
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Persons Present

  • Owner, manager, head chef & other significant persons present

  • Address including post code
  • Contact Tel:

  • Contact email:

Food authority requirements

  • The most recent EHP inspection reports available & action points if any rectified? Record date of most recent food hygiene inspection.

  • Record details of any hygiene improvement notices, emergency prohibition notices issued or prosecutions undertaken by the local authority.

Food Safety Management Procedures

  • Is there a documented HACCP on site? Provide date produced.

  • Is the food safety policy document (HACCP) available and signed by an appropriate person? Provide date signed.

  • There is a hazard analysis chart covering all aspects of food handling adequately?

  • Are prerequisites including pest control, Personal hygiene, Training, Cleaning, Dealing with Complaints, Visits form enforcement officers, Maintenance and Waste management documented?

  • Control points and CCPs have been identified covering all stages in the flow diagram/hazard analysis?

  • The Records are complete and includes all required monitoring of CCPs?

  • There is documentation on Allergy Policy, Allergens & Food Businesses, Food Hygiene rules, Glass & Foreign body policy, High Risk Foods, Prep salad Raw Vegetables & Fruit, Staff Sickness policy, Use of Probe Thermometer, Thermometer Calibration?<br>

  • The HACCP Documentation has been brought to the attention of catering staff?

  • Does the HACCP cover all areas of food purchase, delivery, storage, production and service within the business?

  • Has the HACCP been reviewed? Record date of last review and when next is due.

  • Please record here if the premises carries out any particular technical type of cooking/food preparation i.e. Sous vide, smoking, sushi etc.


  • Recipe cards showing allergens have been created for all menu items?

  • The route to the allergen information is signposted to customers either on the menu or by appropriate signage? Record how.

  • Allergen information is stored in positions accessible by all who need it? Record where

  • Front of house have been trained in the allergen policies?

  • Front of house staff know where allergens, e.g. Sulphites, would be found? (choose any of the 14 allergens)

  • Kitchen staff have been trained in the allergen policies?

  • All staff allergen training is recorded in their personal training records?

  • There is a system in place for the regular updating of allergen information? Record date of last update/review.

  • Kitchen staff know what allergens are? e.g. A mollusc is (choose any of the 14 allergens)

Stages in Food Preparation Process


  • There is an approved supplier list available?

  • The approved supplier list shows all current food suppliers?

  • Only suppliers off approved supplier list are used except in exceptional circumstances which are recorded?

  • Deliveries are brought to a designated area of premises for examination?

  • Delivery personnel do not enter high risk food handling areas?

  • Chilled food delivered @ +8 deg C or colder?

  • Frozen food delivered @ -12 deg C or colder?

  • Food delivery temperatures recorded?

  • A dedicated probe is available for deliveries?

  • Condition of delivery vehicles & driver checked & recorded? (can be by exception)

  • Date coding & food quality checked?

  • Abused or damaged goods rejected?

  • Chilled/ frozen food stored without delay?

Dry Good Storage

  • Dry Store room or dry store area in a clean & tidy condition?

  • Food is stored on suitable racking off the floor?

  • Fabric & condition of store rooms/areas is acceptable?

  • Protective light shields (diffusers) cover all light sources?

  • Environmental factors are satisfactory? (temperature, etc)

  • There are no open dried goods?

  • Food is not stored near chemicals?

  • Where appropriate Date codes are transferred to decanted food?

  • Strict stock rotation is being observed?

  • No out of date dried goods identified?

Refrigerated / Freezer Storage

  • The refrigerators are clean and well maintained?

  • The freezers are clean and well maintained?

  • High risk chilled food stored @ or below +8 deg C

  • Frozen food storage @ -18 deg C or colder

  • Use by date codes transferred to containers

  • Cardboard/wooden containers not used in refrigerators

  • Food not stored in open containers

  • Maximum of 3 days shelf life (day of production + 2) on all high risk foods?

