External?
Comments and recommendations.