
  • Document No.

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Cooking, Heating & Holding Temperatures

  • Regular hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Regular hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Regular hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Regular hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Extra long hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Extra long hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Extra long hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Extra long hot dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Gravy @165 degrees or greater?

  • Chili @165 degrees or greater?

  • Chicken Strips @165 degrees or greater?

  • Corn dog @165 degrees or greater?

  • Other fried items @165 degrees or greater?

  • Onion ring batter @40 degrees or less?

  • Walk-in freezer @ 0 degrees (+/- 10 degrees)

  • Internal thermometer present in walk-in freezer and working?

  • Walk-in Cooler @34-38 degrees?

  • Internal thermometer present in walk-in cooler and working?

  • Swamp freezer @ 0 degrees (+/- 10 degrees)?

  • Grill freezer @0 degrees (+/- 10 degrees)?

  • Chicken Strips in freezer less than 10 degrees?

  • Beef patties in freezer less than 10 degrees?

  • Sausage patties/crumbles less than 10 degrees?

  • Internal thermometer present in Swamp freezer?

  • Internal thermometer present in Grill freezer?

  • Swamp refridgerator between 34-38 degrees?

  • Swamp refridgerator--Chili @34-40 degrees?

  • Swamp refridgerator--6" hot dogs @34-40 degrees?

  • Swamp refridgerator--12" hot dogs @34-40 degrees?

  • Swamp refridgerator--internal thermometer present and working?

  • Grill refridgerator-- Bacon @ 34-40 degrees?

  • Grill refridgerator-- Ham @34-40 degrees?

  • Grill refridgerator-- Eggs @34-40 degrees?

  • Grill refridgerator-- Grilled chicken @34-40 degrees?

  • Dresser cabinet temperature is 38 degrees or less?

  • Dresser station internal thermometer is present and working?

  • Dresser Station-- Lettuce @40 degrees or less?

  • Dresser Station-- Mayonnaise @40 degrees or less?

  • Dresser Station-- Ranch dressing @40 degrees or less?

  • Dresser Station-- Cut/Sliced tomatoes @40 degrees or less?

  • Fountainette cabinet @40 degrees or less?

  • Fountainette cabinet-- internal thermometer present and working?

  • Fountainette cabinette-- Strawberries @40 degrees or less?

  • Drop in Ice Bins-- All potentially hazardous foods (PHF) @40 degrees or less?

  • Fryer temperatures are @350 degrees (+/- 10)

  • Garland Grill Temperatures -- Top @425 degrees (+/- 10)?

  • Garland Grill Temperatures-- Bottom @350 degrees (+/-10)?

  • Internal Meat Temperature Log (monthly log) completed per Sonic policy?

  • Sonic Safe temperature Log (daily log) completed per Sonic policy?

  • Ice Cream-- I/C machine cabinet @34-38 degrees?

  • Ice Cream-- Shake machine cabinet @34-38 degrees?

  • Ice Cream-- soft serve in hoppers is @40 degrees or less?

  • Ice Cream-- Thermometer in machines present and working?

  • Ice Cream-- Ice Cream, Milkshake and slush machines cleaned and maintained and sanitized per Sonic specifications?

Operational Proceedures

  • Correct grill proceedures (including grill timers) for meat patties, bacon, ham, grilled chicken, eggs, sausage and burrito mix must be used.

  • All products cooked to 165 degrees or greater. Temp check burger patty = 165 degrees or greater?

  • Correct dresser station proceedures being used?<br>20/20 handwashing?<br>Product rotated when restocked?<br>Products held in clean/ sanitized containers?<br>Squirt bottles are rotated, cleaned, refridgerated?

  • Employees following Sonic 20/20 handwashing policy?

  • Use of clean towels and sanitizer on all surfaces?

  • No cross contamination allowed?

  • Approved products being used?

  • Proper tempering proceedures being used? All tempered product ready for use @34-38 degrees?

  • Product stored in walk-in & reach-in coolers and freezers are properly stored, covered and dated? (this includes tempered items).

General Food Safety

  • Sanitizer is present at the designated locations and in the correct concentration and temperature?

  • Sanitizer test strips are present and in use?

  • Chlorsan (for sanitizing equipment) and Citrus Delimer present in Drive-in?

  • Digital thermometer kit and probes present and properly calibrated?

  • Dry food products properly stored, dated and rotated (per FIFO)?

  • Dry paper products properly stored?

  • All food and packaging must be off the floor at least 6"?

  • Only approved chemicals store/used at the Drive-in?

  • All cleaning products and equipment are properly identifiedand stored away from food and paper products?

  • Floor drains, and baseboards are clean and in good condition?<br>All threaded water connections must have proper back flow device?

  • Walls, doors, ceiling panels and vents are clean, in place, and in good repair?

  • Restrooms are cleaned and properly stocked?

  • Trash cans and dumpster areas are clean, covered and free of debris?

  • Light fixtures are shielded or covered?

  • Three compartment sinks are set up properly when being used: Wash, Rinse, Sanitize? All temeratures and sanitizer concentrations meet requirements?

  • All food contact surfaces cleaned and sanitized at least every two hours?

  • All equipment NSF certified/commercial grade, clean, in good condition and properly maintained?

  • All refridgerator/freezer units (including all shelving and light bulbs) are in good working condition and clean?

  • Utensils and storage containers are clean, food grade, NSF certified, in good condition and stored properly:<br>Tomato slicer, can opener, onion ring machine, food bins, cutting boards, utensils, cutting gloves, malt collars ect.?

  • Soft drink, ice machine, and ice bins are free of soil and in good working order, ice scoops properly stored?

  • Ice bin is NSF certified, clean sanitized, in good condition and stored off the floor and labeled, "ice only"?

Employee Hygene

  • Hand sinks in kitchen and carhop area are properly stocked, hand sinks and drains are in good working order?

  • Employees wearing clean uniforms and hair is restrained?

  • No nail polish and/jewelery worn by food handlers? No fingernails over 1/4" in length? Bandages must be covered. No jewels or stones allowed?

  • Employee personal items, including food and drinks are properly stored?

  • No visible signs of infestation? Outside doors should be sealed and remain closed.

  • All pest control paperwork present? <br>Service Contract--<br>pest control reports--<br>pest control applicators license--<br>certificate of insurance--


  • Managers and Assistant Managers are ServSafe Certified?

  • Current Operations Manual present?

  • Current Food Safety Audit packet present?

  • 2011 STAR guides are present?

  • Position exams and Position Proficiency Checklists present for each employee?

  • Position tracking chart posted with current names and certification stickers?

  • All employees recertified after one year of initial certification?

  • Historical temperature logs (Internal Meat and Sonic Safe) are recorded and corrective actions documented?

  • MSDS Sheets available for all chemicals including pesticides and sanitizers?

  • Bloodborne Pathogen and First aid kits present and properly stocked?

  • Current State Health Permit is posted? Health inspection maintained on file for at least one year?

  • Outside sewage and/or grease trap manhole cover is properly secured?

  • All Managers Food Safety E-Learning course certified?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.