  • Glassware not used to store food in refrigerators

  • All stored food date labelled?



  • Adequate supplies of sanitiser available & used

  • There is dishwasher operating at an adequate temperature?

  • Chopping boards, knives, slicers, etc, sanitised / washed after use

  • Detergent sanitiser used in dishwasher or correct manual washing methods used

  • Food contact surfaces are sanitised?

  • Hand contact surfaces are sanitised?

Initial Food Preparation

  • There is a separate sink used solely for washing food?

  • Raw food not prepared near cooked food?

  • Vegetables, fruit and salads to be served uncooked or to be used as a garnish are where appropriate I.e. are washed in clean water before service?

  • Utensils and surfaces sanitised after use with raw food?

  • Reusable cloths are not used to wipe down food surfaces?

  • Disposable paper towels are use for cleaning/drying surfaces?

  • Frozen food defrosted under refrigerated conditions?

  • Defrosted food never refrozen

  • High risk foods kept out of refrigerated conditions as short as possible during preparation?

  • If a vacuum packing machine is used is it only used for raw or only used for ready to eat foods?

  • Where applicable the vacuum packing machine is clearly labelled for use with raw or ready to eat foods?

Cooking and reheating

  • No unnecessary cooking in advance?

  • If food has to be cooked in advance are suitable control measures in place and strictly followed?

  • All high risk food is cooked to 75C or 70C for two minutes?

  • Food cooking and reheating temperatures are checked with calibrated probe thermometer?

  • Probe wipes available

  • Where appropriate up to date Blast chiller records available?

  • If no blast chiller are hot foods chilled quickly - less than 90 minutes?

  • Cooling of food takes place in a clean cool area? Record where?

  • Cooled food is placed in a refrigerator or freezer when it reaches room temperature I.e no greater than 25C no longer than 90 minutes from the end of cooking?

Freezing of prepared food

  • There is no freezing of prepared food?

  • If prepared food frozen on site are satisfactory controls in place?

  • If prepared food is frozen on site is it appropriately labelled?

Food display

  • Cold Food on display kept below +8 deg C or 4 hour rule applied?

  • Hot food on display or kept hot in the kitchen is maintained at a temperature greater than 63C or a two hour rule is applied?

Temperature Monitoring Procedures

  • Temperature test medium is available in all refrigerators & used e.g. Properly labelled jelly pots indicating not to be eaten?

  • A Probe thermometer is used to check fridge & freezer temperatures?

  • Temperature checks of fridges and freezers occur at least twice a day?

  • All Probe thermometer are calibrated weekly and these calibrations are recorded?

Daily Records

  • Opening checks?

  • Food deliveries (chilled & frozen)?

  • Ambient deliveries are recorded?

  • All refrigerators?

  • All freezers?

  • High risk hot food core temperatures?

  • High risk reheating core temperatures?

  • Cooling time/temperatures

  • Cold food display / salad service units (if applicable)?

  • High risk hot food temperatures either in food displays or in the kitchen I.e. Bain Marie's?

  • Visits by enforcement officers?

  • Maintenance issues or potentially hazardous incident issues?

  • Closing checks?

  • Food complaints?

  • Records kept for at least 6 months?

Sous vide

  • Correct equipment is available? i.e. Calibrated water bath and vacuum packing machine is available

  • Appropriate time/temperature combinations are in use?

  • Sous vide records are maintained?

  • Sous vide pouches are chilled to less than 3C in an ice bath?

  • Sous vide pouches are stored in a fridge maintaining a temperature of less than 3C?

  • Sous vide pouches are labelled with appropriate storage times I.e. Production plus 2 days unless core Pasteurisation is demonstrated?


  • Is fish to be served raw being frozen for a minimum of 24 hours at a temperature below -20C? Is this process documented. (Exception farmed EU salmon where freezing is not required.

  • Is the acidity of sushi rice being monitored and recorded to ensure a pH <4.6?

  • Is there a suitable pH meter on site?

