Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Name of Food Business
Step 1: Identify Needs, Scope, and Objectives
What food safety hazards do you usually see or observe going unchecked?
What safe food handling practice is not being followed?
What have customers been complaining about?
What did the health inspector flag or notice in the last health and safety inspection?
Has the food business experienced any food incidents or been associated with any cases of foodborne illness?
What were those food incidents about?
Describe the case/s of foodborne illness.
Needs of the food business with regards to food safety:
What can this food safety management system solve and what can it not solve?
Of the problems that the food safety management system can solve, what should be our priorities?
Priority list of 3 to 5 major problems:
Goal/s that would address and lessen the impact of these problems:
These goals will become the objectives of the food safety management system. Each goal/objective should be S-M-A-R-T: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.
Final List of FSMS Objectives:
Step 2: Establish a Food Safety Policy
Outline the management structure that would enable the food business to proceed with changing or improving food safety practices.
Procedure for when a customer or consumer (via a third-party) complains:
Procedure for when a food incident or outbreak of foodborne illness occurs and is related to the food business:
Procedure for when food has been deliberately tampered with to be unsafe (also known as "food fraud"):
Procedure for when food has been deemed unsafe by the food business through internal or requested third-party audits:
Procedure for when food has been declared unsafe by a credible authority such as the local health council or a national agency:
Food Safety Policy has been approved by:
Step 3: Develop a Hazard Control Plan
For each food or food product being released or sold by the food business, there should be a corresponding Hazard Control Plan (HCP).
Description of the food or food product:
Characteristics of raw materials, ingredients, and product contact materials:
Intended use and consumers (if food caters to a specific nutritional goal, need, or preference and if its intended consumers are more vulnerable to adverse health effects):
Processes involved in the preparation, processing, distribution, or handling of food:
Hazards associated with the food and their risks:
Acceptable levels and critical limits of hazards:
Actions to take when hazards have exceeded critical limits:
Preventive control measures to ensure that hazards stay within acceptable levels:
Updated on:
Employees have received training on this hazard control plan.
Step 4: Follow Prerequisite Programmes (PRPs)
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
GAP (Good Agricultural Practices)
GHP (Good Hygienic Practices)
Purchasing Management
Pest Control
Food Waste Management
Other prerequisite programme:
Validation that prerequisite programs have been followed:
Step 5: Measure the Effectiveness of the FSMS
Approved and finalized by the Food Business Operator:
FSMS effective on:
Date for next review of the FSMS:
-Select the "Action" icon of the item above.
-Create the action [Review the FSMS]
-Set the due date to the date specified above.
-Assign the action to yourself or to anyone in your team/group/organization. -
If it's been less than 2 weeks since the current FSMS was implemented or if a FSMS has not yet been created for the food business, SKIP THE FOLLOWING SECTION.
-To skip the section, select the downward arrow next to "FSMS Review"
-If the arrow is facing right (towards "FSMS Review"), select the "Complete inspection" icon at the bottom
FSMS Review
Date today:
Name of person reviewing the FSMS:
Have the objectives of the food safety management system been reached?
Have the objectives been reached within the timeline set by the food business operator or person/s responsible for developing the FSMS?
Why were the objectives not reached within the specified timeline? Does the timeline need to be readjusted or the objectives themselves?
Why have the objectives not been reached?
Are the employees happy about continuing the FSMS?
- Yes, they think the FSMS is good enough as it is.
- Yes, but there's room for improvement.
- No, they don't think the FSMS works.
- N/A (Need to gather employee feedback.)
Do employees have difficulty in completing the tasks required by the FSMS?
- Yes, but it's manageable.
- Yes, and it's causing more problems.
- No, but they aren't happy with the tasks being required.
- No, and they find the tasks useful to the objectives of the FSMS.
- N/A
Please gather employee feedback on the difficulty of the tasks required by the food safety management system.
Do employees or external stakeholders have suggestions or recommendations that would be helpful to the FSMS?
Please note down all suggestions and recommendations:
Have these suggestions and recommendations been integrated into the current FSMS?