Title Page
Conducted on
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Have weekly and monthly audit checks been carried out and signed off?
Were there any issues regarding allergens in the weekly and monthly audits?
Have there been any allergen complaints in the last month?
If yes, have these been analysed and closed off / corrective actions taken?
Check standardised recipe sheets, is the allergen risk assessment up to date?
Have you done a sample audit by tracing a recipe back to original allergen labelling information and was it satisfactory?
Specify details of what was checked in the above sample audit.
Coffee Shop Allergen Matrix up to date, signed and dated?
Is the daily allergen matrix dated and signed by the Sous Chef/Head Chef and counter signed by BOH and FOH Manager?
Are chefs, Executive / Head Chefs signing off forms as appropriate?
Detail any action taken or needed:
Purchasing and Receipt controls
Are suppliers instructed to inform of a possible substitution?
Have delivery staff had allergen training?
Detail any action taken or needed:
Have all staff received allergen training?
Is there evidence that all staff been briefed on allergens in today’s food?
Are chefs aware of need for separate oil to cook foods (when requested) for an allergic / coeliac customer?
Is there evidence that all staff understand their roles in allergen management in accordance with the FSMS?
Detail any further training needed :
Use this space for any further details: