Document No.
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Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
There is a well appointed HSE notice board with current revisions of: - OHS Policy - Environmental Policy - Incident Reporting Flowchart - Risk and Impact Register - Top 5 Hazards/Aspects - Return to Work Procedure and state Workcover notification poster
Access: Site access signage is clear and clear path of travel is designated for pedestrians to site office and around workshop.
Random employees can identify branch top 5 hazards/aspects and controls
Random employees can identify emergency muster point, emergency wardens and first aiders
The Branch Manager can prove evidence of the risk assessment process Verify - signed SWMS, risk assessments, Take 5's, STAR risk assessments.
Dangerous goods such as oxy and acetylene are stored upright, secured, minimum 3 metres apart and with product hazchem signage.
The site emergency response plan is easily located, nominated personnel within the plan have been trained and the plan has been implemented with an emergency drill
PPE is being worn as required. VERIFY - hi viz in workshops, task specific PPE such as gloves, protective eyewear, welding bay PPE such as welding masks
All fuels and oil drum are stored in a bund capable of holding 110% of the largest container with signage identifying substance.
Randomly selected electrical leads have been tagged, are in date and in good working condition.
Randomly selected fire extinguishers are within the 6 monthly inspection date
There are nominated and trained people on site in: - First aid - Emergency Warden - WHS Committee
Housekeeping is well maintained with no slips, reps or fall hazards presented by poor housekeeping.
Ladders in use are being used for intended purpose and are in good working order
A site traffic management plan is in place and separation/delineation between people and plant is maintained where required.
Randomly selected harnesses in use are tagged in date and in good working order
Randomly selected lifting gear such as slings and chains have been tagged, in date and can be located on the lifting gear register
Pre starts (daily) and toolbox talks (weekly) are occurring and are documented.
Spill kits are accessible and identified with signage
Storm water is protected by drain wardens and sediment controls
How would you rate the HSE engagement at this branch?
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