Specific microbiological issues

  • There are no issues that increase the risk of cross contamination of E.coli O157 from raw meats to RTE foods?

  • There are no issues that suggest that the handling, preparation and cooking of poultry is of concern with regard to the spread, multiplication or survival of Campylobacter?

  • Ready to eat raw foods I.e. Fruit and salads are prepared in a way i.e. Washed, that reduces risk of food borne pathogens surviving on the food?

Food Service

  • Adequate protection for display avoiding contamination?

  • Display units cleaned & sanitised after use?

  • Glass breakage procedures understood & operated?

Physical Contamination

  • No loose fittings, nuts,bolts, screws, drawing pins, etc. seen above food preparation areas?

  • Notice boards not positioned above or in close proximity to food preparation areas?

  • There are no items of broken/cracked/chipped glass or hard plastic?

Wood, Packing Materials, Cloths, Wire Wool, equipment etc.

  • Wooden handled equipment not in use?

  • Wooden delivery boxes or pallets are not allowed into the food preparation areas?

  • Outer packaging i.e. cardboard not on food preparation surfaces?

  • No worn / frayed cloths, tea towels, etc?

  • Wire-wool, brillo pads, metal scourer, etc not in use?

  • Equipment in good condition?

Complaints procedure

  • Customer complaint records available?

  • Suitable investigation to customers complaints recorded?

  • No allegation of food poisoning or other significant complaint since the last audit?

  • If no, have reviews and where appropriate changes been made to the HACCP plan or procedures?

Personal Hygiene Standards

  • Finger nails are short, unpolished & clean?

  • Good personal hygiene practices being followed (seen @ time of inspection)?

  • Clean protective over-clothing worn?

  • Over-clothing not worn outside work ?

  • Personal clothing stored appropriately?

  • Only approved jewellery worn?

  • Long hair properly tied back, including waiting staff?

  • Chefs are using oven cloths appropriately? I.e for handling hot items only.

  • Suitable head covering provided & worn for all working within the food preparation area & food rooms?

Hand Washing

  • Did staff wash their hands between tasks (handling raw meat, seafood, mops, garbage, etc)?

  • Do staff wash their hands properly? I.e. Use wash basin, soap, take reasonable time and dry properly.

  • "Wash you hands now" notices displayed?

  • Bacterial soap provided at all wash hand basins?

  • Disposable paper towels provided & used to dry hands?

Handling Food

  • Serving spoons / Utensils used wherever possible?

  • Food is served on clean ceramic, glass, plastic, non corrosive metal crockery/dishes/platters or other food safe material that is either new and is used once I.e. Paper plates, or has been sanitised (possibly in a dishwasher) before use?

First Aid

  • First aid kit properly equipped? No medications, drugs of ointments etc?

  • Where appropriate staff are wearing blue waterproof plasters?

  • First aid kit is easily accessible?

  • A qualified first aider is on site?

Staff illness

  • Management fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of staff illness?

  • Catering staff fully aware of procedures to follow in the event of illness?


  • Defect reporting system in place?

  • System for actioning urgent defects in place?

  • There are no redundant, broken or defective pieces of equipment in food preparation areas?

Pest Control

  • There is a Pest control contract in operation? Record the name of contractor and frequency of visits

  • Pest control records show locations of all baits on a plan?

  • Pest control contractors recommendations have been implemented?

  • Suitable preventive measures in place for controlling pests & vermin, including clean areas externally, adequate proofing, sound structures, etc?

  • Un-screened windows / doors kept closed?

  • Fly screens are clean and in good condition?

  • Electric fly killers are suitably located and clean?

  • Does the pest contract include maintenance of the electric fly killers? If no when were the UV tubes last changed?

  • No active infestation noted?

Food Hygiene training

  • All food handlers issued and trained in food hygiene?

  • Details of training is recorded on personal training sheets?

  • Photocopies of certificates, etc available & held on file?

