Title Page
Site conducted
File name - this is the name the quote will be saved as in iauditor
Project Name
Prepared by
Conducted on
Terms and Limitations
Contact the Inspector: Should you have any difficulty in understanding anything contained within this report then you should immediately contact the inspector and have the matter explained to you prior to acting on this report. AHPS Representatives contact phone number: 0417 493 536 n
Important Information: Any person who relies upon the contents of this report does so acknowledging that the following clauses which define the Scope and Limitations of the Surefoot Pile Report form an integral part of the report.
1. THIS IS A footing Pile Report ONLY. This is to provide information for the engineers to determine the substrate suitability of the footing system. AHPS takes no responsibility for the engineering and certification of the suitability of the footing system for any purposes.
2. SCOPE OF REPORT: The Purpose of the inspection is to give information to project engineers about the condition of the substrate in the specific location of which the certified footing in the location and the direction is installed. If the substrate varies from the specific location AHPS will not be held responsible for the difference in the substrate or the readings of which have been supplied.
3. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: No liability shall be accepted on account of failure of the report to notify any damage present at or prior to the date of the report in any areas(s) or section(s) of the subject property physically inaccessible for Installation, or to which access for installation is denied by or to AHPS (including but not limited to any area(s) or section(s) so specified by the footing Pile Report.
No compensation will be payable for losses arising to any damage sustained by the Client or Head contractor(s) named on the front of this report. Any third party acting or relying on this Report, in whole or in part, does so entirely at their own risk. Copies may be given out prior to third parties will have a life of 30 days Post. This will require additional test due to possible movement of the substrate
Note: AHPS are only providing information of the footing Pile Report result and are in no way providing any conclusive engineering certification or specific details in relation to geotechnical or structural advice. Engineering advice and instructions should be sort by suitably qualified professionals in the required discipline.
In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of, or relating to the footing Pile Report, You must notify Us as soon as possible of the dispute or claim by email, fax or mail. You must allow Us (which includes persons nominated by Us) to visit the property (which visit must occur within twenty eight (28) days of your notification to Us) and give Us full access in order that We may fully investigate the complaint. You will be provided with a written response to your dispute or claim within twenty eight (28) days of the date of the inspection.
If You are not satisfied with our response You must, within twenty one (21) days of Your receipt of Our written response, refer the matter to a Mediator nominated by Us from the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators of Australia. The cost of the Mediator will either be borne equally by both parties or as agreed as part of the mediated settlement.
In the event You do not comply with the above Complaints Procedure and commence litigation against Us then You agree to fully indemnify Us against any awards, costs, legal fees and expenses incurred by Us in having your litigation set aside or adjourned to permit the foregoing Complaints Procedure to complete.
Footing type
- T150 (3 pile)
- S250 (4 pile)
- S250 - 2way (4 pile)
- S250 - 3way (4 pile)
- S250 (6 pile)
- S250 (12 pile)
- S400 (5 pile)
- S400 (6 pile)
- S400 (8 pile)
- S400 (12 pile)
- S500 (8 pile)
- S500 (12 pile)
- S600 (16 pile)
- AF-G (2 way)
Installation Type
- Installation Rate "A (Surefoot and Piles Only)
- Installation Rate "A (Surefoot and Piles Only) Welded Install
- Installation Rate "B" (Surefoot, Piles and Pre-assembly of Semi adjustable Stump Hardware)
- Installation Rate "B" (Surefoot, Piles and Pre-assembly of Semi adjustable Stump Hardware) Welded Install
- Installation Rate "C" (Surefoot, Piles, Pre-assembly of Fully adjustable Stump Hardware, including installation of Stump cut to datum.)
- Installation Rate "C" (Surefoot, Piles, Pre-assembly of Fully adjustable Stump Hardware, including installation of Stump cut to datum.) Welded Install
Pile depth (mm)
Pile #