Title Page
Conducted on
Conducted by
Food Defense Plan
Outside Security Measures
Confirm if one of more of the following is in place for each security measure
Physical Security
- Plant boundaries are clear and secured to prevent unauthorized entry (for example, fences installed, no trespassing signs posted)
- Entrances are secured (for example, locks and/or alarms installed and operating)
- Plant perimeter is periodically monitored for suspicious activity
- Outside lighting is present to deter unauthorized activities
- Other access points such as windows and vents are secured
- Outside storage on the premises is protected from unauthorized access
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Shipping/Receiving Security
- Incoming shipments are examined for potential tampering
- Incoming and outgoing vehicles are examined for suspicious activity
- Loading and unloading activities are scheduled and/or monitored
- Loading dock access is controlled (for example, monitored or locked)
- Incoming shipments are secured with locks or seals
- Outgoing shipments are locked or sealed
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Mail Handling Security
- Mail is handled away from food including ingredients and packaged food product
- Employees who handle mail are aware of proper handling of suspicious mail and U.S. Postal Service guidelines
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Inside Security Measures
Confirm if one of more of the following is in place for each security measure
General Inside Security
- Suspicious packages are reported to appropriate personnel
- Restricted areas of the establishment are clearly identified
- Previously unattended materials are checked before use
- Unexpected changes in inventory (product or equipment) are reported to appropriate personnel
- Emergency lighting is in place
- An emergency alert system is identifiable, tested, and reviewed with emergency contacts (for example, police or fire personnel)
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Slaughter/Processing Area Security
- Access to live animals, ingredients, and packaged product is restricted
- Access to animal handling areas and/or carcass coolers is controlled
- Access to process control equipment such as ovens, mixers is restricted
- Ingredients are examined for possible tampering
- Records ensure traceability for one step backward, one step forward, or both
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Storage Security
- Access to storage areas is restricted
- Stock rotation (first in, first out) is practiced
- Labels and packaging materials are controlled to prevent theft and misuse
- Periodic examinations for tampering of materials in storage are performed
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Ingredients/Water/Ice Security
- Restrict access to storage tanks for potable water and to water reuse systems
- Access to lines that transfer water or ingredients are examined and restricted
- Access to plant ice-making equipment is controlled
- Restricted ingredients (for example, nitrites) are controlled
- Supplier food safety/security information is requested
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Chemical/Hazardous Material Control Security
- Chemicals/hazardous materials, including pesticides, cleaning or laboratory materials, and sanitizers, are in a restricted area or secured by a lock
- Maintain an up-to-date inventory of hazardous materials and chemicals, and investigate discrepancies
- Potentially hazardous waste (biological or chemical) is controlled and disposed of properly
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Information Security
- Access to sensitive information such as site plans and processing details is controlled
- Access to computer systems is protected through firewalls and/or passwords
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Personnel Security Measures
Confirm if one of more of the following is in place for each security measure
Employee Security
- A method to recognize or identify employees in the facility is in place
- Background or reference checks are conducted for new hires
- Employees have restrictions on what they can bring in or take from the facility (for example, cameras)
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Non-employee Security (Example: visitors, contractors, guests, customers, truck drivers)
- A log of non-employees entering the establishment is maintained
- A method to recognize or identify non-employees in the establishment is in place
- Non-employees are chaperoned on-site
- Non-employees are restricted to appropriate areas
- Non-employees have restrictions on what they can bring in or take from the facility
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Security Training
- Awareness training on security measures is provided to new employees
- Refresher awareness training on security measures is offered to employees on a periodic basis
- Employees are trained to report suspicious activities or unusual observations
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Incident Response Security Measures
Confirm if one of more of the following is in place for each security measure
Investigating Security Concerns
- Have procedures to ensure that adulterated or potentially harmful products are held
- Customer comments are investigated
- Reporting unusual activities is encouraged
- Information is available to employees on how to respond to phone or other threats
- Employees have the ability to stop activities to minimize a potential food defense incident
- Reported security breaches (for example, alarms, suspicion of tampering) are investigated
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Emergency Contact Security
- Plant personnel contact information is kept up to date
- Emergency contact lists are kept up to date
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Other Plan Security
- A product recall plan is maintained and periodically reviewed
- Key personnel are trained in product recall/withdraw procedures
- Other
- None of the above
Please describe other:
Conducted by: Name and Signature