Cleaning schedule, etc

  • Cleaning schedule is adequate?

  • Cleaning schedule available and implemented?

  • Schedule monitored daily & checks recorded?

  • Deep clean contract in place & included within cleaning schedule I.e for cleaning extractor ducting?

  • Deep cleaning records retained?

  • Cleaning equipment stored appropriately?

  • Cleaning equipment is clean?

  • Mops are rinsed, sanitised and allowed to dry after use?

  • Appropriate cleaning equipment is provided?

  • Cleaning equipment colour coded or not used in a manner that could result in cross contamination?

Cleaning Standards

  • Floors?

  • Under equipment?

  • Wall/floor junctions?

  • Wall surfaces to hand height (low level)

  • High level areas (who's responsibility)

  • Shelving?

  • Cooking equipment

  • Internal surfaces of refrigerators &freezers

  • Refrigerator & freezer doors seals

  • Food preparation equipment,

  • Food preparation surfaces, including chopping boards

  • Cooking utensils

  • Wash hand basins & sink units

  • There are no areas of unsatisfactory cleaning

  • Overall effectiveness of cleaning is good

Waste Management

  • Where appropriate waste of animal origin disposed of through recognised contractor

  • General waste Removed by anauthorised waste disposal company

  • Out of date or unfit food appropriately disposed

  • There is a system of recycling in place for glass/plastic/cardboard etc?

Sanitary Provision and staff changing

  • Provision of adequate facilities for staff to change?

  • Clean and well decorated?

  • There is secure storage for staff possessions?

  • There are adequate hand washing / drying facilities?

  • Hot & cold running water?


External areas

  • All satisfactory?

Walls - food handling areas

  • Smooth, impervious, non flaking?

  • Capable of being easily cleaned?

  • Undamaged?

Ceilings - food handling areas

  • Smooth, impervious, non flaking

  • Capable of being thoroughly cleaned

  • Lighting adequate and fittings with diffusers

Flooring - food handling areas

  • Non-absorbent

  • Anti-slip

  • Without crevices

  • Capable of being thoroughly cleaned

Preparation Surfaces

  • Non-absorbent?

  • Un damaged?

  • Capable of being cleaned?

Miscellaneous structural/cleaning issues I.e. Bars, cellars etc.

  • All other areas of food preparation/storage are satisfactory (detail any areas of non compliance)

Record here any significant food safety issues not recorded previously

  • Other food safety issues:

Health & safety issues

  • There is a health & safety file on site?

  • What is the date of the H&S file?

  • Safety policy is available, signed and dated? record by whom and date signed.


  • Accident book available and properly completed?

  • There have been no reportable accidents since the last audit? If there have provide some details and whether it was properly reported.

  • Is there any pattern or significant occurrence in accidents requiring a review of the risk assessments or policies?

Fire Safety

  • Fire fighting equipment is adequate, correctly located and serviced?

  • Fire exits are not obstructed?

  • There are no significant fire safety issues?

Electrical and Gas equipment

  • All gas equipment is visually in good/safe condition?

  • All electrical equipment is in good/safe condition?


  • Chemicals are stored appropriately?

  • Staff have had appropriate training in use of hazardous chemicals?

  • Appropriate PPE is provided, maintained and used?

Manual Handling

  • There are no significant manual handling issues?

  • Where appropriate has suitable manual handling training been carried out?

Hazardous Equipment

  • List all hazardous equipment on site

  • Is all hazardous equipment well maintained with all required guards and safety devices in place?

  • Have staff been trained in the use of this hazardous equipment?


  • There is a named and trained First aider on site?

  • There are no significant slips and trips issues?

  • Are staff welfare facilities adequate?

Review and Record Keeping

  • When was the last review? Is a review due and if so what changes to Health & Safety documentation are required?

  • There have been no significant incidents recorded? If you feel there should have been then record those here.

Record here any health & safety issues not previously recorded

  • Other H&S issues:

  • Auditor Name:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.